In respect of its morphology, biology and epidemiology, Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) impressum Koch, 1844 is one of the more poorly studied ticks of the genus Hyalomma Koch, 1844. No comprehensive morphological study has been done to date, and the nymph has not been described. Here the adults and larva are redescribed, and the nymph is described for the first time. Data on hosts, geographical distribution and disease relationships are provided.
Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) lusitanicum Koch, 1844 and Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) franchinii Tonelli Rondelli, 1932 are amongst the most poorly studied of those species within the genus Hyalomma Koch, 1844 that are restricted to the Mediterranean region. No comprehensive morphological study has been done to date, and the immature stages of H. (E.) franchinii have not been described. Here all the parasitic stages of H. (E.) lusitanicum and the adults of H. (E.) franchinii are redescribed, and the immature stages of the latter species are described for the first time. Data on hosts, geographic distribution and disease relationships are provided.
Taxonomic uncertainty as to the identities of Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) scupense Schulze, 1919 and Hyalomma detritum Schulze, 1919 has existed for nearly 85 years. The chief criterion used to consider these taxa as separate species has been an ecological feature, namely that H. scupense is a one-host tick while H. detritum is a two-host species. Morphologically they are identical. To date no comprehensive taxonomic study has been done on all parasitic stages of the two species. Here the decision to grant priority status to H. scupense and to synonymise H. detritum with H. scupense is defended. The adults and immature stages of H. scupense are illustrated and redescribed. The morphological characteristics that separate the males, females, nymphs and larvae from those of other Hyalomma species are discussed for each developmental stage. Data on hosts, geographic distribution and disease relationships are provided.