Klíšťata sají obrovské množství krve, která je jejich jediným zdrojem živin a energie. Přesný enzymatický mechanismus zpracování krve ve střevě klíšťat však kupodivu nebyl donedávna vůbec znám. Náš komplexní molekulární model trávení hostitelského hemoglobinu u klíštěte obecného (Ixodes ricinus) poprvé odhalil analogii enzymatického aparátu s krevsajícími ploštěnci a hlísticemi, a zároveň tato znalost představuje zásadní poznatek pro účinný boj s klíšťaty a jimi přenášenými patogeny., Ticks (in this case Ixodidae and Argasidae) feed on enormous amounts of host blood, which provides their ultimate source of energy and nutrients. There has been only limited evidence on the exact molecular mechanisms of blood digestion in ticks. For the first time, our complex enzymatic model of proteolytic digestion in the Common Tick (Ixodes ricinus) reveals the analogy of tick intestinal proteolysis with bloodfeeding platyhelminthes and nematodes and presents a future application potential in tick or tick-borne pathogen interventions., and Daniel Sojka.
Za posledních několik let byla publikována řada významných archeogenetických studií týkajících se datování a geografické lokalizace posledního společného předka lidského chromozomu Y. Je to dáno dramatickým rozvojem molekulárně biologických technik, díky nimž je dnes možné přečíst daleko větší objem dat, než tomu bylo dříve. Dozvěděli jsme se, že „Y chromozomový Adam“ bude asi nakonec starší než „mitochondriální Eva“ a že jeho synové prodělali mnohem bouřlivější demografický vývoj než dcery Eviny., Several important archaeogenetic studies dealing with age estimates and the geographical locations of the last common ancestor of our Y chromosome have been published over the past few years. This is due to the dramatic development of molecular biological techniques, which made it possible to read a much larger amount of data than was possible before. We learned that the "Y chromosome Adam" might be even older than "mitochondrial Eve" and that his sons went through a much more complex demographic history than Eve’s daughters., and Viktor Černý.
Genomy eukaryotických organismů se nesmírně liší svou velikostí, kdy dosahují až 66tisícinásobného rozdílu. Největší v současnosti známý genom byl nalezen u vraního oka japonského (Paris japonica), nápadné byliny z Japonska. Množství jaderné DNA u tohoto druhu bylo odhadnuto na 153,32 pg, jeho genetický kód je tak 50krát delší než ten lidský., Genomes of eukaryotic organisms vary tremendously in size, spanning an approximately 66,000-fold range. Recently the largest genome has been discovered in Paris japonica, a striking plant native to Japan. The amount of nuclear DNA was estimated at 153.32 pg, making the genetic code 50 times longer than that of a human being., and Jan Suda.
The endothelium of different organs displays a remarkable heterogeneity, although it presents many common functional and morphological features. However, despite our knowledge of heterogeneity among endothelial cells from different sites, the differences between brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMEC) and coronary microvascular endothelial cells (CMEC) are poorly defined. The aim of this study was to investigate whether BMEC are distinct from CMEC at the protein level. Using the proteomic approach, we comparatively analyzed the proteome of cultured BMEC and CMEC. We reproducibly separated over 2000 polypeptides by using two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) at pH range of 3-10. Using PDQuest software to process the 2-DE gel images, forty-seven protein spots were differentially expressed in the two-endothelial cells. Of these, thirty-five proteins are highly expressed in BMEC, whereas twelve proteins are highly expressed in CMEC. Fifteen proteins in BMEC and seven proteins in CMEC were identified with high confidence by matrix-associated laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer (MALDI-TOF-MS). Our data suggested that BMEC and CMEC were different in several aspects including cytokine and growth-related molecules, stress-related proteins, metabolic enzymes, signal transduction proteins and others. The identification of a set of proteins preferentially expressed in BMEC and CMEC provided new data on the heterogeneity of the endothelium., L. Lu, P.-Y. Yang, Y.-Ch. Rui, H. Kang, J. Zhang, J.-P. Zhang, W.-H. Feng., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Cytokiny jsou proteiny, které regulují růst, diferenciaci a aktivaci buněk. Jejich účinek se široce využívá pro léčbu zánětlivých a nádorových onemocnění. Anti-cytokinová léčba je velmi slibná, ale přinese v blízké budoucnosti velké finanční zatížení zdravotnictví., Cytokines are proteins that regulate the growth, differentiation and activation of cells. Their functions are used in therapy of inflammatory diseases and cancer. Antibody blockade of cytokines seems to be very promising, but it will result in considerable financial burden for healthcare in future., and Ilja Trebichavský.
Ischemia can contribute to the inner ear pathology and hearing loss. To determine the susceptibility of inner and outer hair cells (IHCs/OHCs) to ischemic and post-ischemic period, we used organotypic cultures of the organ of Corti isolated from P3 rats as an in vitro model of inner ear ischemia (oxygen-glucose deprivation, OGD). We identified the hair cells (HCs) by phalloidin staining. The cells with damaged cellular membrane integrity were identified by propidium iodide (PI)-exclusion assay. The cells with fragmented chromosomal DNA were detected by TUNEL assay. Organotypic cultures were subjected to a mild (3 h duration) or severe (4 h duration ) OGD, followed by a recovery period of 21 h and 20 h, respectively. Mild OGD induced a loss of 10-20 % HCs, whereas severe OGD induced loss of 35 % HCs. We confirmed that OHCs are less vulnerable to OGD than IHCs. Of all missing OHCs, 80-90 % was lost during the OGD period and 10-20 % during the recovery period. In contrast, the loss of IHCs was equal during both experimental periods. The OGD period was mainly associated with PI-positive nuclei. TUNEL-positive nuclei were a minor frac tion during the OGD period and increased during the recovery period, indicating the progression of DNA fragmentation. Our results implicate a differential susceptibility of IHCs and OHCs during and after ischemia-like insult, which may be of therapeutic consequence., N. Amarjargal ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Schopnost efektivně se pohybovat v daném prostředí byla pro člověka a jeho předchůdce klíčová k zajištění dostatku energie k přežití a rozmnožování. Potřeba překonávat vzdálenosti s co nejmenšími náklady formovala stavbu našich končetin již od doby, kdy jsme se poprvé postavili na dvě končetiny. S příchodem rodu Homo dochází ke změnám dolní končetiny a celého těla umožňujícím efektivnější běh, jenž byl v té době nejlepším způsobem, jak se dostat k masu. Neandrtálce stála chůze a běh více energie než moderní lidi, nicméně rozdíly byly malé a zřejmě nepřispěly k vyhynutí neandrtálců., The ability to move effectively through a given environment was crucial for humans and their ancestors to acquire enough energy for survival and reproduction. The need to cover distances with minimum costs has formed our limbs since we first stood on two limbs. With the early representatives of the genus Homo, the lower limbs and the whole body changed to allow more effective running, which was the best way to obtain meat in those times. H. neanderthalensis had higher costs of walking and running than modern humans, but the differences were subtle and did not contribute to the downfall of H. neanderthalensis., and Martin Hora, Vladimír Sládek.
An important mechanism underlying cochlear hair cell (HC) susceptibility to hypoxia/ischemia is the influx of Ca2+. Two main ATP-dependent mechanisms contribute to maintaining low Ca2+ levels: uptake of Ca2+ into intracellular stores via smooth endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA) and extrusion of Ca2+ via plasma membrane calcium ATPase (PMCA). The effects of the SERCA inhibitors thapsigargin (10 nM-10 μM) and cyclopiazonic acid (CPA; 10-50 μM) and of the PMCA blockers eosin (1.5-10 μM) and o-vanadate (1-5 mM) on inner and outer hair cells (IHCs/OHCs) were examined in normoxia and ischemia using an in vitro model of the newborn rat cochlea. Exposure of the cultures to ischemia resulted in a significant loss of HCs. Thapsigargin and CPA had no effect. Eosin decreased the numbers of IHCs and OHCs by up to 25 % in normoxia and significantly aggravated the ischemia-induced damage to IHCs at 5 and 10 μM and to OHCs at 10 μM. o-Vanadate had no effect on IHC and OHC counts in normoxia, but aggravated the ischemia-induced HC loss in a dose-dependent manner. The effects of eosin and o-vanadate indicate that PMCA has an important role to play in protecting the HCs from ischemic cell death., N. Amarjargal, B. Mazurek, H. Haupt, N. Andeeva, J. Fuchs, J. Gross., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy