Moderately elevated plasma/serum triglycerides (2 -10 m mol/l) signalize increased risk for cardiovascular disease or presence of non- alcoholic steatohepatitis. Extremely elevated triglycerides (more than 10 mmol/l) signalize increased risk for pancreatitis and lipemia retinalis. The concentration of triglycerides is regulated by many genetic and nongenetic factors. Extremely elevated triglycerides not provoked by nutritional factors, especially inappropriate alcohol intake are more likely to have a monogenic cause. On the contrary, mildly to moderately elevated triglycerides are often caused by polygenic disorders; these could be also associated with central obesity, insulin resistance, and diabetes mellitus. Concentration of triglycerides is also closely interconnected with presence of atherogenic remnant lipop roteins, impaired reverse cholesterol transport and more atherogenic small LDL particles. In general, there is tight association between triglycerides and many other metabolic factors including intermediate products of lipoprotein metabolism which are freq uently atherogenic. Therefore, reliable evaluation of the independent role of triglycerides especially in atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease is difficult. In individual cases values of HDL cholesterol, non -HDL cholesterol (total minus HDL cholester ol), non -HDL/nonLDL cholesterol (total minus HDL minus LDL cholesterol, especially in nonfasting status), atherogenic index of plasma and/or apolipoprotein B could help in decisions regarding a ggressiv eness of treatment., J. Piťha, J. Kovář, T. Blahová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
It is believed that atherogenesis is a multifactorial process, which could already start in utero. Development of atherosclerosis progresses over decades and leads to the cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in adulthood. At present, we have no exact explanation for all the risk factors acting in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. This review should provide an overview about the possible role of intrauterine undernutrition in the development of risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Intrauterine undernutrition leads to changes in fetal growth and metabolism and programs later development of some of these risk factors. A number of experimental and human studies indicates that hypertension as well as impaired cholesterol and glucose metabolism are affected by intrauterine growth. Intrauterine undernutrition plays an important role and acts synergistically with numerous genetic and environmental factors in the development of atherosclerosis. There is evidence that undernutrition of the fetus has permanent effects on the health status of human individuals., P. Szitányi, J. Janda, R. Poledne., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This review article summarizes the problems of metabolic disorders and nutrition imbalances that often occur in chronic kidney failure (CKF) or following regular dialysis treatment. In this survey, we cover the pathogenesis of these disorders, their clinical consequences, and their association with the most severe complications of chronic kidney failure and dialysis treatment. These complications are primarily at herosclerosis, malnutrition, anemia, hyperparathyroidism, and other serious problems that markedly and negatively affect prognosis and the quality of life of uremic patients. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease are discussed in-depth because cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in patients with chronic kidney failure. It is important to pay attention to the development of these complications because early diagnosis and therapy can improve the prognosis for these patients and reduce treatment costs., R. Cibulka, J. Racek., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The review concerns a number of basic molecular pathways that play a crucial role in perception, transmission, and modulation of the stress signals, and mediate the adaptation of the vital processes in the cardiovascular system (CVS). These highly complex systems for intracellular transfer of information include stress hormones and their receptors, stress-activated phosphoprotein kinases, stress-activated heat shock proteins, and antioxidant enzymes maintaining oxidoreductive homeostasis of the CVS. Failure to compensate for the deleterious effects of stress may result in the development of different pathophysiological states of the CVS, such as ischemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis and infarction. Stress-induced dysbalance in each of the CVS molecular signaling systems and their contribution to the CVS malfunctioning is reviewed. The general picture of the molecular mechanisms of the stress-induced pathophysiology in the CVS pointed out the importance of stress duration and intensity as etiological factors, and suggested that future studies should be complemented by the careful insights into the individual factors of susceptibility to stress, prophylactic effects of 'healthy' life styles and beneficial action of antioxidant-rich nutrition., S. B. Pajović, M. B. Radojčić, D. T. Kanazir., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Autoři uvádějí kazuistiku 41leté pacientky se subakutním vývojem kmenové a pyramidové symptomatologie a bolestí hlavy. Vývoj nálezu na magnetické rezonanci mozku odpovídal zánětlivým změnám mozkového parenchymu v oblasti kmene s rozvojem vícečetných ložiskových ischemií v této lokalizaci a v oblasti levého thalamu a zadního raménka capsula interna. V krvi a likvoru byly přítomny známky vysoké zánětlivé aktivity bez prokázaného infekčního agens. Podrobná anamnéza odhalila dlouhodobé projevy systémového postižení: recidivující orální a genitální ulcerace, postižení oční, kloubní, kožní a gastrointestinální. Je popisována diferenciální diagnóza přítomných ložiskových změn mozku, především s ohledem na nekonzistentní echokardiografické nálezy. Klinický průběh se systémovým postižením, paraklinická vyšetření a odpověď na léčbu jsou konzistentní s diagnózou Behçetovy nemoci s neurologickými komplikacemi., The authors present a case report of a 41‑years‑old woman with subacute onset of brainstem and pyramidal symptoms, and a headache. Progression of the finding on magnetic resonance suggested brainstem parenchymal inflammation, and formation of multiple focal infarcts in the brainstem and the left thalamus and posterior branch of capsula interna. Serum and cerebrospinal fluid tests showed high inflammatory markers and no evidence of any infectious agent. Detailed history revealed long‑term systemic involvement presenting as recurrent oro‑genital ulcers accompanied with eye, joint, skin and gastrointestinal disorders. Differential diagnosis of focal brain changes is discussed, including inconsistent echocardiographic findings. The clinical course with systemic involvement, laboratory findings, and response to therapy support the diagnosis of Behçet’s disease with neurological manifestation. Key words: Behçet’s disease – meningoencephalitis – vasculitis of the central nervous system The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study. The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers., and A. Tvaroh, M. Vachová, J. Bartoš
The oxidative stress plays an important role in the development of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). In CVD progression an aberrant redox regulation was observed. In this regulation levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an important role in cellular signaling, where Nrf2 is the key regulator of redox homeostasis. Keap1-Nrf2-ARE system regulates a great set of detoxificant and antioxidant enzymes in cells after ROS and electrophiles exposure. In this review we focus on radical-generating systems in cardiovascular system as well as on Nrf2 as a target against oxidative stress and a key player of redox regulation in cardiovascular diseases. We also summarize the current knowledge about the role of Nrf2 in pathophysiology of several CVD (hypertension, cardiac hypertrophy, cardiomyopathies) as well as in cardioprotection against myocardial ischemia/ reperfusion injury., M. Barančík, L. Grešová, M. Barteková, I. Dovinová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Obezita (především abdominálního typu) byla vždy považována za riziko pro kardiovaskulární nemoci. V posledních letech se ukazuje nový fenomén, tzv. paradox obezity, tj. pacienti s vyšším BMI mají nižší úmrtnost než pacienti s nižším BMI. Nejprve se paradox obezity prokázal u pacientů s chronickým renálním selháním, srdečním selháním a u onkologických pacientů, později i u pacientů s kardiovaskulárními chorobami a nedávno i u pacientů s diabetem 2. typu (DM2T). Ve srovnání s populačními studiemi byl BMI spojený s nejnižší mortalitou u nemocných s DM2T posunut doprava, tj. k vyšším hodnotám BMI. Mechanizmy paradoxu obezity nejsou zcela objasněny., Obesity (esp. abdominal type) was still considered as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. During the last decade has a new phenomenon appeared: „obesity paradox“, i.e. patients with high BMI die less frequently than patients with low BMI. Obesity paradox was described first in patients with chronic renal failure, heart failure or in oncological patients, later on in patients with cardiovascular disease and now also in patients with type 2 diabetes. In comparison with population studies, BMI associated with low cardiovascular mortality in patients with Type 2 diabetes is shifted to the higher level than in subjects from general population. Mechanisms of obesity paradox is not yet clarified., and Hana Rosolová