Changes in behaviour and cognition have been associated with latent infection from the apicomplexan protozoan Toxoplasma gondii (Nicolle et Manceaux, 1908) in both animal and human studies. Further, neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia have also been associated with latent toxoplasmosis. Previously, we found no association between T. gondii immunoglobulin G antibody (IgG) seropositivity and depression in human adults between the ages of 20 and 39 years (n = 1 846) in a sample representative of the United States collected by the Centers for Disease Control as part of a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from three datasets collected between 1999-2004. In the present study, we used NHANES data collected between 2009 and 2012 that included subjects aged 20 to 80 years (n = 5 487) and used the Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9) to assess depression with the overall aim of testing the stability of the results of the prior study. In the current study, the seroprevalence of T. gondii was 13%. The percentage of subjects reporting clinical levels of depression assessed with the PHQ-9 was 8%. As before, we found no association between T. gondii IgG seroprevalence and depression (OR = 1.01, 95% CI = 0.81-1.25; p = 0.944) while controlling for sex, educational attainment, race-ethnicity, age, poverty-to-income ratio and cigarette smoking. We also found no positive associations between anti-T. gondii antibody titre and depression (OR = 1.00, 95% CI = 0.96-1.06; p = 0.868). Moreover, we found no association between T. gondii seroprevalence or antibody titre and suicidal ideation (seroprevalence: OR = 1.22, 95% CI = .85-1.75; p = 0.277, titre: OR = 1.05, 95% CI = 0.98-1.14; p = 0.177)., Defining depression to also include subjects currently taking antidepressant medication even with non-elevated questionnaires did not find evidence of a positive association between latent toxoplasmosis and depression. In the present study, neither T. gondii seroprevalence nor anti-T. gondii antibody titre was positively associated with depression or suicidal ideation among subjects aged 20 to 80 years., Shawn D. Gale, Andrew N. Berrett, Bruce Brown, Lance D. Erickson, Dawson W. Hedges., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Názor, že lidé jsou chodící zoologické zahrady, by ještě před několika (ne víc než 10) lety většina vědců patrně považovala za poněkud přehnaný. Od té doby ale nastalo to, co lze nazvat změnou paradigmatu, a fakt, že na každou lidskou buňku v těle připadá až 10 buněk jiných organismů, začíná být součástí učebnic. Většina těchto buněk se nachází v našem tlustém střevě, které je považováno za nesmírně složitý ekosystém s existencí bilionů virů, bakterií, archeí a eukaryot (mezi ně patří prvoci, helminti a mikroskopické houby). Pro jejich označení se používá souhrnný pojem mikrobiom, jenž ale spíše zahrnuje pouze bakteriální složku, která je doposud nejvíce prostudovaná a zdá se velmi důležitá. (Pojem mikrobiom se používá i pro bakteriální komunity v ústní dutině, kůži, vagíně apod.) and Kateřina Jirků-Pomajbíková, Julius Lukeš.
In the present study, we determine the presence of parasites in fish larvae collected from nearshore waters along the northern and central coast of Chile. The parasites were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level based on morphological and molecular analyses. The fish sample was composed of 5 574 fish larvae. Of these, 3% harboured only larval ectoparasitic copepods whereas no endoparasites were found in the 1 141 fish evaluated for this group of parasites. The parasitic copepods collected were initially classified as 'morphotypes' according to differences in morphological characteristics. They were then analysed using molecular techniques based on the 28S and COI genes. Seven morphotypes of parasitic copepods (mostly at chalimus stages) were recognised: two of the morphotypes belonged to Pennellidae Burmeister, 1835, three to Caligidae Burmeister, 1835 and two were not identified. Only five morphotypes of copepods were analysed using molecular sequences, which confirmed the existence of six species: two pennellids of the genus Trifur Wilson, 1917 and two caligids of the genus Caligus Müller, 1785, plus two additional species that were morphologically different from these taxa. The pennellids were present in several fish species, being generally more prevalent than the caligids, in both the central and northern localities of Chile. Multispecies infections in larval fish were infrequent (< 1%). We conclude that fish larvae were rich in parasites, considering that these hosts exhibited small body sizes and were very young. We suggest that fish larvae could play a role, as intermediate hosts, in the life cycle of the parasitic copepods found., Gabriela Muñoz, Mauricio F. Landaeta, Pamela Palacios-Fuentes, Zambra López, María Teresa González., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Entomofilní hlístice, tedy hlístice žijící v asociaci s nějakým druhem hmyzu, můžeme jednoduše rozdělit na foretické, entomopatogenní a entomoparazitické. Tzv. foretické druhy využívají hmyz jako vektor, který je přenáší do nového prostředí, a pro své nositele jsou v drtivé většině případů neškodné. Opakem jsou entomopatogenní hlístice, tj. hlístovky, které žijí v symbióze s bakteriemi zodpovědnými za usmrcení hmyzího hostitele (odtud entomopatogenní) a zároveň pak slouží hlísticím jako potrava. Za entomoparazitické druhy považujeme ostatní entomofilní hlístice, které parazitují v těle hmyzu, ale nejsou obligátně vybaveny bakterií patogenní pro hmyz. Nejrůznější zástupce entomoparazitických hlístic můžeme najít v celkem asi 24 čeledích. Obligátně parazitické druhy se vyskytují v čeledích Mermithidae, Tetradonematidae, Syrphonematidae, Carabonematidae, Oxyuridae, Thelastomatidae, Sphaerulariidae, Allantonematidae a Fergusobiidae. Právě těmto poněkud opomíjeným hlísticím se článek věnuje. Zaměřuje se především na ty druhy, které se vyskytují na území České republiky. Kromě základních údajů o jednotlivých skupinách a obecných informací o ekologii hlístic si všímá i jejich praktického významu, tedy skutečnosti, jak ovlivňují populace různého člověku škodlivého hmyzu a jak jich můžeme využít., This group of parasitic nematodes consists of approximately 24 families, although obligate parasites can be found in eight of them. Some of these enigmatic nematodes adopted amazing life strategies and serve as bioagents to control populations of mosquitoes or woodwasps. In this article we review the biology, ecology and distribution of these organisms and depict their current use in biological control., and Jiří Nermuť, Vladimír Půža.
Parazitické hlístice, které využívají měkkýše jako mezihostitele, paratenické nebo definitivní hostitele, tvoří skupinu více než stovky druhů. Další nové druhy jsou neustále popisovány, avšak jejich ekologie zůstává povětšinou zcela neznámá a nepovšimnutá. Pouze několik málo druhů bylo prozkoumáno blíže. Právě o nich a o tom kdy a jak vznikl jejich vztah k měkkýšům, pojednává tento článek., The group of parasitic nematodes that use molluscs as intermediate, paratenic or definitive hosts consists of more than 100 species. Several new species are described every year but their ecology still remains almost uknown. Only a few of these nematodes are well studied. This paper discusses these well-known mollusc-parasitic nematodes and the origin of their relationship with molluscs., and Jiří Nermuť, Vladimír Půža.
Fleas infecting northern white-breasted hedgehogs, Erinaceus roumanicus (Barrett-Hamilton), collected from 2009-2011 in Budapest (Hungary) were studied. A total of 305 white-breasted hedgehogs were captured and 1,251 fleas were collected. The flea community comprised two species, the hedgehog flea Archaeopsylla erinacei (Bouche, 1835) and the dog flea Ctenocephalides canis (Curtis, 1826), although the latter was only found on three hedgehogs. Fleas were found on half of the host specimens (51%; n = 156) where their distribution was strongly aggregated. The sex ratio of A. erinacei was biased towards females and was correlated with host size. Interestingly, the sex ratio of fleas became more equal on heavier hosts. It had been expected that, under high competition, the sex ratio would be female biased because it is known that female ectoparasites dominate on poorer hosts. The body size of a random sample of 200 fleas (100 female and 100 male) was measured under a microscope. The analyses showed directional asymmetry in two features - the distance between the top of the head and the eye, and head length. In this two body traits the left side was significantly greater than right side in both sexes of A. erinacei. Our data shed light on the complex nature of the flea population infecting northern white-breasted hedgehogs in an urban area., Krzysztof Dudek, Gábor Földvári, Viktória Majláthová, Igor Majláth, Krisztina Rigó, Viktor Molnár, Mária Tóth, Łukasz Jankowiak, Piotr Tryjanowski., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Thirty-two specimens of the Nile crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus Laurenti (Reptilia: Crocodylidae), from the Kruger National Park, South Africa, and its vicinity were examined for pentastomid parasites during 1995 to 1999 and 2010 to 2011. Pentastomid parasites occurred throughout the year and were widespread in the study area with an overall prevalence of 97% and an overall mean abundance of 23.4 (0-81). Pentastome assemblages comprised six species in three sebekid genera: Alofia nilotici Riley et Huchzermeyer, 1995, A. simpsoni Riley, 1994, Leiperia cincinnalis Sambon, 1922, Sebekia cesarisi Giglioli in Sambon, 1922, S. minor (Wedl, 1861) and S. okavangoensis Riley et Huchzermeyer, 1995. The possible influence of host age, gender and geographic location (river system) on pentastome prevalence, abundance and species richness was investigated. Generally, neither host age, gender nor locality did affect infracommunities, likely because all hosts examined were adult or subadult and displayed comparable foraging behaviour, resulting in similar exposure pathways to fish intermediate hosts. Additionally, the longevity of pentastomids would contribute to accumulative infections as hosts mature. Structuring of pentastome assemblages was observed in as far as S. minor was the dominant species based on overall prevalence and abundance, followed by the equally common species S. cesarisi and L. cincinnalis. With an overall prevalence ranging from 34% to 41% and relatively low abundances, A. nilotici, A. simpsoni and S. okavangoensis form the rarer component of pentastome communities., Kerstin Junker, Frikkie Calitz, Danny Govender, Boris R. Krasnov, Joop Boomker., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In the present study, we critically revised the recently proposed classification of the subfamily Leishmaniinae Maslov et Lukeš in Jirků et al., 2012. Agreeing with erection of the genus Zelonia Shaw, Camargo et Teixeira in Espinosa et al., 2017 and the subgenus Mundinia Shaw, Camargo et Teixeira in Espinosa et al., 2017 within the genus Leishmania Ross, 1908, we argue that other changes are not well justified. We propose to: (i) raise Paraleishmania Cupolillo, Medina-Acosta, Noyes, Momen et Grimaldi, 2000 to generic rank; (ii) create a new genus Borovskyia gen. n. to accommodate the former Leptomonas barvae Maslov et Lukeš, 2010 as its type and only species; (iii) leave the subfamily Leishmaniinae as originally defined, but establish two infrafamilies within it: Leishmaniatae infrafam. n. and Crithidiatae infrafam. n., Alexei Y. Kostygov, Vyacheslav Yurchenko., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Ruavermis mikebargeri gen. et sp. n. infects the yellow-headed temple turtles Heosemys annandalii (Boulenger et Robinson) in the Mekong River Basin. It resembles Platt Roberts et Bullard, 2018 and Coeuritrema Mehra, 1933 by having the anterior to posterior anatomical sequence of a ventral sucker, external seminal vesicle, cirrus sac, anterior testis, ovary, transverse vitelline duct, and posterior testis. These genera are further similar by having the combination of an elongate/ovoid aspinous body, a ventral sucker at the level of the body constriction, an oesophagus that terminates in the anterior 1/5 of the body and that is ventral to the anterior nerve commissure, intestinal caeca that bifurcate in the anterior 1/3 of the body (not immediately anterior to the ventral sucker), a sinistral caecum that bends toward the midline at level of the cirrus and common genital pore, an external seminal vesicle that abuts the anterodextral margin of the cirrus sac, an oviduct that emerges from the dextral margin of the ovary, and an oviducal seminal receptacle that comprises the middle portion of the oviduct. These genera lack lateral oesophageal diverticulae and a median oesophageal diverticulum. The new genus is unique by having a papillate ventral body surface, an external seminal vesicle lateral to the cirrus sac, vasa efferentia that are ventral to the gonads, an oviduct that is convoluted, a Laurer's canal pore that is preovarian, a Laurer's canal that extends anterolaterad, and an excretory vesicle that is Y-shaped. The 28S rDNA phylogenetic analysis recovered the new species sister to Coeuritrema platti Roberts et Bullard, 2016, with that clade sister to Hapalorhynchus spp. and Platt spp. The new turtle blood fluke is the fourth from Vietnam, second from a Vietnam geomydid, and first from Heosemys Stejneger as well as the first endohelminth from the yellow-headed temple turtle., Haley R. Dutton and Stephen A. Bullard., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Hmyz sající krev svých hostitelů často přenáší i původce různých, více či méně závažných onemocnění, čímž představuje hrozbu, ale současně poskytuje dokonalou ukázku biologické adaptace a evolučního závodu s obranou hostitele i s triky přenášených patogenů. Článek stručně představuje vybrané zástupce krevsajícího hmyzu (např. blechy, vši, ovády, kloše, štěnice, komáry) z území České republiky i vyskytující se v různých částech světa, jejich způsob života a jimi přenášené původce onemocnění., Insects sucking the blood of their hosts often transmit the agents of various serious diseases, which pose a threat, but which at the same time provide a perfect example of biological adaptation and the endless evolutionary race against the host's defences with tricks involving transmitted pathogens. This article briefly presents some selected representatives from these blood-sucking insects (e.g. fleas, lice, horseflies, bedbugs, keds and mosquitoes) in the Czech Republic and occurring elsewhere in various parts of the world, their way of life and the aetiological agents which they transmit., and Jan Votýpka.