Aerial photogrammetry was chosen as an additional observation method of the subsidence depression that was created above exploited coal mining panels near Karviná. While individual points of a permanent observation network were repeatedly surveyed by GNSS, the whole subsidence depression was surveyed by the aerial photogrammetry. As this method was applied three times (during three years) we can compare its results in individual years and observe the major surface changes on the undermined area. Also, a comparison was realized between the points’ coordinates gained from both aerial photogrammetry and GNSS. The results show that the method of aerial photogrammetry enriches and complements the GNSS observation in monitoring the spatial development and shape of the subsidence depression, especially in the areas of active recultivation., Vlastimil Kajzar, Hana Doležalová, Kamil Souček and Lubomír Staš., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The spectroscopic monitoring programs carried out by the Spectroscopy Group of the German "Vereinigung der Sternfreunde" are reviewed in light of current research. Potential benefits for the professional community in collaborating and obtain long-term monitoring data otherwise unaccessible due to telescope time restrictions are summarized. The contribution highlights results on specific objects of wide interest, such as the well investigated Be stars ≥ Tauri or the S Doradus type variable P Cygni.
Trichloroacetic acid (TCA), secondary air pollutant (SAP) and a product of photooxidation of volatile chlorinated C-i-hydrocarbons has phytotoxic properties and negatively influences on the state of forest health in general. The present knowledge shows the uptake of TCA by the spruce from the atmosphere by precipitation over soil, roots, and transpiration stream up into needles, where it effects the photosynthetic apparatus of the plant. To judge the role of TCA in forest ecosystems its effects along with other stressors must be followed. Those include, above all, emissions of sulphur oxides and fluoride from burning energetic coal. From monitoring the selected stressors - the content of total sulphur, fluorine and chlorine besides TCA - in spruce needles on selected stands, a positive correlation between the needle loss (as a measure of the spruce forest damage) and the content of S, F, and TCA was found. In this way the negative effect of TCA was conflrmed.
In the study of Tomlain (1997) a soil water balance model was applied to evaluate the climate change impacts on the soil water storage in the Hurbanovo locality (Southwestern Slovakia), using the climate change scenarios of Slovakia for the years 2010, 2030, and 2075 by the global circulation models CCCM, GISS and GFD3. These calculations did not take into consideration neither the various soil properties, nor the groundwater table influence on soil water content. In this study, their calculated data were compared with those monitored at the same sites. There were found significant differences between resulting soil water storage of the upper 100 cm soil layer, most probably due to cappilary rise from groundwater at sites 2 and 3. It was shown, that the soil properties and groundwater table depth are importat features strongly influencing soil water content of the upper soil layer; thus the application of the soil water balance equation (Eq. (1)), neglecting the above mentioned factors, could lead to the results far from reality. and V práci Tomlaina (1997) bol aplikovaný bilančný model vodného režimu pôd na ohodnotenie dopadu klimatickej zmeny na vodné zásoby pôdy v lokalite Hurbanovo (juhozápadné Slovensko), použijúc scenáre klimatickej zmeny pre Slovensko pre roky 2010, 2030 a 2075, založené na globálnych cirkulačných modeloch CCCM, GISS a GFD3. V týchto výpočtoch nebol braný do úvahy vplyv vlastností pôdy a hladiny podzemnej vody na vlhkosť pôdy. V práci boli porovnané vypočítané hodnoty zásob vody s monitorovanými v tej istej lokalite. Bol nájdený význačný rozdiel medzi zásobami vody v 100-cm hornej vrstve pôdy najpravdepodobnejšie spôsobený kapilárnym prítokom od hladiny podzemnej vody v monitorovacích miestach 2 a 3. Bolo ukázané, že pôdne vlastnosti a hĺbka hladiny podzemnej vody sú dôležitými faktormi, ktoré silno ovplyvňujú vlhkosť hornej vrstvy pôdy; z toho vyplýva, že aplikácia bilančnej rovnice (rov. (1)), ktorá zanedbáva vyššie uvedené faktory, nedáva reálne výsledky.
The experimental basins in the Jizera Mountains were established at the beginning of the 1980th as a result of the forest devastation due to acid rain and repercussions of following human activities during its disposal with the aim to gain data for the quantification of runoff conditions changes in a changing environment. Seven small catchments with an area from 1.87 km2 to 10.6 km2 are situated in the spring regions in an elevation from 700 m a.s.l. to 1100 m a.s.l. in the catchments of the Černá Nisa, Kamenice, Jizerka and Směda streams. The long-term average annual temperature in the elevation of 780 m a.s.l. is +4.4°C, the long-term annual precipitation sum fluctuates between 1300 mm and 1800 mm. The Jizera Mountains are known for numerous intensive rainfalls in the summer period. The administrator of the experimental basins is the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI), Department of Hydrological Research, Experimental Base Jablonec nad Nisou, which performs all operative activities and basic processing of data. In the basins, the monitored elements are water stages and discharges in rivers, surface water quality, rainfall, snow depth and snow water equivalent and climatological parameters. The following contribution gives an overview of information obtained from the hydrological research in the period 1981 - 2004. and Příspěvek se zabývá přehledem poznatků z hydrologického výzkumu v období let 1982-2005 v experimentálních povodích Českého hydrometeorologického ústavu (ČHMÚ) v imisně poškozené oblasti Jizerských hor. Základnu tvoří 7 malých povodí s rozlohou od 1,87 km2 do 10,6 km2 celkové plochy 37 km2 . Všechna povodí leží ve vrcholové části Jizerských hor v Chráněné krajinné oblasti Jizerské hory, na rozvodí řek Labe a Odry. Nadmořská výška povodí se pohybuje mezi 700 až 1100 m. Správcem povodí je Oddělení hydrologického výzkumu, pracoviště Jablonec nad Nisou. Zpočátku byly práce zaměřeny převážně na získání co největšího počtu informací o srážkách, sněhu, množství a jakosti povrchové vody. Po roce 1995 byl monitoring rozšířen na více parametrů hydrologické bilance, sledování klimatických prvků a složek hydrologického procesu. Následně byl upřesňován jejich režim i jejich prostorové rozložení. Byla studována problematika rozdílnosti akumulace a odtávání sněhu na mýtině a v lese a odtoková a kvalitativní odezva na srážkovou činnost a tání sněhu. Za pomoci hydrologických a chemických modelů byly hledány odhady změn jejich závislosti na změně vegetačního pokryvu.
The paper presents the results of monitoring study undertaken during the period 2008 - 2010. The study recorded the displacement of tectonic structures in the Strašín Cave (SW Bohemian Massif). The derived results were compared, among others, with data recorded over the same time period across the Bohemian Massif in the EUTecNet (tectonic displacement monitoring net - see, which is managed by IRSM ASCR. The rate of recorded displacement is mostly in order of hundredths mm/year with maximal value recorded in vertical component at site Strašín 2, about 0,16 mm/2,5 years. Whilst recorded displacement can indicate blocks subsidence into the cave empty space, the periods when displacement occurred correspond to periods of increased movement activity recorded for example at the opposite side of the Bohemian Massif, along the Sudetic Marginal Fault. Moreover, both periods are simultaneous with extraordinary earthquakes that affected western and southern part of the Bohemian Massif in 2008 and 2009., Josef Stemberk and Filip Hartvich., and Obsahuje bibliografii
An effect of the Czech nature conservation law on a conservation status of bird species was examined using data on population size from two Atlases of breeding bird distribution in the Czech Republic (1985–1989 and 2001–2003). On average, species with the highest level of legal protection did better than other species. This pattern was probably driven by marked population increase of the species which were already increasing before the law came into the effect. Negative trends of declining species were not reversed after the law was accepted and it appears that the law failed to protect common bird species. Positive trends of protected species in the Czech Republic seem to mimic the trends in Europe and in neighbouring countries. Available official assessment of species conservation actions together with mixed message of our analysis suggest that the law could bring more positive results if implemented properly.
The aim of the study is to identify the recent local geodynamic processes on the territory of the Dniester PSPP (Ukraine), which arose as a result of the additional man-caused load during the construction of hydro-technical structures. The research is based on the results of 17 cycles of periodic static GNSS campaigns conducted during 2004-2017. In this work the vectors of horizontal displacement of the reference GNSS network points of Dniester PSPP are determined and their scheme is constructed. On the basis of average vectors of horizontal movement velocities during 2004-2017, the value of the velocities of dilatation - the parameter of Earth surface deformation which characterises the relative area expansion or compression, is calculated. As a result of the analysis of velocity distribution of the dilatation of Dniester PSPP territory, the areas of extreme values of compression and stretching are revealed, which testify to the increased geodynamic activity of the pivot part, as well as the main structures of the construction. and Savchyn Ihor, Vaskovets Serhii.
The static analyses and assessment of the technical condition of historical buildings in the Prague Castle Area are based on observational methods to gather the basic information about the behaviour of structures. The monitoring involves a combination of different methods of surveying, crack, inclination and temperature measurements together with the monitoring of dynamic effects of traffic and nearby tunnelling activities. These methods were enhanced by line-wise measurements using a high-precision sliding micrometer and inclinometer to assess the role of subsoil and to discover potential very slow slope movements in inclined parts of the area. The problems connected with long-term stability of historical buildings are further studied with the use of static analyses and numerical models of selected buildings in the area., Jaromír Procházka, Jan Záleský, Tomáš Jiřikovský and Jan Salák., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The Rana Gruber iron oxide mining company in Norway has started to develop a new underground production level in order to continue operation in the Kvannevann mine. The planned change of mining system to sub-level caving (SLC) involves the removal of protective pillars below the former Kvannevann open-pit. Surface deformation on the hanging-wall and footwall sides of the deposit and caving of rock into the old pit is expected. When uncontrolled, this represents a threat to the underground mining operation below the open-pit. Trial removal of the protective pillar in the western part of the deposit has already caused fracturing of the rock mass on the hanging-wall side. Therefore, with the aim to monitor and control the rock mass deformation process in this area and ensure safe operation of the mine, a monitoring system based on periodic total station and GPS measurements in a three-tier control-measurement network has been developed and tested. In this paper the concept of this system, results of field work and recommendations for the system implementation is presented. The proposed concept has been used to implement a real system in the mine., Jan Blachowski, Steinar Ellefmo and Erik Ludvigsen., and Obsahuje bibliografii