The article presents a survey of the so-called noun-verb transitions – which are traditionally labeled as huóyòng or “live usage” – in the Shījīng, and touches upon the more general issue of word-class flexibility in old varieties of Chinese. It is based on a theoretical platform elaborated in my previous study, which itself drew on the corpus of Classical Chinese prose. An application of the theory on the Shījīng thus constitutes an extension of this material by reference to data from Pre-Classical poetry, which enables us to observe both similarities and possible differences between the two periods and styles of the language. Instances of well-established patterns are summarized in a list and supplemented by a brief commentary; much space is, on the other hand, dedicated to less predictable derivations, which deserve closer attention and call for a more detailed investigation. Special attention is paid also to the role of metaphor and metonymy in the respective processes. The analysis reveals the complexity and fine-grained stratification of the phenomenon at issue, tests and proves the usefulness of the system of interpretative instruments proposed earlier, and invites further exploration in relation to the role and distribution of noun-verb huóyòng in this canonical book.
The authors present their respective views on the development of the Czech post-war syntactic studies. Their approach is influenced by the fact that they were educated by the different syntactic schools: thus the paper is a combination of Prague’s and Brno´s views. V. Šmilauer´s Novočeská skladba (Syntax of Modern Czech, 1947) is understood as a source of the contemporary research of the Czech syntax. The paper describes the results reached by individual investigators as well as the results of the research teams. According to the authors´ opinion, Two-Level Valency Syntax (represented by F. Daneš and his close collaborators and reflected in the Czech Academic Grammar) and Functional Generative Grammar (developed by P. Sgall and his colleagues) form the main paradigms of the Czech syntax since 1960. Both theories incorporate the results of the classical Praguian functional approach as well as results of the generative paradigm. The authors conclude that the Prague‘s and Brno´s views on the development of Czech syntactic studies are not incompatible but rather complementary and that the methods of formal and corpus linguistics are attractive and useful for the young researchers.
In the present paper we examine the extent to which age, gender, and education affect the use of the Spisz regional dialect. It is widely assumed that only elderly speakers use pure dialect with no influences of the standard variety of Polish, whereas other generations mix the dialectal with the standard grammar. The data are drawn from the Spisz Corpus. Eight features were chosen, six of them pertaining to inflection, two others to syntax. Though the number of non-dialectal features increases with each generation, it remains, however, quite limited. Still, this is not true in the case of the syntactic idiosyncrasies of the regional dialect, which are almost entirely abandoned by younger generations. Also, women are more prone to use dialectal forms compared to men. Finally, the higher the education of the speaker, the higher the amount of non-dialectal forms, again with the notable exception of academic degree holders, who master code-switching better. In general, however, the Spisz regional dialect is well-preserved by its speakers. and W niniejszej pracy badamy, w jakim stopniu wiek, płeć i wykształcenie wpływają na użycie gwary spiskiej. Powszechnie zakłada się, że tylko starsi mówcy używają czystej gwary bez wpływu kodu ogólnego, podczas gdy w mowie młodszych pokoleń notuje się domieszkę tego ostatniego. Dane pochodzą z Korpusu Spiskiego. Wybrano osiem cech, z których sześć dotyczyło fleksji, pozostałe dwie składni. Chociaż z każdym kolejnym pokoleniem udział form ogólnopolskich wzrasta, to jednak ich liczba pozostaje dość ograniczona. Nie dotyczy to jednak cech syntaktycznych (pozycji aglutynantu i zaimka w funkcji jedynego wykładnika osoby), które są niemal zupełnie nieobecne w mowie młodszych pokoleń. Ponadto kobiety, bardziej niż mężczyźni, są skłonne do używania z form dialektalnych. Wreszcie, im wyższe wykształcenie respondenta, tym większa liczba form niegwarowych, ponownie, z godnym uwagi wyjątkiem osób z wykształceniem wyższym, które lepiej opanowały tzw. przełączanie kodów. Generalnie jednak można mówić o dość dobrym zachowaniu większości badanych cech.
Among the German negative-conditional connectors in the range of consequens markers there are the prototypical cases sonst and ansonsten. Morphological alternatives (sonsten and ansonst) are rarely mentioned in contemporary grammars and dictionaries but they actually occur with considerable frequency. The four connectors are used in two functions: as a conjunctional adverb which can occupy various positions within the sentence or as a specific kind of subordinating conjunction (Postponierer). The large IDS corpora allow us to reveal specific distributions of the lexemes and of their different ways of use. Comparing the frequencies and the distributions can indicate to which extent the phenomena are part of the standard language. The paper will report on the results and demonstrate how the findings can be deduced from the corpora. It will draw conclusions for assessing the acceptability of the variants and the extent to which they can be considered standard language additionally testing statistical instruments to visualise and calculate the variance of phenomena as association plots and DPnorm. and Prototypickými případy těchto konektorů jsou v němčině slova sonst (jinak) a ansonsten (jinak). Jejich morfologické alternativy sonsten a ansonst se v současných gramatikách a slovnících téměř nezmiňují, avšak jejich frekvence v textech není zanedbatelná. Všechny tyto čtyři konektory se užívají ve dvou funkcích: jako spojkové adverbium, jež může ve větě zaujímat různé pozice, nebo jako specifický druh subordinační konjunkce (postponent). Velké korpusy IDS umožňují odhalovat specifickou distribuci těchto lexémů a různých způsobů jejich užívání. Srovnávání frekvence a distribuce může indikovat, do jaké míry jsou tyto jevy součástí standardního jazyka. Tato studie při-náší výsledky tohoto srovnávání a ukazuje, jak lze korpusové nálezy interpretovat. Prostřednictvím testování statistických nástrojů se vyslovuje k akceptabilitě variant a míře, v níž mohou náležet standardnímu spisovnému jazyku.