Vzniku trombózy v arteriálním nebo venózním cévním systému předchází složitá souhra faktorů vnějšího prostředí a faktorů genetických. Rozsáhlé genomové asociační studie se ukazují jako velice přínosné v identifikaci lokusů spojených s kardiovaskulárními onemocněními a souvisejícími rizikovými faktory. Ještě zbývá mnoho práce v identifikaci určujících genů a jejich kauzálních variant, stejně jako v definici mechanizmů, které ovlivňují vývoj a progresi onemocnění. Z výsledků studií lokusů spojených s dříve identifikovanými onemocněními se očekává zlepšení našich znalostí o patofyziologii kardiovaskulárních onemocnění a možnost identifikovat nové cíle pro léčbu. V oblasti aterotrombózy a trombofilie jsou významné výsledky z asociačních studií zaměřených na oblast ischemické choroby srdeční, ischemické cévní mozkové příhody a žilního tromboembolizmu. Klíčová slova: ateroskleróza – aterotrombóza – celogenomové asociace (GWAS) – infarkt myokardu – ischemická choroba srdeční – jednonukleotidový polymorfizmus (SNP) – trombofilie – žilní tromboembolizmus, Thrombosis in the arterial or venous vascular systems is preceded by a complex interplay between environmental and genetic factors, and it is the underlying cause of several common complex diseases. The genomewide association approach has proved successful in identifying loci associated with cardiovascular disease and related risk factors. However, much work remains to identifyning the culprit genes and causal variants as well as the mechanisms whereby they influence disease development and progression. In-depth studies of previously identified disease-associated loci are expected to improve our understanding of the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease and identify novel targets for treatment. In the field of atherothrombosis and thrombophilia are significant results from association studies focused on the area of coronary artery disease, ischemic stroke, venous thromboembolism. Key words: atherosclerosis – atherothrombosis – coronary artery disease – genomewide association study (GWAS) – myocardial infarction – single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) – thrombophilia – venous thromboembolism, and Tomáš Kvasnička
Crohn's disease is a chronic immune-mediated intestinal inflammation targeted against a yet incompletely defined subset of commensal gut microbiota and occurs on the background of a genetic predisposition under the influence of environmental factors. Genome-wide association studies have identified about 70 genetic risk loci associated with Crohn's disease. The greatest risk for Crohn's disease represent polymorphisms affecting the CARD15 gene encoding nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 2 (NOD2) which is an intracellular sensor for muramyl dipeptide, a peptidoglycan constituent of bacterial cell wall. The accumulated evidence suggests that gut microbiota represent an essential, perhaps a central factor in the induction and maintaining of Crohn's disease where dysregulation of normal co-evolved homeostatic relationships between intestinal microbiota and host mucosal immune system leads to intestinal inflammation. Taken together, these findings identify Crohn's disease as a syndrome of overlapping phenotypes that involves variable influences of genetic and environmental factors. A deeper understanding of different genetic abnormalities underlying Crohn's disease together with the identification of beneficial and harmful components of gut microbiota and their interactions are essential conditions for the categorization of Crohn's disease patients, which enable us to design more effective, preferably causative, individually tailored therapy. and L. Hrnčířová, J. Krejsek, I. Šplíchal, T. Hrnčíř
Background: Despite the fact that the genetic basis of schizophrenia has been intensively studied for more than two decades, our contemporary knowledge in this field is rather fractional, and a substantial part of it is still missing. The aim of this review article is to sum up the data coming from genome‑wide association genetic studies in schizophrenia, and indicate prospective directions of further scientific endeavour. Methods: We searched the National Human Genome Research Institute’s Catalog of genome‑wide association studies for schizophrenia to identify all papers related to this topic. In consequence, we looked up the possible relevancy of these findings for etiology and pathogenesis of schizophrenia using the computer gene and PubMed databases. Results: Eighteen genome‑wide association studies in schizophrenia have been published till now, referring to fifty‑seven genes supposedly involved into schizophrenia’s etiopathogenesis. Most of these genes are related to neurodevelopment, neuroendocrinology, and immunology. Conclusions: It is reasonable to predict that complex studies of sufficiently large samples, involving detection of copy number variants and assessment of endophenotypes, will produce definitive discoveries of genetic risk factors for schizophrenia in the future., Ladislav Hosák, Petr Šilhan, Jiřina Hosáková, and Literatura 48