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28512. Univerzita Karlova v datech
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
28513. Univerzita na ploše 2000 hektarů
- Creator:
- Hulcr, Jiří
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
28514. Univerzita Pardubice připravuje budoucí vědce
- Creator:
- Čermák, Patrik
- Format:
- Type:
- article, články, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Věda. Všeobecnosti. Základy vědy a kultury. Vědecká práce, Univerzita Pardubice, věda, soutěže, popularizace vědy, science, contests, popularization of science, 12, and 00
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Patrik Čermák.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
28515. Únor 1948 a vídeňští Češi
- Creator:
- Hallama, Peter
- Type:
- article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Studie rakouského autora pojednává o tom, jak komunistický režim v Československu po svém nástupu ovlivňoval politický život české menšiny ve Vídni. Konstatuje, že Komunistická strana Československa se na vídeňské krajany snažila působit už od konce války, a to prostřednictvím pražského ministerstva zahraničí, vyslanectví ve Vídni a Československého ústavu zahraničního. Po mocenském převratu se hlavní váha v tomto směru přenesla na ústřední stranické orgány, zejména mezinárodní oddělení Ústředního výboru KSČ, a přímý kontakt zajišťovaly výjezdy různých emisarů do Vídně. Krajanské aktivity vídeňských Čechů (a části Slováků) po válce zastřešoval Československý ústřední výbor ve Vídni, sdružující čtyři politické strany podle československého vzoru a nepolitické spolky. Komunisté mezi nimi tvořili zvláštní sekce v Komunistické straně Rakouska, podléhali však přitom autoritě svých soudruhů v Praze. V únoru 1948 se snažili kopírovat jejich postup a vytvořili Ústřední akční výbor Čechů a Slováků ve Vídni, s účastí zástupců dalších stran. Tento krok vnesl do řad menšiny rozkol, který se výrazně projevil i v konfliktu mezi komunisty a sociálními demokraty o ovládnutí menšinového tisku, vyhrocenou situaci komentovala rakouská i československá média. Komunistická strana Československa nyní v obavách z poklesu svého vlivu v menšině intervenovala ve prospěch zachování její jednoty. Na podzim 1948 se jejím emisarům povedlo inscenovat obnovení ochromeného Československého ústředního výboru ve Vídni, v čele s komunistou a vstřícným sociálním demokratem, od nějž si slibovali, že se stane nástrojem jejich politiky. Rozbroje v menšině se však záhy rozhořely s novou silou. Poměry od padesátých do devadesátých let pak autor ve stručnosti líčí jako „čtyři desetiletí studené války uvnitř menšiny“. and This article by an Austrian political scientist and historian discusses how the Czechoslovak Communist regime influenced the political life of the Czech minority in Vienna. The author argues that the Czechoslovak Communist Party (CPCz) tried to influence the Czechs of Vienna right from the end of the Second World War through the Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Czechoslovak Ambassador to Austria, and the Foreign Czechoslovak Institute. After the Communists took power in February 1948 most of this work shifted to the central institutions of the Party, particularly the international department of the Central Committee, and direct contact was ensured by various emissaries sent from Prague to Vienna. The activity of the Vienna Czechs (and some Slovaks) after the war was conducted under the umbrella of the Central Committee of Czechoslovaks, in which four political parties on the Czechoslovak model and non-political associations were associated. The Communists among them formed a special section in the Communist Party of Austria, but were subordinate to the authority of their comrades in Prague. In February 1948 they endeavoured to copy the Czechoslovak Communist approach, and created a Central Action Committee of Czechs and Slovaks in Vienna, in which members of other parties were also represented. This step brought dissension into the ranks of the Czech minority, which was manifested clearly in the conflict between Communists and Social Democrats over who would control the Czech minority press. The rising tensions were commented on by the Austrian and Czechoslovak news media. The CPCz, fearing its influence on the minority waning, intervened in favour of maintaining unity amongst them. In autumn 1948 Communist Party emissaries managed to stage the restoration of the paralyzed Tschechoslowakischer Zentralausschuss in Vienna, led by a Communist and an accommodating Social Democrat whom they were confident they could manipulate. The quarrels amongst the members of the Czech minority quickly worsened, however. The situation from the 1950s to the 1990s is concisely described by the author as “four decades of Cold War within one minority".
- Rights:
- and policy:public
28516. Unrecognized origin signals disturbing water-tubes tiltmeters measurements in geodynamic laboratory of SRC in Ksiaz
- Creator:
- Kaczorowski, Marek
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- article, články, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Geologie. Meteorologie. Klimatologie, geodynamika, geodynamics, Earth tides, water-tube tiltmeters, disturbances of plumb line variations, infrasound measurements, natural sources of micro-vibrations, atmospheric resonance, interaction between ocean-atmosphere and ionosphereatmosphere, 7, and 551
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The harmonic oscillations of water level changes with several hundred nanometers amplitudes and 10-3 [Hz] frequencies are irregularly observed with the water-tube tiltmeter. The effects are observed only by one of four gauges - the one closest to the entrance to underground. The other three gauges of water-tube tiltmeters are situated at the ends of the corridors and are significantly more distant from the entrance to the underground. The atmospheric pressure signals affect level of water in the instrument by inverse barometric effect. The water-tube tiltmeters can register water level variations associated with inverse barometric effects, which were produced by air pressure signals until 10-5 [Pa] magnitude. The amplitude of harmonic oscillations of water level is significantly large and amounts to 1/10 of tidal amplitude, that is 300 to 500 nanometers, which corresponds to 5 x 10-3 [Pa] of air pressure variations. Harmonic oscillations appear irregularly and their time of duration changes from few days until several weeks. The length of atmospheric wave of 10-3 [Hz] frequencies is of 1000 [km] and cannot be explained by any phenomenon from the outside surroundings or the inside of the underground. Resonance frequencies of air column in the hundred meters long underground corridors are of the order of single Hz. Absence of similar signals in measurements from the other three gauges suggests that the harmonic signals are not propagated through the Earth’s solid body but through the atmospheric medium. The observed micro-vibrations of air pressure are very low infrasounds which can be produced in large dimension space of thousand kilometers size. The open question is what is the origin of micro-vibrations registered by the water-tube tiltmeter., Marek Kaczorowski., and Obsahuje bibliografii
- Rights:
- and policy:public
28517. Unroofing technique as an option for the endoscopic treatment of giant gastrointestinal lipomas
- Creator:
- Kopáčová, Marcela, Rejchrt, Stanislav, and Bureš, Jan
- Format:
- print, text, and regular print
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, časopisecké články, práce podpořená grantem, přehledy, and TEXT
- Subject:
- gastrointestinální endoskopie--metody, gastrointestinální nádory--patologie--chirurgie, lidé, lipom--patologie--chirurgie, and tumor burden
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Gastrointestinal lipomas are usually asymptomatic, detected incidentally. However, they can cause severe symptoms such as obstruction, invagination, and bleeding. The transsection of an infarcted or large lipoma by needle sphincterotome (needle knife) and/or snare polypectomy of the upper part of the tumour is an option for the endoscopy treatment of giant infarcted lipomas. Cutting a top of lipoma (unroofing technique) allowed flow out of adipose tissue from the lipoma. and M. Kopáčová, S. Rejchrt, J. Bureš
- Rights:
- and policy:public
28518. Unusual complement of three AKH octapeptides in two species of grasshoppers (Caelifera)
- Creator:
- Gäde, Gerd
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Caelifera, Lamarckiana sparrmani, Pamphagidae, Zonocerus elegans, Pyrgomorphidae, adipokinetic peptide, peptide sequencing, Edman sequencing, fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry, and octapeptides
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The corpora cardiaca (CC) of the two grasshopper species Zonocerus elegans (Pyrgomorphidae) and Lamarckiana sparrmani (Pamphagidae) contain (a) substance(s) that cause(s) hyperlipaemia in the migratory locust and hypertrehalosaemia in the American cockroach. Isolation of neuropeptides belonging to the adipokinetic hormone (AKH) family was achieved by single-step reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography of CC extracts from both species and monitoring tryptophan fluorescence. The material of both species showed three distinct fluorescence peaks with adipokinetic activity in the migratory locust. The peptides were identifid by at least two of the following methods: (1) sequencing by Edman degradation, (2) sequencing by tandem fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry, (3) mass determination by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry and (4) co-elution of the native and synthetic peptides. Both species were found to have three AKH peptides stored in the CC, but unlike in other grasshoppers, none of those peptides were decapeptides. In Z. elegans the following three octapeptides occur: Schgr-AKH-II (pELNFSTGWamide), Peram-CAH-II (pELTFTPNWamide) and Phymo-AKH-III (pEINFTPWWamide), whereas L. sparrmani contains the octapeptides Grybi-AKH (pEVNFSTGWamide), Pyrap-AKH (pELNFTPNWamide) and also Phymo-AKH-III. Conspecific bioassays show no adipokinetic and only a weak (not significant) hypertrehalosaemic effect (in the pamphagid grasshopper). Some explanations are offered on the possible role of these peptides in the species investigated by interpreting their life style.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
28519. Unusual foraging patterns of the barn owl, Tyto alba (Strigiformes: Tytonidae), on small islets from the Pityusic archipelago (Western Mediterranean Sea)
- Creator:
- Guerra, Carmen, García, David, and Alcover, Josep Antoni
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- opportunistic behaviour, diet, Formentera, European storm petrel, human arrival, and home range
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Research on the diet of barn owls on some of the lesser Pityusic Islands (Formentera, s’Espalmador and s’Espartar) reveals a previously undescribed opportunistic trophic behaviour based on regular foraging in patches of territory separated by relatively broad sea channels. Individually, small islets with reduced human influence do not usually provide enough food for the barn owl. Consequently, the species expands its home range to include multiple islands or islets. This study is the first to document the regular crossing of broad sea channels (one of which exceeds 4.5 km) by barn owls in order to hunt. The islets provide the barn owls with prey otherwise considered as marginal (such as Oryctolagus cuniculus and Hydrobates pelagicus).
- Rights:
- and policy:public
28520. Unusual host plant of Hoplitis pici, a bee with hooked bristles on its mouthparts (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae: Osmiini)
- Creator:
- Müller, Andreas
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Osmiine bees, Hoplitis, oligolectic, pollen-harvesting device, Muscari, and Hyacinthaceae
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Hoplitis pici (Friese, 1899) is a rare species of bee occurring in southeast Europe, Turkey and the Near East. The females are equipped with conspicuous hooked bristles on the galeae of the proboscis. Microscopical analysis of both pollen contained in the abdominal scopa and sticking to the bodies of females indicates a distinct preference of H. pici for the flowers of Muscari Miller (Hyacinthaceae), which are characterized by having the anthers completely hidden within an urn-shaped corolla. Field observations showed that the specialized bristles serve to scrape pollen out of the Muscari flowers. Specialized bristles aiding female bees to extract pollen from narrow flower tubes must have independently evolved at least eight times in osmiine bees. H. pici is the only osmiine species known to use its pollen-harvesting bristles to exploit host plants other than narrow-tubed Boraginaceae.
- Rights:
- and policy:public