This paper reports an investigation into the composition of gypsum from Kobeřice locality (Czech Republic). The X-ray diffraction along with FTIR spectroscopy and thermal analysis show that almost pure gypsum occurs mainly in autochthonous horizons. While allochthonous clastic deposition is represented by gypsum containing also calcite, quartz, clay minerals and organic matter., Pavel Konečný, Eva Plevová, Lenka Vaculíková, Alena Kožušníková, Janka Peterková and Marianna Hundáková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The reactivity of a char depends very on the parent coal. Much information about correlation between properties of coal and reactivity of chars is lost by using only standard methods for a large dataset evaluation. In this research a set of 8 coals has been investigated by thermal analysis and reactivity of obtained chars was analyzed as a function of properties of parent coal properties using Canonical correlation analysis. The reactivity of chars was determined by thermogravimetric analysis of nonisothermal combustion in oxygen. It can be stated that methods of multivariate data analysis are useful tools for the interpretation of coal chars reactivity data., Mariusz Minkina, Elwira Zajusz-Zubek and Andrzej Mianowski., and Obsahuje bibliografii