Daily rhythmicity in the sexual behaviour of Monema flavescens Walker (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae) was studied under laboratory conditions. There was a distinct diel periodicity in female calling, male responsiveness and mating behaviour of M. flavescens. As females aged there was an advance in the onset and more time spent calling. One day old females started calling 4 h after the onset of the scotophase, and 5 to 6 day old females called during the first hour of the scotophase. About 34.5% of females called on the night they emerged (1 day old) and the peak in calling of 97.8% was recorded for 2 day old females, after which the incidence of calling decreased rapidly with advancing age. Wind tunnel and copulation tests showed that males were sexually mature on the third night and female moths on the second night. The highest value for the percentage mating was recorded for 3 day old virgin females 4 to 6 h after the onset of the scotophase. In field tests, traps baited with 2 day and 3 day old virgin females captured more males than any other trap and most males were captured 4 to 6 h (1 to 2 day old), 3 to 5 h (3 to 4 day old) and 2 to 4 h (5 to 6 day old) after the onset of the scotophase. These results indicate that there is a daily rhythm in the reproductive behaviour of M. flavescens and provides a better understanding of its sexual behaviour.
To conserve the predators and parasitoids of agricultural pests it is necessary to understand their population structure in a mixed landscape, and to consider the spatial and temporal changes in their distribution and movement of adults and larvae. We studied the distribution and movement of the ground beetle Carabus yaconinus (Coleoptera: Carabidae), which inhabits farmland-woodland landscapes. We placed a large number of pitfall traps along the border between a wood and an orchard and counted the number of C. yaconinus adults and larvae caught in the traps from 13 April to 28 June 2005. Some of the adults were marked before they were released. Adults were most abundant at the edge of the wood and the number caught gradually decreased when entering into the wood. In contrast, larvae were only found in the interior of the wood, although they moved closer to the edge of the wood as they matured. Adult females were collected within the wood and neighbouring orchards more frequently than adult males. It is likely that females enter woodlands in search of oviposition sites and leave woodlands in search of high-protein food sources to support reproduction. For sustaining populations of C. yaconinus it is necessary to have woodlands of at least 60 m in width adjacent to farmland. It is possible to design an appropriate landscape if the habitat requirements of the predatory arthropods are well understood.
The neonatally gonadectomized male rats failed to show typical male clasping of the flanks of the female rat in oestrous stage and also could not achieve intromission and ejaculation when studied at 90 days of age. The replacement of testosterone propionate did not abolish the deficit in sexual behaviour observed. The multiunit electrical activity (MUA) in the medial preoptic area (MPOA) of intact males as well as of oestrous females increased significantly in amplitude and frequency from the low basal levels during mounting, but reverted almost to the basal levels after mounting. The basal MUA in the gonadectomized male rats was of relatively high frequency and amplitude when compared to the intact males and oestrous females, and did not show significant changes during and after mounting. It is suggested that the dimorphic organization of MPOA, developing under the influence of neonatal testosterone, plays a significant role in the male sexual behaviour in adulthood.