A novel rriethod that allows us to study the emergence of modularity
for genotype-phenotype mapping in the course of Darwinian evolution is described. The evolutionary method used is based on cornposite chromosomes with two parts; One is a binary genotype whereas the other corresponds to the mapping of genes onto phenotype characters. For such generalized chromosomes the modularity is determined by the following intuitive way: The genes are divided into two subgroups; simultaneously with this decomposition also an accompanied decomposition of the set of phenotype characters is defined. We expect that for chromosomes with rnodular structures the genes frorn one group are rnapped onto characters from the respective group, an appearance of “crosslink” mappings is rnaximally suppressed. A fundamental question for the whole evolutionary biology (and also for evolutioriary algorithms and connectionist cognitive science) is the nature of mechanism of evolutionary emergence of modular structures. An idea of effective fitness is used in the presented explanatory simulations. It is based on the rnetaphor of Hinton and Nowlan theory of the Baldwin eífect, and was ušed as an effective idea for generalization of evolutionary algorithms. The effective fitness reflects not only a static concept of the phenotype, but also its ability to be adapted (learned) within a neighborhood of the respective chromosome. The chromosomes determined in the presented paper inay be understood as objects with the type of plasticity. The rnetaphor of the Baldwin effect (or effective fitness) applied to evolutionary algorithms offers an evolutionary tool that is potentially able to produce the emergence of modularity.
A novel method is described that allows us to study the emergence of
the modular neural network structure through evoliition. A preliminary design of modular neural networks is developed by evolutionary algorithm. The concept of emergence takes an important role in the study of the design of neural networks. The model presented in this paper rnight not only develop new functionality spontaneously but it could also grow and evolve its own structure autonomously. Network architecture emerges from an initial set of randomly connected networks.
The article reflects on influential views of the mind that come from cognitive science and seem to undermine the traditional philosophical view that the mind is simply unified and transparent to itself. Specifical y, the modularity thesis is presented, along with its important modifications and criticisms, suggesting that the apparent unity can be ascribed only to higher cognition, if at all. Various theories of why the mind seems to be unified while being composed of autonomous modules are discussed. The overview results in the conclusion that our linguistic capacity plays a prominent role in the unity of the mind., Článek reflektuje vlivné pohledy na mysl, které pocházejí z kognitivní vědy a zdánlivě podkopávají tradiční filosofický názor, že mysl je jednoduše sjednocená a transparentní. Specifická y, modulační práce je představena, spolu s jeho důležitými modifikacemi a kritiky, navrhnout, že zdánlivá jednota může být připisována jen k vyššímu poznání, jestliže vůbec. Diskutovány jsou různé teorie, proč se mysl zdá být sjednocená, zatímco jsou složeny z autonomních modulů. Výsledkem je závěr, že naše jazykové schopnosti hrají v jednotě mysli významnou roli., and Martin Vraný
Insects produce pigment and structural colours mainly for camouflage, signaling, physical protection or temperature regulation, and colour patterns can provide information about individual quality. Although the evolutionary function and nature of the variability in colouration are well known for many invertebrate taxa, there is little information on this topic for ants. We studied individual variation in the melanin-based colour traits of workers of the red wood ant, Formica rufa (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), from 20 colonies in Southern Finland and revealed the type of colouration in this species. First, using the threshold approach we distinguished between continuous and discrete variations. Furthermore, the analyses affirmed nine discrete morphs in terms of the colouration on the head and eight on the pronotum, while only continuous variation were found on the other body parts. Measuring the size of a particular colour pattern, the intensity of colour expression (degree of melanization) and statistical analyses allowed an assessment of the intra-individual variation in both discrete and continuous patterns. The results revealed substantial modularity in the above mentioned colouration traits. In workers of F. rufa there were individuals with a dark head and light coloured thorax and vice a versa. Size of the dark pigment colour patterns exhibited less modularity than the degree of melanization. Finally, the interrelation between colouration traits and individual body size revealed their size-dependent origin. Small individuals had relatively larger areas of colour on the head and thorax than big individuals. These results are likely to facilitate further taxonomical and ecological studies on red wood ants, as they show it is possible to assess colouration traits in ants. However, more studies are needed on the function of polymorphism and modular colouration in this group of ants., Oksana Skaldina, Jouni Sorvari., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We introduce a weakened form of regularity, the so called semiregularity, and we show that if every diagonal subalgebra of $\mathcal A \times \mathcal A$ is semiregular then $\mathcal A$ is congruence modular at 0.
The integral inequalities known for the Lebesgue integral are discussed in the framework of the Choquet integral. While the Jensen inequality was known to be valid for the Choquet integral without any additional constraints, this is not more true for the Cauchy, Minkowski, Hölder and other inequalities. For a fixed monotone measure, constraints on the involved functions sufficient to guarantee the validity of the discussed inequalities are given. Moreover, the comonotonicity of the considered functions is shown to be a sufficient constraint ensuring the validity of all discussed inequalities for the Choquet integral, independently of the underlying monotone measure.