Because nutrients accrued during larval stages represent the major limiting factor for egg production, the use of adult feeding to enhance the reproductive output in moths is considered to be largely weight-dependent. It is hypothesized, however, that feeding by adults could be adaptive and an effective means of increasing their reproductive success. In order to test this, the calling behaviour of Spodoptera littoralis females that differed in body weight and whether they had fed or not were recorded. Two experiments were carried out. In the first, the calling behaviour of food-deprived females of different body weights was recorded. A strong positive correlation was found between body weight at emergence and the total duration of calling of females on the second to the fifth night after emergence. In the second experiment, groups of female moths that varied in body weight were given access to water or sucrose. Feeding on sucrose significantly reduced the pre-calling period and increased the total time spent calling on the six nights after emergence. The increase in time spent calling associated with ingesting sucrose were proportionately similar for both small and large females, implying that feeding by adults can result in an increase in the time spent calling by moths irrespective of larval nutritional status. Female longevity was also correlated with moth weight at emergence and/or sucrose availability. It is concluded that it is advantageous for female S. littoralis to be large and/or have access to sucrose-rich food in the adult stage as they can spend more time attracting a mate, which increases their chances of mating in early adult life, and their longer adult life may indirectly result in an increase in fecundity., Medhat M. Sadek., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis, is a key economic insect pest reducing fruit yield and generating constraints in the international market. The application of the sterile insect technique (SIT) continues to reveal areas where new technologies can improve the effectiveness of fruit fly control. One such advancement concerns insect strains. In the present study, a mass-reared strain of the fly with a translocation-based genetic sexing character (Salaya1) based on a brown-white pupal colour dimorphism was genetically characterized using 11 microsatellite DNA markers. Subsequently, these markers were used to evaluate the maintenance of genetic variability in the strain under mass-rearing conditions. Mating competitiveness of this strain was also tested in field cages. Two of the newly characterized Y-pseudo-linked microsatellite markers were used for strain identification in field monitoring traps. The strain was also validated in a pilot integrated pest management (IPM) programme using male-only SIT in a fruit orchard. The programme resulted in the suppression of the fruit fly population., Siriwan Isasawin, Nidchaya Aketarawong, Sujinda Thanaphum., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The Niobe Fritillary, Argynnis niobe, is a habitat specialist and as a consequence is highly endangered in contemporary Europe. To investigate its genetic diversity and population structure, 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed and characterized, using a recently developed pyrosequencing method. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 21, and the observed and expected heterozygosities varied from 0.17 to 0.53 and from 0.24 to 0.92, respectively. These loci were also successfully used to study the genetic diversity of a closely related species, the High Brown Fritillary, Argynnis adippe, and will be used in future population structure studies of both these species., Jan Zima JR, Dan Leština, Martin Konvička., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Survival and Lt50 after exposures at constant low temperature were compared to the values obtained at alternating temperatures in two active (summer acclimated) temperate terrestrial arthropods. The experimental regimes used interruptions - daily transfers from the lower temperature to various higher temperatures for two hours or to one high temperature for Various durations. In both species the alternating conditions improved survival, implying reparation of the chill injury. In the collembolan Orchesella cincta, there was a maximum Lt50 when the higher exposure temperature was equal to the temperature of rearing (19°C). In the bug Pyrrhocoris apterus, Lt50 increased strongly with increasing higher temperature from 0 to 15°C, and was subsequently constant over the entire physiological range suitable for development (to 35°C). Exposure at 0°C was harmful if continuously applied, but survival increased, relative to a constant exposure at -5°C, if the temperature alternated between -5 and 0°C., Zdeněk Hanč, Oldřich Nedvěd, and Lit
Článek shrnuje současné znalosti o distribuci ryb a její dynamice v našich přehradních nádržích. Především jsou popsány změny distribuce ryb v průběhu a mezi několika důležitými obdobími, jako je třecí období, období sběru potravy a zimní období. Dále je diskutován přínos současného rozvoje metodik vzorkování ryb k porozumění jejich distribučních vzorců., This paper summarizes current knowledge of fish distribution and its dynamics in Czech water reservoirs. The dynamics of fish distribution is described during the three periods, including spawning, feeding and wintering. And the importance of current fish sampling technique innovations for understanding fish distribution patterns is also discussed., and Martin Říha a kolektiv autorů.
A cytogenetic investigation was performed in eight species of the spittlebug genus Philaenus using silver-NOR (AgNOR)-banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with 18S rDNA and (TTAGG)n telomeric probes. This is the first application of FISH technique in the Auchenorrhyncha, a suborder of the Hemiptera. FISH along with the rDNA probe revealed differences between species in the number and chromosomal location of major ribosomal RNA gene sites, the so-called nucleolar organizer regions (NORs). However, we found a lack of perfect correlation between the results of AgNOR-staining and rDNA-FISH in the detection of NORs. FISH with the telomeric probe confirmed that the chromosome ends of the Philaenus species are composed of the (TTAGG)n nucleotide sequence, which is a common motif of insect telomeres., Anna Maryanska-Nadachowska, Valetnina G. Kuznetsova, Tatyana V. Karamysheva., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Winter climate determines the success of the two main reproductive strategies employed by aphids. Permanent parthenogens survive as parthenogenetic females in mild winters, but are regularly eliminated by low temperatures; while cyclical parthenogens, which switch to sexual reproduction by the end of summer, produce every year fertilised diapausing eggs resistant to frost.
We have studied the variation in sexual morph production of several clones of the cereal aphid Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) showing both strategies. Twenty clones of this species differing by their geographic origin and their mode of reproduction were placed in two laboratory environments mimicking the changes of photoperiod and thermoperiod occurring naturally from the end of summer and during the autumn in oceanic and continental conditions. The analysis of clonal responses in both climatic conditions showed (i) a wide variation in investment of clones in sexual reproduction with, in particular, evidence for a mixed strategy employed by clones producing both sexuals without ceasing parthenogenetic reproduction, (ii) no geographic adaptation among clones belonging to cyclical parthenogenetic populations, (iii) an earlier production of sexuals in continental conditions and a higher production of males in oceanic conditions.
Furthermore, we have compared the dates of first appearance of sexuals in our experiments with those occurring in the field based on a suction trap database and found that sexuals were caught in nature at least four weeks earlier than in the lab. These results underline the need for a better understanding of the influence of the whole array of environmental factors inducing the transition from parthenogenetic to sexual reproduction in aphids., Maurice Hullé, Damien Maurice, Claude Rispe, Jean-Christophe Simon, and Lit
Šakal obecný (Canis aureus) je nový druh fauny savců České republiky. Na naše území se přirozenou cestou rozšířil z jihovýchodní Evropy. První věrohodný doklad pochází z Uherského Hradiště (2006), další pak z Brna (2009) a z Benešovska (střední Čechy, 2011). Řada dalších neověřených pozorování i nálezy z příhraničních oblastí Šumavy naznačují, že expanze druhu pokračuje., The Golden Jackal (Canis aureus) is a quite new member of the fauna of the Czech Republic. So far, three verified records in the environs of Uherské Hradiště (2006), Brno (2009) and Benešov (Central Bohemia, 2011) have been obtained. A number of other unverified observations and findings from the border areas of the Šumava Mountains (Bohemian Forest) suggest that the expansion of the species is ongoing., Miloš Anděra., and Obsahuje seznam literatury