Chartrand et al. (2004) have given an upper bound for the nearly antipodal chromatic number ac′ (Pn) as (n−2 2 ) + 2 for n ≥ 9 and have found the exact value of ac′ (Pn) for n = 5, 6, 7, 8. Here we determine the exact values of ac′ (Pn) for n ≥ 8. They are 2p 2 − 6p + 8 for n = 2p and 2p 2 − 4p + 6 for n = 2p + 1. The exact value of the radio antipodal number ac(Pn) for the path Pn of order n has been determined by Khennoufa and Togni in 2005 as 2p 2 − 2p + 3 for n = 2p + 1 and 2p 2 − 4p + 5 for n = 2p. Although the value of ac(Pn) determined there is correct, we found a mistake in the proof of the lower bound when n = 2p (Theorem 6). However, we give an easy observation which proves this lower bound.