Ewa Rumińska-Zimny přednáší genderová studia na Polské akademii věd a je prezidentkou Mezinárodního fóra pro ženy v akademii a obchodu na Varšavské vysoké škole ekonomické. Akademickou práci spojuje s prací pro Organizaci spojených národů. Autorsky a editorsky se podílela na přípravě řady zpráv OSN, například Zpráv o lidském rozvoji, a v Evropské hospodářské komisi OSN v Ženevě spolupracovala na hodnocení závazků přijatých na Konferenci OSN o ženách v Pekingu. Odborně se zabývá procesy tranzice ve východní a střední Evropě, feministickou ekonomií a genderovou rovností. Je členkou Mezinárodní asociace feministických ekonomů a ekonomek (IAFFE) a spoluzakladatelkou GEM-Europe, který je součástí globální vědecké sítě Gender a makroekonomika., Dr. Ewa Rumińska-Zimny is a lecturer in Gender Studies at the Polish Academy of Science and the President of the International Forum of Women in Academia and Business at the Warsaw School of Economics. She combined academic work with work for the United Nations. Her work included writing and coordination of UN reports, e.g., Human Development Reports, analyses of the transition process in Eastern and Central Europe and reviews of progress in gender equality within the framework of the Beijing process at the UN Economic Commission for Europe in Geneva. She is a member of the International Association of Feminist Economists (IAFFE) and the initiator of GEM Europe, a part of the global network of researchers on Gender and Macroeconomics., Ewa Rumińska-Zimny, Zuzana Uhde, Alena Křížková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The text discusses the relationship between real economic development, which is primarily measured by conventional statistical macroeconomic indicators, and the public opinion on economic development, whose regular monitoring o ers a number of subjective indicators. Empirical data from the period of the independent Czech Republic show that subjective indicators re ect the real economic situation and its changes over time. In a broader sense the paper highlights some of the practical di culties, which always arise when interpreting the results of public opinion polls and similar quantitative sociological investigations in this area., Jan Červenka., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The paper deals with the relationship between Emile Durkheim´s sociology and the contractualist tradition of political philosophy, represented here pricipally by Thomas Hobbles. Its aim is to show that Giddens´s strict rejection of Parsons´s claim according to which Durkheim has reopened in his work the "Hobbes´s problem of order", should not be accepted as such, because it´s radicality hides that what is the value in Parsons´s thesis. As we argue, Parsons has the merit of noticing that Hobbes and Spencer, who - in respect of their social philosophies - are usually seen as opposed, appear to be close to each other when they are considered by Durkheim as to the conception of the society their philosophies yield. Yet Durkheim´s sociology is an endeavour to conceive the society independently of the state, and thus, inversely, to emancipate the state from the society, so that it can be entrusted with a different function other than the guarantor of the social order. and Jan Maršálek.