First part is dedicated to the position of factory workers from gender perspective, on the basis of analyses of statistical investigation realized on the territory of Austria. The results are compared with other countries, expecially Germany,. The second part explains, in the first place on the basis of worker's periodicals, memoirs and documents from conventions, the attitude of workers and social democrats to the women's work in and the opinions on its resolving., Jana Englová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Autor, který působí na Ženevské univerzitě ve Švýcarsku, sepsal sociální dějiny Komunistické strany Československa a Jednotné socialistické strany Německa (Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands - SED) v Německé demokratické republice během více než čtyř poválečných desetiletí jejich cesty k moci a vládnutí. Klade přitom důraz na pečlivě zvolenou vzájemnou komparaci a na dlouhodobější historické procesy. Recenzent vysoce oceňuje syntetickou kvalitu jeho práce, precizně uplatňovanou metodologii a široké výzkumné pole, zahrnující tvorbu a reprodukci lokálních stranických elit, administrativní stranickou praxi a každodenní život členstva obou stran. Seznamuje přitom s hlavními poznatky autora o jejich fungování, k nimž patří specifický význam nacionálního faktoru v legitimizační strategii KSČ a značně důslednější průnik SED do běžného života svých členů., The author of the book, who works at the University of Geneva in Switzerland, wrote the social history of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and the Socialist Unity Party of Germany in the German Democratic Republic, covering more than four decades of their post-war road to power and rule. In doing so, he emphasizes a meticulously chosen mutual comparison and long-term historical processes. The reviewer highly appreciates the synthetic quality of his work, precisely applied methodology, and broad field of research including the formation and reproduction of local party elites, administrative party practices, and everyday life of members of both parties. The reviewer presents principal findings of the author concerning the operation of the parties, including the specific significance of the nationalistic factor in the legitimization strategy of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and the substantially deeper penetration of SED into everyday life of its members., [autor recenze] Marián Lóži., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The study focused on the factory colony of the mine „Jiří“ in Moravská Ostrava, by now only marginally reflected upon by the regional historians, does not aim to be a monograph dealing with the history of one of the rough number of 55 miners‘ colonies on the territory of contemporary Ostrava. The study of the colony of „Jiří“ that existed from the year 1872 or 1889 to the year 1970 was motivated, first, by the author’s interest in the proletarian colonies in Ostrava. But it also constitutes part of the research project begun in the year 2010. The research should culminate at producing a modern topography of miners‘ colonies of Ostrava that would replace the problematic topography of Jaroslav Bílek (1966). The study of the colony of „Jiří“ aims to refute the myth of its foundation before the year 1860, to describe in detail its constructional- architectonic development and the living standard, positively resolve the problem of the number of houses in the colony, and especially to remind the fact, unique in the region of Ostrava, of the double foundation of the colony in the years 1871 and 1888. Besides the general information concerning the setting and surroundings of the colony of „Jiří“ and its civic amenities, the study should provide the correction of the data on the population development of the colony in the years 1890–1910 presented in the thesis of Drahoslava Dušková (1976).