In this paper we obtain estimates of the sum of double sine series near the origin, with monotone coefficients tending to zero. In particular (if the coefficients ak,l satisfy certain conditions) the following order equality is proved g(x,y) ∼ mnam,n + m⁄ n ∑ n−1 l=1 lam,l + n⁄ m ∑mX−1 k=1 kak,n + 1 m ⁄n ∑ n−1 l=1 ∑ m−1 k=1 klak,l, where x ∈ ( π⁄ m+1 , π ⁄ m ], y ∈ ( π ⁄ n+1 , π ⁄ n ], m, n = 1, 2, . . ..