In this paper some remarks on predictive modeling of traction power consumption and their use in intelligent control systems are stated. Special emphasis is put on discussing neural networks and genetic algorithms for such models described in the second Chapter. In the third Chapter, significant applications of neural networks and genetic algorithms in area of power consumption and train diagram are stated. A methodology of model development and assessment is presented in Chapter 4. In Chapter 5 there are up to now results of the author's traction power consumption prediction coming out from artificial neural network predictive models developed in Mathematica SW environment. Finally, summary and further work are stated in the last Chapter.
Accuracy alone can be deceptive when evaluating the performance of a classifier, especially if the problem involves a high number of classes. This paper proposes an approach used for dealing with multi-class problems, which tries to avoid this issue. The approach is based on the Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) classifier, which is trained by using a Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm. Two error measures (Accuracy, $C$, and Sensitivity, S) are combined and applied as a fitness function for the algorithm. The proposed approach is able to obtain multi-class classifiers with a high classification rate level in the global dataset with an acceptable level of accuracy for each class. This methodology is evaluated over seven benchmark classification problems and one real problem, obtaining promising results.
Car manufacturers define proprietary protocols to be used inside their vehicular networks, which are kept an industrial secret, therefore impeding independent researchers from extracting information from these networks. This article describes a statistical and a neural network approach that allows reverse engineering proprietary controller area network (CAN)-protocols assuming they were designed using the data base CAN (DBC) file format. The proposed algorithms are tested with CAN traces taken from a real car. We show that our approaches can correctly reverse engineer CAN messages in an automated manner.
In this study, applications of well-known neural networks such as artificial neural network (ANN), adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and support vector machine (SVM) for wheat grain classification into three species are comparatively presented. The species of wheat grains which are Kama (#70), Rosa (#70) and Canadian (#70) are designated as outputs of neural network models. The classification is carried out through data of wheat grains (#210) acquired using X-ray technique. The data set includes seven grain's geometric parameters: Area, perimeter, compactness, length, width, asymmetry coefficient and groove length. The neural networks input with the geometric parameters are trained through 189 wheat grain data and their accuracies are tested via 21 data. The performance of neural network models is compared to each other with regard to their accuracy, efficiency and convenience. For testing data, the ANN, ANFIS and SVM models numerically calculate the outputs with mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.014, 0.018 and 0.135, and classify the grains with accuracy of 100 %, 100% and 95.23 %, respectively. Furthermore, data of 210 grains is synthetically increased to 3210 in order to investigate the proposed models under big data. It is seen that the models are more successful if the size of data is increased, as well. These results point out that the neural networks can be successfully applied to classification of agricultural grains whether they are properly modelled and trained.
Decrease of attention and an eventual microsleep of an artificial system operator is very dangerous and its early detection can prevent great losses. This chapter deals with a classification of states of vigilance based on analysis of an electroencefalographic activity of the brain. Preprocessing of data is done by the discrete Fourier transform. For the recognition radial basis functions (RBF), learning vector quantization (LVQ), multi-layer perceptron networks, k-nearest neighbor and a method based on Bayesian theory are used. Coefficients of bayes classifier are found using the maximum likelihood estimation. The experiments deal with analysis of human vigilance while their eyes are open. Then the reaction on visual stimuli is investigated. For this experiment 10 volunteers were repeatedly measured. The chapter shows that it is possible to classify vigilance in such conditions.
Combining pattern recognition is a promising direction in designing effective classifiers. There are several approaches to collective decision-making, including quite popular voting methods where the decision is a combination of individual classifiers' outputs. The article focuses on the problem of fuser design which uses discriminants of individual classifiers to make a decision. We present taxonomy of proposed fusers and discuss some of their properties. We focus on the fuser which uses weights dependent on classifier and class number, because of a pretty low computational cost of its training. We formulate the problem of fuser learning as an optimization task and propose a solver which has its origin in neural computations. The quality of proposed learning algorithm was evaluated on the basis of several computer experiments, which were carried out on five benchmark datasets and their results confirm the quality of proposed concept.
A key physical property used in the description of a soil-water regime is a soil water retention curve, which shows the relationship between the water content and the water potential of the soil. Pedotransfer functions are based on the supposed dependence of the soil water content on the available soil characteristics, e.g., on the relative content of the particle size in the soil and the dry bulk density of the soil. This dependence could be extracted from the available data by various regression methods. In this paper, artificial neural networks (ANNs) and support vector machines (SVMs) were used to estimate a drying branch of a water retention curve. The paper compares the mentioned methods by estimating the water retention curves on regional scale for the Záhorská lowland in the Slovak Republic, where relatively small data set was available. The performance of the models was evaluated and compared. These computations did not fully confirm the superiority of SVMs over ANNs as is often proclaimed in the literature, because the results obtained show that in this study the ANN model performs somewhat better and is easier to handle in determining pedotransfer functions than the SVM models. Nevertheless, the results from both data-driven models are quite close, and the results show that they provide a significantly more precise outcome than a traditional multi-linear regression does., Autori sa v príspevku venujú určovaniu pedotransferových funkcií (PTF), ktoré umožňujú stanoviť body vlhkostných retenčných kriviek pôdy z ľahšie merateľných pôdnych vlastností a sú dôležitým prvkom modelovania vodného režimu pôdy. Ešte v minulej dekáde sa objavili snahy využívať na ich určenie umelé neurónové siete (UNS). Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) čiže viacvrstvový perceptrón je najčastejšie používaný model doprednej umelej neurónovej siete s kontrolovaným typom učenia. Vstupné signály prechádzajú sieťou typu MLP iba dopredným smerom, teda postupne od vrstvy k vrstve. MLP používa tri a viac vrstiev neurónov rozdelených na vstupnú, skrytú a výstupnú vrstvu s nelineárnou aktivačnou funkciou a vie rozpoznať alebo modelovať informácie, ktoré nie sú lineárne oddeliteľné alebo závislé. Novší vývoj v oblasti učiacich algoritmov poskytuje ďalšie možnosti, z ktorých sa v tomto príspevku venujeme tzv. mechanizmom podporných vektorov (Support Vector Machines - SVM). SVM využíva pri svojom kalibrovaní na riešený problém princíp tzv. štrukturálnej minimalizácie namiesto iba minimalizácie chyby - (Vapnik, 1995). Pri trénovaní siete MLP je jediným cieľom minimalizovať celkovú chybu. Pri SVM sa simultánne minimalizuje chyba aj zložitosť modelu. Použitie tohto princípu vedie zvyčajne k vyššej schopnosti generalizácie, t.j. umožneniu presnejších predpovedí pre dáta, ktoré neboli použité pri trénovaní SVM. Vhodnosť štandardnej umelej neurónovej siete, SVM a viacnásobnej lineárnej regresie sa v článku vyhodnocuje na základe údajov získaných z pôdnych vzoriek odobratých v lokalite Záhorskej nížiny. Pôvodné údaje a ich aplikáciu pri vyhodnocovaní vodného režimu pôd uvádza Skalová (2001, 2007), odkiaľ boli prevzaté vstupné dáta a to percentuálny obsah zrnitostných kategórií (I až IV podľa Kopeckého), redukovaná objemová hmotnosť (ρd) a vlhkosti pre vlkostné potenciály hw= -2.5, -56, -209, -558, -976, -3060, -15300 cm, ktoré boli stanovené laboratórne pre potreby určenia a testovania regresných závislostí. Vzhľadom na to, že pri odvodzovaní regionálnych PTF je častým prípadom nedostatok dát pre odvodenie dátovo riadených modelov, autori navrhli riešiť úlohu pomocou ansámblu MLP resp. SVM. Ansámbel dátovo riadených modelov bol vytvorený variabilným rozdelením údajov na trénovacie a validačné (validačnými údajmi sa testuje presnosť modelu vo fáze jeho tvorby, ešte sa používajú konečné testovacie dáta, ktoré neboli pri tvorbe modelu použité). Výsledky ukázali lepšie regresné schopnosti oboch dátovo riadených modelov (SVM aj MLP) voči multilineárnej regresii a o niečo lepšie výsledky boli získané z viacvrstvového perceptrónu než zo SVM., and Keďže v niektorých iných prácach mal zvyčajne vyššiu výpočtovú presnosť model založený na SVM než na UNS, autori odporúčajú pre budúci výskum preveriť vhodnosť kombinácie SVM a MLP modelov v dátovo riadenom skupinovom modeli.
Introduction: The dataset of 826 patients who were suspected of the prostate cancer was examined. The best single marker and the combination of markers which could predict the prostate cancer in very early stage of the disease were looked for. Methods: For combination of markers the logistic regression, the multilayer perceptron neural network and the k-nearest neighbour method were used. 10 models for each method were developed on the training data set and the predictive accuracy verified on the test data set. Results and conclusions: The ROCs for the models were constructed and AUCs were estimated. All three examined methods have given comparable results. The medians of estimates of AUCs were 0.775, which were larger than AUC of the best single marker.
This submission contains trained end-to-end models for the Neural Monkey toolkit for Czech and English, solving three NLP tasks: machine translation, image captioning, and sentiment analysis.
The models are trained on standard datasets and achieve state-of-the-art or near state-of-the-art performance in the tasks.
The models are described in the accompanying paper.
The same models can also be invoked via the online demo:
There are several separate ZIP archives here, each containing one model solving one of the tasks for one language.
To use a model, you first need to install Neural Monkey:
To ensure correct functioning of the model, please use the exact version of Neural Monkey specified by the commit hash stored in the 'git_commit' file in the model directory.
Each model directory contains a 'run.ini' Neural Monkey configuration file, to be used to run the model. See the Neural Monkey documentation to learn how to do that (you may need to update some paths to correspond to your filesystem organization).
The 'experiment.ini' file, which was used to train the model, is also included.
Then there are files containing the model itself, files containing the input and output vocabularies, etc.
For the sentiment analyzers, you should tokenize your input data using the Moses tokenizer:
For the machine translation, you do not need to tokenize the data, as this is done by the model.
For image captioning, you need to:
- download a trained ResNet:
- clone the git repository with TensorFlow models:
- preprocess the input images with the Neural Monkey 'scripts/' script ( -- you need to specify the path to ResNet and to the TensorFlow models to this script
Feel free to contact the authors of this submission in case you run into problems!
This submission contains trained end-to-end models for the Neural Monkey toolkit for Czech and English, solving four NLP tasks: machine translation, image captioning, sentiment analysis, and summarization.
The models are trained on standard datasets and achieve state-of-the-art or near state-of-the-art performance in the tasks.
The models are described in the accompanying paper.
The same models can also be invoked via the online demo:
In addition to the models presented in the referenced paper (developed and published in 2018), we include models for automatic news summarization for Czech and English developed in 2019. The Czech models were trained using the SumeCzech dataset (, the English models were trained using the CNN-Daily Mail corpus ( using the standard recurrent sequence-to-sequence architecture.
There are several separate ZIP archives here, each containing one model solving one of the tasks for one language.
To use a model, you first need to install Neural Monkey:
To ensure correct functioning of the model, please use the exact version of Neural Monkey specified by the commit hash stored in the 'git_commit' file in the model directory.
Each model directory contains a 'run.ini' Neural Monkey configuration file, to be used to run the model. See the Neural Monkey documentation to learn how to do that (you may need to update some paths to correspond to your filesystem organization).
The 'experiment.ini' file, which was used to train the model, is also included.
Then there are files containing the model itself, files containing the input and output vocabularies, etc.
For the sentiment analyzers, you should tokenize your input data using the Moses tokenizer:
For the machine translation, you do not need to tokenize the data, as this is done by the model.
For image captioning, you need to:
- download a trained ResNet:
- clone the git repository with TensorFlow models:
- preprocess the input images with the Neural Monkey 'scripts/' script ( -- you need to specify the path to ResNet and to the TensorFlow models to this script
The summarization models require input that is tokenized with Moses Tokenizer ( and lower-cased.
Feel free to contact the authors of this submission in case you run into problems!