V oblasti mezinárodního ekonomického práva existuje diferencovaná úprava odpovědnosti. Tam, kde je úprava založena na mnohostranných smluvních režimech (zejm.WTO), obecná pravidla odpovědnosti států byla nahrazena speciálními smluvními pravidly. Je pro ně typické několik aspektů, a to
(1) důraz na obnovení porušených výhod spíše než na ochranu formální legality, (2) řešení újmy způsobené bez porušení pravidel některé dohody, ale také újmy vzniklé v důsledku porušení některé dohody WTO (tj. následky nezakázaného i zakázaného chování), (3) propojení pravidel odpovědnosti s přímým donucením a řešením sporů, (4) institucionalizovaný systém řešení sporů vylučuje nebo alespoň omezuje jednostranná opatření (protiopatření) ze strany států.V této oblasti práva hrají významnou roli mezinárodní organizace, včetně úpravy jejich odpovědnosti a protiopatření. I zde obecná pravidla odpovědnosti odkazují na pravidla mezinárodní organizace. Uplatňování protiopatření mezi členskými státy a organizací a vice versa je možné pouze tehdy, když to umožňují pravidla organizace. Ze strany mezinárodních organizací se nejedná o klasická protiopatření, ale o legální opatření (sankce) dovolená podle pravidel organizace and In international economic law there is a differentiated regulation of responsibility and liability for damage. In the areas where the regulation stems from multilateral treaty regimes, such as WTO, general rules on State responsibility have been derogated from by special treaty rules. They
are characterized by several features: (1) focus on restoration of advantages impaired rather than on protection of the formal legality; (2) settlement of losses suffered in no violation cases as well in cases
of violation of certain WTO covered agreement (i.e. consequences of non-prohibited and unlawful acts); (3) links between rules on responsibility, sanctions and dispute settlement; and (4) the institutionalized system of dispute settlement excluding or limiting unilateral countermeasures by States.
In this branch of law the important role is played by international organizations, including their own rules on responsibility and sanctions. Even general rules on responsibility refer to the rules of international organization. The implementation of countermeasures between Member States and
an organization is only possible where provided in the rules of the organization. The measures applied by organizations against Member States are not classical countermeasures but rather lawful measures (sanctions) allowed according to rules of the organization.
There is much current discussion about the factors that control the distribution and abundance of animal species, particularly at the edges of their range. The significance of temperature for survival and development is compared in two closely related psyllid species (Craspedolepta nebulosa and C. subpunctata) living on the same host plant (Chamerion angustifolium) (Onagraceae) but displaying different distributions along latitudinal and altitudinal gradients. The following measurements were made at critical periods during the life cycle (a) winter supercooling points (SCPs), (b) tolerance of short (1 min) and long term (1-25) days exposure to sub-zero temperatures above the SCP, (c) tolerance of short term exposure to high spring/summer temperatures and (d) comparative field development rates among species and sites during the early critical part of the growing season. Successful completion of the life cycle is related to heat availability during the growing season. This appears to limit the distribution of the Craspedolepta species, rather than their survival response to thermal extremes. No significant differences were found between the two species in the supercooling point or in their long and short term survival responses at low or high temperatures., Jeremy M. Bird, Ian D. Hodkinson, and Lit
A study of the insect community inhabiting the wood-decaying bracket fungus, Cryptoporus volvatus was used to test two hypotheses proposed to account for the competitive coexistence of species in insect communities in patchy environments, niche partitioning and spatial mechanisms. A total of 8990 individuals belonging to 17 insect species emerged from 438 sporocarps (patches) collected from the field. Insect species richness increased and then declined with increase in the total insect biomass reared from a sporocarp, suggesting the potential importance of interspecific competition. Successional niche partitioning explained the spatial distribution of the four specialist species. The aggregation model of coexistence satisfactorily explained the stable coexistence of the species. The specialist species displayed higher population persistence than the generalists. Simulation studies suggest that restricted movements of adults could override patch-level larval aggregation. The effect of such restricted movements on stabilizing coexistence in fungus-insect communities has not been previously appreciated. These findings suggest that spatial mechanisms play a crucial role in the competitive coexistence of the species in the mycophagous insect communities inhabiting bracket fungi.
In 1966, the Černíkovice experiment, Czech Republic, was started when an alluvial meadow dominated by Alopecurus pratensis was subjected to the following fertilizer treatments: non-fertilized control, PK, N50PK, N100PK, N150PK, and N200PK. The experimental plots were cut three times per year in the initial phase of the experiment and twice per year since the late 1980s. In mid May 2005, plant cover was visually estimated, biomass yield and sward height measured in order to detect changes in the grassland ecosystem caused by this long-term fertilizer treatment. After 40 years treatment was a significant predictor of sward structure, explaining 32% of the variability in plant cover data in RDA. Legumes were not detected in the N200PK treatment and achieved the highest cover in the control and PK treatment. Grasses had the lowest cover in the PK treatment and control, which significantly differed from all treatments with N. Alopecurus pratensis prevailed in all NxPK treatments. Herbs had the highest cover in the control followed by the PK treatment and both treatments significantly differed from the NxPK treatments. Achillea millefolium was recorded in all treatments, but the highest cover was recorded in the control treatment. Species richness of vascular plants ranged from 8 per m2 in the N200PK treatment to 24 in the control. A significant decrease in species richness with increase in sward height was detected. The cover of mosses ranged from 1 to 6% like sward height gradually increased with fertilizer application. Aboveground biomass yield was significantly lower in the control than all other treatments. Based on the results of the Černíkovice experiment and a comparison with other long-term fertilizer experiments it is concluded that naturally highly productive grasslands are much less threatened by the inappropriate application of fertilizers than low productive grasslands with a specific plant species composition.
Ant assemblages were studied in Warsaw in the context of the effects of urban pressure. Four types of urban greenery were selected: (1) green areas bordering streets, (2) in housing estates, and (3) in parks, and (4) patches of urban woodland. In total, there were 27 species of ants. In terms of the total ant activity density, Lasius niger predominated in all the the lawn biotopes (1–3) and Myrmica rubra in the wooded areas. Ant species diversity was highest in parks and wooded areas and lowest in green areas bordering streets. In contrast, activity density was highest in green areas bordering streets and lowest in wooded areas. Some species are found only in a few habitats. Stenamma debile, Lasius brunneus, L. fuliginosus and Temnothorax crassispinus almost exclusively occurred in wooded areas, whereas L. niger was most often found in lawn biotopes. Myrmica rugulosa and Tetramorium caespitum were most abundant in green areas bordering streets, while in parks Lasius flavus, Formica cunicularia and Solenopsis fugax were most abundant. In general, the ant assemblages recorded showed a significantly nested pattern, with biotope type being a significant determinant of nestedness. The assemblages found in green areas in housing estates and bordering streets constituted a subsample of the assemblages in parks and wooded areas. Ant species were non-randomly distributed in this urbanized landscape and the species recorded in the most transformed biotopes constitute subsamples of those inhabiting less transformed biotopes. This finding emphasizes the importance of wooded areas for the maintenance of biodiversity in urban areas., Piotr Slipinski, Michal Zmihorski, Vojciech Czechowski., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Species diversity and potential impact of cocoon parasitoids on the abundance of the common pine sawfly, Diprion pini L. (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae), were explored in different forest habitats, with endemic sawfly populations, by the regular exposure of laboratory reared sawfly cocoons. Different cocoon spinning sites of the sawfly were simulated by exposing cocoons at several strata (soil, litter, trunk and stem of pine trees) in a forest. In more fertile, mixed spruce/pine-forests, parasitism on exposed cocoons was lower than in typical outbreak stands with a lower vegetational diversity. The parasitoid communities comprised of up to nine parasitoid species, which showed temporal and spatial niche separation. The ichneumonid Pleolophus basizonus Grav. (Hymenoptera: Phygadeuontinae) occured throughout the season at all strata as well as in all forest types. The ichneumonid Gelis cursitans F. (Hymenoptera: Phygadeuontinae) was only found in pine forests with sparsely developed ground vegetation, parasitizing exposed cocoons in the upper story in spring. The torymids Monodontomerus dentipes Dalm. (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) and M. minor Ratz. (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) were present in all forest types, but parasitized commonly only cocoons in the upper story in summer. Apparently, these generalists can quickly respond to increased densities of upper story exposed "summer" cocoons and thus limit the population growth of the pine sawfly due to the development of a second generation.
In this paper six new species of the genus Brachystomella Ågren from the Neotropical region are described : B. desutterae sp. n. (Peru), B. mataraniensis sp. n. (Peru), B. pefauri sp. n. (Venezuela), B. purma sp. n. (Peru), B. saladaensis sp. n. (Argentina) and B. zerpa sp. n. (Venezuela). Brachystomella honda Christiansen & Bellinger, 1988 is synonymised with Brachystomella baconaoensis Gruia, 1983. Diagnoses and comments on the original descriptions as well as remarks on 22 species are included.
Aphis hieracii Schrank (apterous and alate viviparous female, ovipara, male) is defined, along with description of three new species: A. heiei sp. n. (apt. and al; viv. fem.) on Hieracium umbellatum from Denmark, A. curtiseta sp. n. (apt. viv. fem., fundatrix, ovipara and male) on Hieracium (Pilosella) spp. from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Moldova and the Ukraine (Crimea), and Aphis mohelnensis sp. n. (apt. and al. viv. fem.) on H. (P.) echioides from the Czech Republic, H. (P.) bauhinii from Bulgaria and H. virosum from Uzbekistan. The latter species differs from A. hieracii in having a long ultimate rostral segment, shorter processus terminalis and, in alate females, more numerous secondary rhinaria. Additonal notes on taxonomy, host plants and distribution of A. hieracii and A. pilosellae are given. Records of Aphis fabae s. lat, and A. frangulae s. lat, on Hieracium spp., are reviewed and a key to the seven species of Aphis on Hieracium is provided.
This paper deals with the taxonomy and distribution of Folsomia species from northern Russia with special reference to the Asian regions. Eight new species are described: F. amplissima sp. n., F. ancestor sp, n., F. atropolaris sp. n., F. borealis sp. n., F. brevisensilla sp. n., F. cryptophila sp. n., F. longidens sp. n., F. palaearctica sp. n. Five species, F. taimyrica, F. regularis, F. sp. aff. altamontana, F. alpha, and F. janstachi (nom. n. for Isotomina gracilis Stach, 1962 nec Folsomia gracilis Latzel, 1922), are redescribed. F. binoculata (Wahlgren) has been recovered and redescribed. The positions of F. macrochaetosa, F. magadani, and F. tesari have been defined more exactly on the basis of type material. An identification key of the northern Asiatic species of the genus is given.
This paper summarizes the present state of knowledge of the vascular plants endemic to the Krkonoše Mts. The species given in previous lists but excluded from the present one are also discussed together with the history of opinion of their status. Some endemics are of Holocene age, e.g. Sorbus sudetica is the result of a past hybridization while others originated from continuous differentiation of small populations over time. Some endemic species of other genera, for example, Hieracium, Taraxacum and Alchemilla appear to be older in origin, representing relict populations which occurred at low altitudes at least during the last glacial period. Their age is unknown, because it is unknown, when and how they evolved.