This paper is intended to opeii a serial of articles concerning the development of the simple parallel scalable benchmark code. The prime algorithrns have been chosen as the hrst set of procedures in order to test in practice benchmarking ideas concerning the code properties. The prime routines were selected because of the simplicity of the problem formulation, an easy prograrnming eřfort as well as an extremely simple data operation. The code has been implemented as seven routines of significant performance. Four routines belong to nurnber generators and three procedures are prime selectors. Moreover two of the generators are single parametrical and the values of rernaining two procedures are generated by means of twoparametrical mathematical formula.
The performance of different generators/selectors are measured for benchmark size scaled according to powers of two. A single curve represents the functional behavior of the elapsed tirne of a selected routine on the benchmark size. The obtained performance curves of a couple of routines are collected into one figure. The single time window where a couple of curves is compared one to each other represents a substantial unit of the benchmark analysis of hardware facility.
The attention of the paper is concentrated on the benchmark code properties itself. The first paper of the seriál does not analyze any composition of hardware equipment or special hardware features. The code should finally be ušed to test capabilities of hardware facilities as well as to correlate software performance of practical packages with the performance characteristics of present code.