A long-standing problem with the taxonomic status and synonymy of the names Taraxacum nigricans (Kit.) Reichenb. and T. alpestre (Tausch) DC. is resolved. These two names, the oldest ones referable to high mountain dandelions in Central Europe, are typified, and a detailed comparison of these species’ morphology, genotype make-up, karyotypes and distribution is provided, together with a discussion of other cases of similar and probably closely related agamospermous taxa of Taraxacum and Hieracium. Taraxacum nigricans (2n = 32) and T. alpestre (2n = 32) are endemic to the Nízke Tatry Mts, Slovakia, and the Krkonoše/Karkonosze Mts, Czech Republic/ Poland, respectively. These are shown to differ in a series of minor but constant morphological, allozyme and karyotype features, and their treatment as separate agamospermous species is supported. A detailed analysis of cultivated and wild material from the Carpathians revealed the existence of a sexual taxon very close to the above two species and endemic to the region of the Bucegi Mts, Romania. It is described as a new species, T. carpaticum Štěpánek et Kirschner. Two new agamospermous species, apparently allied to T. nigricans, are described: T. rupicaprae Štěpánek et Kirschner, a species characterized by orange-ochraceous achenes and confined to the High Tatra Mts, and T. elegantissimum Štěpánek et Kirschner (2n = 24), which has substantially broader outer bracts and is known from the Rodna, Retezat and Fagaras Mts, Romania. Another three species are described that are morphological similar to T. carpaticum: T. pastorum (the Fagaras Mts, Romania), T. iucundum (the Retezat Mts, Romania) and T. pseudoalpestre (the Fagaras Mts, Romania).
Dandelions (Taraxacum) of the section Erythrosperma were studied in Moravia, Czech Republic, where both sexual diploid and apomictic polyploid species occur. Diploid species T. erythrospermum grows in the warmest part of southern Moravia and is confined to natural dry grasslands, whereas some apomictic species have ranges extending up to the submontane regions and prefer ruderal habits. Altogether, 21 apomictic types were found repeatedly but only seven were identified as previously described species: T. arcuatum, T. danubium, T. lacistophylloides, T. parnassicum, T. plumbeum, T. proximum and T. scanicum. Descriptions, notes on variation and distribution in Moravia, dot maps and pictures are given for eight species.
Chronic volume overload (VO) on the left ventricle (LV) augments redox stress and activates matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) which causes the endocardial endothelial-myocyte (EM) disconnection leading to myocardial contractile dysfunction. VO-induced MMP-9 activation impairs cardiac functions, in part by endothelial endocardial apoptosis, but the role of MMP-9 on EM functions remains obscure. We conjecture that chronic VO activates MMP-9 and causes EM uncoupling. Arteriovenous fistula (AVF) was created in genetically identical wild type (WT) mice (FVB/NJ) and MMP-9 knockout mice (MMP-9KO, FVB.Cg-MMP9tm1Tvu/J). Sham-operated mice were used as controls. Before experimentation the phenotype analysis of MMP-9KO mice was carried out. In-gel-gelatin zymography for MMP-9 activation was performed on LV homogenates. The EM functions were determined on LV rings using tissue myobath. We report a decrease in MMP-9 activity in left ventricular myocardial extracts in MMP-9 deficient mice after AVF. The responses to drugs affecting cardiac functions (acetylcholine (Ach), nitroprusside and bradykinin) were attenuated in AVF mice suggesting the impairment of EM coupling. Interestingly, the EM functions were restored in the MMP-9 deficient mice after AVF. We suggest a direct cause-and-effect relationship between MMP-9 activation and EM uncoupling in LV myocardium after chronic VO and the possible involvement of MMP-9 in myocardial contractile performance., K. S. Moshal, W. E. Rodriguez, U. Sen, S. C. Tyagi., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Cíl. Shrnout dostupné informace a analyzovat zobrazené nálezy na námi zachycených běžných i méně běžných případech tarzální koalice. Budeme se zabývat primárními i sekundárními nálezy při vlastním zobrazení i korelací s literaturou, udávanými histologickými nálezy, zobrazovacími metodami a protokoly, diferenciální diagnózou a krátkou informací o klinickém nálezu a léčbě. Metody. Vyšetřili jsme osm pacientů s různými typy tarzální koalice - s koalicí talokalkaneální mediální i dorzální, s koalicí kalkaneonavikulární, s oboustrannou talokalkaneální koalicí i s koalicí talokalkaneokuboidní, která byla součástí komplexnější dysplazie. Nálezy jsou analyzovány především na CT a MR, jsou doplněny RTG snímky. Výsledky. V závislosti na typu koalice a zvolené projekci, jsou známky na RTG snímku buď patognostické (u šikmé projekce a kalkaneonavikulární koalice), nebo diskrétní a nepřímé (u ostatních projekcí a ostatních typů koalice). CT a MR zobrazí tuto vadu při vhodně zvolených rovinách zobrazení a sekvencích nepochybně. Mezi nejvýznamnější nálezy patří zúžená nebo přemostěná kloubní štěrbina, nerovná kortikální kost, edém, osteoskleróza a změna tvaru kostí. Časté jsou sekundární degenerativní změny okolních kloubů. Závěr. Povědomí o známkách této vady umožňuje její rozpoznání i přes její málo frekventní výskyt, a to i v případech, kdy na ni klinický lékař nevysloví podezření. Na CT a MR je třeba při vyšetřování hlezna rutinně zachycovat i oblast subtalárních kloubů a tarzu., Aim. To summarize and display the imaging findings in patients with different types of both frequent and less frequent types of tarsal coalition, to discuss the imaging protocols, differential diagnoses and give brief information on clinical findings and treatment. Method. The authors display CT, MRI and X-ray findings in 8 patients with the main types of coalition (talocalcaneal, calcaneonavicular), with a bilateral talocalcaneal coalition and in a patient with a complex synostosis. Results. The encountered findings were: narrowed or absent joint space, thinned irregular cortical line, adjacent oedema and sclerosis and an unusual shape of the involved bones. Secondary degenerative changes in the adjacent joints were often encountered. Depending on the type of coalition and on the projection, this diagnosis presents with X-ray findings, which are either prominent (in calcaneonavicular coalition and an oblique X-ray) or subtle and indirect (all other cases). In MRI and CT the diagnosis is much more obvious. The pathognomonic signs as well as secondary degenerative signs will be pointed out together with the appropriate imaging protocols. A differential diagnosis will be discussed. The findings of the authors will be correlated with the literature. Conclusion. It is necessary to be aware of the findings in tarsal coalition, in order to establish the diagnosis even in cases unsuspected by the clinitian. This is more challenging in plain X-rays, in CT and MRI it is mandatory to include the subtalar and tarsal joints in the examination of the ankle., Jindra Brtková, Petra Jiříčková, and Literatura
This article deals with Ibn Rushd (Averroes, 1126-1198), one of the greatest Islamic philosophers, and the concept of belief in his philosophy. The issue of faith – or more precisely the ways people turn to believe or have faith – constituted an important part of Ibn Rushd´s thought. This issue was also debated by other Islamic philosophers and theologians. Two terms are characteristic of these debates: tasdiq and tasawwur. Therefore, the article also presents a short overview of their use in Islamic logic, theology, and philosophy. and Ondřej Beránek.
Tasemnice (Cestoda) jsou jednou z unikátních čistě parazitických skupin organismů napadající všechny skupiny obratlovců, včetně člověka. V mezinárodní spolupráci se je snažíme lépe poznat a popsat jejich diverzitu, biologii a vzájemné vztahy., The tapeworms (Cestoda) are one of the unique parasitic groups of organisms infecting all groups of vertebrates, including humans. This study aims to better understand their diversity, biology, and relationships with the help of international collaboration., and Roman Kuchta.