Energy prices are increasing all the time. Further worldwide supplies of fossil fuels are decreased. These supplies will be exhausted in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to find new energy sources. The direct transformation of solar energy into electrical energy through the use of photovoltaic cells is one of the possibilities. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the working principle of the photovoltaic system FVS 2001E that is located on an external wall of a building of Tomas Bata University in Zlín.
The failure time distribution for various items often follows a shifted (two-parameter) exponential model and not the traditional (one-parameter) exponential model. The shifted exponential is very useful in practice, in particular in the engineering, biomedical sciences and industrial quality control when modeling time to event or survival data. The open problem of simultaneous testing for differences in origin and scale parameters of two shifted exponential distributions is addressed. Two exact tests are proposed using maximum likelihood estimators. They are based on the combination of two statistics following a maximum-type and a distance-type approach. The exact null distributions of the respective test statistics are derived analytically. Small sample type-one error rate and power of the tests are studied numerically. We showed that the test based on the maximum type combination (the Max test) should be preferred being generally more powerful than the test based on the distance type combination (the Distance test). An application to a biomedical experiment is discussed.
Freedom or control of how we act is often and very naturally understood as a kind of power-a power to determine for ourselves how we act. Is freedom conceived as such a power possible, and what kind of power must it be? The paper argues that power takes many forms, of which ordinary causation is only one; and that if freedom is indeed a kind of power, it cannot be ordinary causation. Scepticism about the reality of freedom as a power can take two forms. One, found in Hume, now often referred to as the Mind argument, assumes incompatibilism, and concludes from incompatibilism that freedom cannot exist, as indistinguishable from chance. But another scepticism, found in Hobbes, does not assume incompatibilism, but assumes rather that the only possible form of power in nature is ordinary causation, concluding that freedom cannot for this reason exist as a form of power. This scepticism is more profound-it is in fact presupposed by Hume’s scepticism-and far more interesting, just because freedom cannot plausibly be modelled as ordinary causation., Svoboda nebo kontrola toho, jak jednáme, je často a velmi přirozeně chápána jako druh moci - moc určovat si, jak jedeme. Je svoboda koncipována jako taková moc a jaká moc musí být? Příspěvek tvrdí, že moc má mnoho podob, z nichž obyčejná příčina je pouze jedna; a že pokud je svoboda skutečně určitým druhem moci, nemůže to být obyčejná příčina. Skepticismus o realitě svobody jako moci může mít dvě podoby. Jeden, nalezený v Hume, nyní často odkazoval se na jako myslargument, předpokládá neslučitelnost, a uzavře z neslučitelnosti že svoboda nemůže existovat, jak nerozeznatelný od šance. Ale další skepticismus, nalezený v Hobbes, nepředpokládá nekompatibilitu, ale předpokládá spíše to, že jedinou možnou formou moci v přírodě je obyčejná příčinná souvislost, závěr, že svoboda nemůže z tohoto důvodu existovat jako forma moci. Tento skepticismus je hlubší - ve skutečnosti je předpokládán Humeovým skepticismem - a mnohem zajímavějším, protože svoboda nemůže být věrohodně modelována jako obyčejná příčina., and Thomas Pink
In the article, the authors respond to the main arguments that were voiced during discussions of the results of the project ‘Sexual Harassment in Universities: Incidence and Perception’, which the authors’ team carried out in 2008-2009. They do not aim to defend the research itself, but rather to analyse the dominant discourse on sexual harassment in the Czech environment from a gender perspective. This is because they see a refusal to accept gender as a relevant analytical category. They argue for the fundamental role of gender in the conceptualization of sexual harassment and for further refinement of its significance in gender‑informed definitions of sexual harassment. In the authors’ opinion, these definitions do not sufficiently reflect the current state of gender theories. The main argument of the text concerns the relationship between sexual and gender‑motivated harassment. The gender perspective offers an intrinsically coherent conceptualization of sexual harassment, including its causes and options for handling individual cases. In the article, the authors discuss the extent to which the gender order is a precondition for sexual harassment. This view allows them to think also about the less discussed types of sexual harassment (e.g. homophobic harassment) or to consider the ambivalence of some situations in which sexual harassment occurs (i.e. the dynamics of pleasant and unpleasant feelings, women’s initiative, etc.). At the same time, it reveals that power inequalities do not result only from institutional hierarchies between teachers and students, but also from the logic of the existing gender order., Kateřina Kolářová, Irena Smetáčková, Petr Pavlík., Poznámky na str. 83-85 (23), Biografické poznámky o autorech článku na str. 85, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Resumé o klíčová slova anglicky na str. 75
Josef Šafařík’s philosophising reflects an important stage in our nation’s cultural development. The article seeks to trace the distinctive trait of his reflections, his positing of contrasting polarities. Such polarities present not only the motivational contrasts of human behaviour but also the possibility of application to the chronology of history. It is precisely this context of historical interpretation – presented most fully in Šafařík’s life-work, On the Way to the Last – which may in retrospect offer an in¬sight into the very nature of the polar articulation of Šafařík’s thought.
Kritickú diskurzívnu analýzu (KDA) autorka predstavila predovšetkým z hľadiska súboru teoretických predpokladov, ktoré konceptualizujú vzťahy medzi diskurzom, poznaním, ideológiou a sociálnym subjektom. Poukázala na varietu predpokladaných súvislostí medzi subjektom a diskurzom, a to v kontexte posunu od štrukturalistickej paradigmy k postštrukturálnej, od jednostrannej determinácie k determinácii dialektickej. Z hľadiska metodologického autorka poukázala na tie teoretické zdroje (sociolingvistická teória jazyka, pragmadialektická teória argumentácie), ktoré prispeli k premene analýzy diskurzu na kritickú, systematickú a transdisciplinárnu metódu analýzy textu v makro a mikrospoločenských súvislostiach. V závere autorka naznačila výzvy, ktorý KDA (vrátane interdisciplinárneho a transdisciplinárneho prístupu) pre sociálnu psychológiu predstavuje.
The Indian society is ''in-between'' tradition and modernity. Religious archetypes and subsequent social and gender stereotypes prevail in many respects but they are in a process of dynamic changes. Conceptualizing identity still faces the shadow of the colonial heritage. An independent national discourse may not, however, always overcome marginalization inside the society, both the gender and ethnic ones. Some Indian feminists do not see Hinduism as a religion principally subjecting women; they stress the tradition of a strong female element in mythology and its appeal on community solidarity and sharing. Others rather strive for secularism, often connecting feminism with a political left (namely in Bengal). The law in the Indian Republic forbids any form of discrimination. Each group has a legitimate right for a political representation. But who will represent and be listened to is mostly a matter of the power decision (see G. C. Spivak and C. T. Mohanty). As Spivak maintains, a basic prerequisite for removing discriminations of the marginalized is the cooperation on creating a space, where the subaltern can themselves articulate their voice.
Diskusní příspěvek upozorňuje na některé slabiny studie Jiřího Macháčka k charakteru mocenského uspořádání Velké Moravy, a to jak po stránce metodologické a metodické, tak po stránce faktické. and The discussion paper highlights certain methodological and methodical weaknesses in Jiří Macháček’s article on the possible nature of the power arrangement in Great Moravia.
In this paper, I propose a programme for future critical responses to naturalism. The paper is divided into two principal parts. In Part I, after providing a topography of contemporary critical approaches to the Placement Problem, which is the operational logic of naturalism, I provide an overview of a burgeoning critical response to naturalism, which, to date, may be predominantly individuated by hostility towards the Placement Problem in two interconnected manners: an epistemic concern and a political concern. Part II of the paper focuses on four areas of future research on critical responses to naturalism arising from themes identified in Part I: the first is a challenge set by Antonio Nunziante concerning the historical and political aspects of American humanism and naturalism; the second involves centring and combining decolonial and queer theoretic discursive formations to enhance critical theoretic responses to naturalism; the third emphasises the need to put Hegel and Otto Neurath in direct conversation about anti-foundationalism, pragmatism, and the (dis)unity of science, in part to dismantle the long-standing hostility between Hegelians and logical empiricists; the fourth is on the subject of developing a critique of sexology’s scientific naturalist framework for making sense of sexual arousal.
Fatherhood has experienced many transformations in the past years, as well as the institution of family and relationships between partners, parents and children. The social science discourse reflects those changes, but quite often through a prism of values and ideologies, and only rarely is gender neutral. This article presents today's discourses of fatherhood, their paradoxes and one way streets in which they sometimes end. Fathers today and especially those living in some of the ''new'' family arrangement (divorced fathers, step fathers, lone fathers...) find themselves in a situation where no clear cultural models or scenarios of behaviour exist. Public and scientific discourses of fatherhood are divided between the image of a ''new'' involved father on one side and of the ''feckless'' father on the other. Both images are often used and misused to political purposes, but don't really reflect the reality of contemporary fatherhood.