Pracovník Fakulty technologické Univerzity Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně prof. Ing. Martin Zatloukal, Ph.D., DSc., obhájil disertaci Aplikovaná reologie pro polymery: Od charakterizace k modelování a tokovým nestabilitám a získal vědecký titul „doktor chemických věd“. Prof. Zatloukal přispěl k rozvoji aplikované reologie polymerních tavenin, navrhl a aplikoval inovativní experimentální metodiky umožňující pochopení vlivu tahového toku a tlaku na tokové chování polymerních tavenin, vyvinul nové konstituční rovnice pro polymerní taveniny, které poskytují možnost rozlišit topologii polymerů, a vytvořil nový přístup pro modelování nestabilit volného povrchu polymerních tavenin v oblasti silně nelineární viskoelasticity. and Martin Zatloukal.
The design, build and test of a re-programmable neural switch (RNS) are carried out. The function of such a switch is to operate as a synaptic processor behaving in an adaptive manner and suitable to be used as a compact programmable device with other artificial neural network hardware. Interaction between constituent materials forming the switch is discussed and carrier interaction during the Programming cycles is explained. Programmability of the switch is proved to be bi-directional and reversible with hysteresis effect which is due to excess charge storage.
In this review we summarize several synthetic approaches to the advanced synthesis of star-like polymer-based drug carriers. Moreover, their application as nanomedicines for therapy or the diagnosis of neoplastic diseases and their biodistribution are reviewed in detail. From a broad spectrum of star-like systems, we focus only on fully water-soluble systems, mainly based on poly(ethylene glycol) or N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide polymer and copolymer arms and polyamidoamine dendrimers serving as the core of the star-like systems., L. Kotrchová, L. Kostka, T. Etrych., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The two stage co-pyrolysis method for obtaining of hydrogen is described. In the course of the heating of the mixture of bituminous coal with polyisoprene and styrene-butadiene polymers (co-pyrolysis), a considerable amount of hydrogen and hydrocarbons is released in dependence on the process conditions. The experiments proved that the amount of hydrogen increased already with slightly increased heating rate (5 K min-1 ) in comparison with the amount obtained at a common heating rate (3 K min-1) and, further, with the addition of the second (cracking) stage for further thermal splitting of release d hydrocarbons into hydrogen (and carbon), preferably at a temperature of 1200 ºC., Pavel Straka and Vlastimil Kříž., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Nanocarriers bearing anticancer drugs are promising candidates to improve the efficacy of cancer therapy and minimize side effects. The most potent cytostatics used in the treatment of various cancers are anthracyclines, e.g. doxorubicin or pirarubicin. Recently, polymer therapeutics carrying anthracyclines have been intensively studied. The precise characterization of in vitro nanocarrier biological behavior brings a better understanding of the nanocarrier characteristics and enables prediction of the behavior of the nanocarrier during in vivo application. Advanced fluorescence detection methods, e.g. fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM), were successfully exploited to describe the properties of various polymeric nano-systems and contributed to a complex view of anthracyclines’ intracellular transport and DNA intercalation. Here, we report the application of a specific technique for processing FLIM images, called fluorescence pattern decomposition, to evaluate early events after doxorubicin or pirarubicin treatment of cells. Moreover, we characterized changes in the intracellular localization and release of the anthracyclines during the incubation of cells with polymer nanotherapeutics based on poly[N-(2-hydroxypropyl)- methacrylamide] (pHPMA)., J. Panek, E. Koziolova, P. Stepanek, T. Etrych, O. Janouskova., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Measurements of the gasification rate of chars from lignite with admixtures by steam or CO2 showed that the admixtures of polymers, celluloses and wood reduce reactivity of resulting chars. The decrease of reactivity significantly manifests itself at both 800 °C and 900 °C. This is caused mainly by lower inner surface area which resists the gasification reactions. This negative phenomenon can be compensated by addition of magnetite, which acts as Fe-catalyst of the reactions of chars with steam as well as CO2 and accelerates the gasification. Through the isoconversional analysis, it was proven that the presence of magnetite significantly lowers the effective activation energy of these reactions, thus accelerating their course. The measurements of the reaction rate showed that it leads to a two- or three-fold acceleration of gasification., Pavel Straka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This article’s task is to bring information about building of optical laboratory at Tomas Bata University in Zlin to Czech research and scientific community. This optical laboratory continues on the work of Laboratory of terahertz spectroscopy at the Institute of Physic, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague. The optical laboratory in Zlin will concentrate on studying materials used for manufacturing optical elements for forming of terahertz beam, with focus on polymers which are a traditional area of research in Zlin. and Článek má za úkol informovat českou odbornou veřejnost o budování optické laboratoře na Univerzitě Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, která se prioritně bude zabývat aplikacemi terahertzové oblasti spektra a tím navazovat na Laboratoř terahertzové spektroskopie na Fyzikálním ústavu Akademie věd ČR, která byla vybudována za účelem základního výzkumu v dané oblasti. Optická laboratoř ve Zlíně bude studovat především materiály užité k výrobě optických prvků pro formování terahertzového svazku, se zaměřením na polymery (polymerní technologie jsou tradičně rozvíjeny na Univerzitě Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně).
The present review focuses on the description of the design, synthesis and physico-chemical and biological evaluation of polymer nanogels. Nanogels are robust swollen cross-linked polymer nanoparticles that can be used as highly efficient and biodegradable carriers for the transport of drugs in controlled drug delivery. In this article, various types of nanogels are described and methods for their preparation discussed. The possibility of using synthesized nanosystems for targeting are reviewed to show the potential of tailored structures to reach either solid tumor tissue or direct tumor cells. Finally, the methods for encapsulation or attachment of biologically active molecules, e.g. drugs, proteins, are described and compared., J. Kousalová, T. Etrych., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The 80 th Prague Meeting on Macromolecules, this time focused on Self-assembly in the world of polymers, took place in Prague on July 10-14, 2016. Its participants discussed theoretical aspects of polymer self-assembly, advanced methods of preparing and characterizing self-assembling macromolecular system; special attention was paid to biomimetic self-assembled nanostructures as well as to biological and technical applications of self-assembled macromolecular systems. and Jana Olivová.