Like adults, larvae of the myrmecophilous ladybird Coccinella magnifica are rarely attacked by Formica rufa ants on foraging trails, but more often attacked on ant-tended aphid colonies. Larvae of the non-myrmecophile Coccinella septempunctata, to which C. magnifica was compared, were more readily attacked by ants in both situations. To avoid or counter ant aggression when foraging for aphids, C. magnifica larvae exhibit three main tactics: they may feed on un- or non-tended aphids; when feeding on tended colonies they often carry prey away, minimising time spent there; and if attacked, they use limited chemical defence. No novel behaviours were found in C. magnifica larvae, not occurring to some extent in C. septempunctata. Coccinella magnifica eggs were laid distant to ant-tended aphids, although closer to un- or non-tended aphids.