Our study aimed to investigate subacute exposure to alcohol in relation to bone microstructure of mice. Animals from experimental (E) group drank a solution composed of 15 % ethanol and water for 14 days (one remodeling cycle), while those from control (C) group drank only water. In the compact bone of E group, decreased bone formation and increased porosity were observed which corresponds with lower levels of serum alkaline phosphatase and glutathione. Alcohol significantly increased sizes of primary osteon's vascular canals and decreased those of secondary osteons, Haversian canals. Relative bone volume, bone mineral density (BMD), relative bone volume without marrow cavity were also lower in E group. On the contrary, trabecular bone microstructure did not differ significantly between E and C groups. Liver function test showed higher levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase in alcohol-fed mice. Serum calcium, phosphate were significantly lower in E group. According to our study, only changes in compact bone microstructure of mice following one remodeling cycle were observed due to both direct and indirect effects of alcohol., A. Sarocka, V. Kovacova, R. Omelka, M. Bauerova, E. Kapusta, Z. Goc, G. Formicki, M. Martiniakova., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The reactivating and therapeutic efficacy of two combinations of oximes (HI‑6 + trimedoxime and HI‑6 + K203) was compared with the effectiveness of antidotal treatment involving single oxime (HI‑6, trimedoxime, K203) using in vivo methods. In vivo determined percentage of reactivation of cyclosarin‑inhibited blood and tissue acetylcholinesterase in poisoned rats showed that the reactivating efficacy of both combinations of oximes is slightly higher than the reactivating efficacy of the most effective individual oxime in blood, diaphragm as well as in brain. Moreover, both combinations of oximes were found to be slightly more efficacious in the reduction of acute lethal toxic effects in cyclosarin‑poisoned mice than the antidotal treatment involving single oxime. Based on the obtained data, we can conclude that the antidotal treatment involving chosen combinations of oximes brings a beneficial effect for its ability to counteract the acute poisoning with cyclosarin., Jiří Kassa, Jana Zdarová Karasová, Růžena Pavlíková, Filip Caisberger, Jiří Bajgar, and Literatura 36
Experiments were conducted to study the effect of goldthioglucose (GTG) upon the processes associated with lipid peroxidation. The glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity (G6PD; E.C. in red blood cells (RBC) and the amount of malonaldehyde precursors (MDA) per gram of brain, liver and kidney were determined. Adult mice received i.p. injections for three consecutive days of either saline (controls) or GTG dissolved in saline, in a dose of 0.10 mg.g-1 or 0.15 mg.g-1 b.w. In mice receiving higher dose of GTG the G6PD activity was significantly increased (349.38± 17.46 mU.10-9 RBC compared to 258.2± 14.46 mU.10-9 RBC in control animals). The content of MDA precursors rose significantly from 4.8± 0.81 m mol.g-1 of the liver in controls to 8.12± 1.41 m mol.g -1 and 7.88± 0.51 m mol.g-1 and from 18.71± 1.01 m mol.g-1 of the kidneys in controls to 24.25± 1.25 m mol.g-1 and 24.88± 1.7 m mol.g-1 respectively. The GTG-induced higher levels of MDA precursors and increased G6PD activity in RBC corresponds to the rise in lipid peroxidation and its participation in producing the lesions after experimental and therapeutic use of gold-containing substances seems possible., D. Košťová, E. Michnová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We aimed to investigate in detail the structural mutations after influence of actellic insecticide at different doses and different temperature conditions. We tested effects of single introduction of different doses of actellic: 48, 96, 192, and 384 mg/kg. Cytogenetic effect of actellic in bone marrow cells at different temperature regimens was studied. Following actellic administration, animals were being in two temperature regimes: normal (18-20°C) and high (37-38°C). After treatment with actellic, animals were kept within 1, 2, 4 and 8 hours at high temperature (37-38°C), i.e. in a thermostat (TV-80) with access of air. In experiments, the animals were divided into seven groups. The animals of the 1st group were administered actellic at a dose 384 mg/kg and kept under normal temperature until slaughtering. The animals of the 2nd group after administration of actellic were immediately placed in an environment with a temperature of 37-38°C. Animals of the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th groups after treatment with actellic were transferred to conditions with high temperature, respectively, for 1, 2, 4 and 8 hours. The 7th group of mice was under normal temperature conditions without treatment with actellic. Our results have shown that in normal temperature conditions single exposure of actellic (384 mg/kg) did not affect the genetic apparatus of somatic cell, evidenced by the frequency of chromosome aberrations in bone marrow cells that were within the control levels. However, at high temperatures (37-38°C) the pesticide caused 6-fold larger number of chromosome aberrations in bone marrow cells, in comparison with normal conditions., Anvarjon Rakhmankulovich Shermuratov, and Literatura
The novel environment of a metabolic cage can be stressful for rodents, but few studies have attempted to quantify this stress-response. Therefore, we determined the effects on mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR), of placing mice of both sexes in metabolism cages for 2 days. After surgical implantation of a carotid artery catheter mice recovered individually in standard cages for 5 days. Mice then spent 2 days in metabolism cages. MAP and HR were monitored in the standard cage on Day 5 and in metabolism cages on Days 6-7. MAP increased by 18±3 and 22±4 %, while HR increased by 27±4 and 27±6 %, in males and females, respectively, during the first hours after cage switch. MAP decreased to baseline in the fourth and eighth h following metabolism cage switch in males and females, respectively. However, HR remained significantly elevated in both sexes during the entire two-day period in metabolism cages. Females had lower MAP than males both pre- and post- metabolism cage switch, but there were no sex differences in HR. These results demonstrate sustained changes in cardiovascular function when mice are housed in metabolism cages, which could potentially affect renal function., C. C. Hoppe ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Úvod a cíl studie: Huminové látky jsou vývojově velmi staré organické složky půdy, které vznikají chemickým a biologickým rozkladem hmoty rostlinného původu a syntetickou činností mikroorganismů. Přirozeně se vyskytují v sedimentech, zeminách, rašelině, hnědém uhlí a lignitu. Cílem studie bylo optimalizovat metodu absorpce exogenního cholesterolu ve střevě in vivo a zhodnotit snížení této absorpce pomocí huminových kyselin a fytosterolů. Typ studie: Experiment na zvířatech. Název a sídlo pracoviště: Klinika gerontologická a metabolická, LF UK a Fakultní nemocnice Hradec Králové; Radioizotopové laboratoře a vivárium LF UK v Hradci Králové. Materiál a metody: Modelovými zvířaty ve studii byly laboratorní myši C57B16 (5 skupin, 6 myší v každé skupině). Absorpce cholesterolu ve střevě byla stanovena metodou kapalinové scintilační spektrometrie s užitím 3H-cholesterolu. V experimentu byly testovány tyto látky: ezetimib, huminové látky (SD 01, B036fk) a fytosteroly Flory Pro.Activ. Vzorky plné krve a jaterních homogenátů byly extrahovány Abell-Kendallovou metodou. Výsledky byly porovnány pomocí software SigmaStat (Systat Software, USA). Výsledky: Byla stanovena závislost aplikované a zachycené dávky 3H-cholesterolu. Rozmezí aplikovaných dávek bylo 37,5–185 kBq a stanovené zachycené dávky byly 1–7,75 kBq. Tato závislost byla za daných podmínek lineární (y = 0,0455x – 0,7014, R2 = 0,9999). Byly nalezeny statistické významnosti pro snížení absorpce cholesterolu u skupin s ezetimibem (p = 0,013) a Florou Pro.Activ (p = 0,017) a pro zvýšení absorpce u skupiny s humáty šarže B036fk (p = 0,025). Závěr: Byla vyhodnocena účinnost látek ovlivňujících absorpci cholesterolu. Estery fytosterolů účinně snížily tuto absorpci. Huminové látky jsou schopny ovlivnit biologickou dostupnost nutrientů, především lipofi lního charakteru., Objective: Humic substances are phylogenetically old components of soil and originate from the chemical and biological decomposition of organic mass and by microorganism activity. They occur in soil, peat and lignite. The aims of study were to optimise estimation of exogenous cholesterol absorption method in gut and to evaluate cholesterol absorption by phytosterols and humic substances. Design: Experiment on animal model. Settings: Department of gerontology and metabolic care, University hospital Hradec Králové and Radio-Isotope laboratory, Charles University – Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové. Material and Methods: Female laboratory mouse C57Bl6 was a model animal chosen for the study (5 groups, six mice in each group). Cholesterol absorption in the gut was determined by liquid scintillation spectrometry with 3H-cholesterol used as a tracer. Ezetimibe, humic substances (SD01 a B036fk) and phytosterols in Flora Pro.Activ were tested in the experiment. Samples of whole blood and liver tissue were extracted by Abell-Kendall method. Results were compared by software SigmaStat (Systat, USA). Results: The relationship of applied and captured dose of 3H-cholesterol was determined. Range of applied dose was 37,5–185 kBq and captured dose was 1–7,75 kBq. This relathionship was linear (y = 0.0455x – 0.7014, R2=0.9999). Statistically signifi cant decrease in cholesterol absorption in ezetimibe group (p = 0,013) and Flora Pro.Activ group (p = 0.017) and increase in cholesterol absorption in group B036fk (p = 0,025) were found. Conclusion: The effectivity of cholesterol absorption-active substances was elucidated. Phytosterols esters reduced this absorption effectively. Humic substances have variable infl uence on the biological availability of nutrients, in particular lipophilic substances., Tichá A., Hyšpler R., Kriesfalusyová L., Ježková D., Zadák Z., and Lit.: 13