Přestože jsou znalosti o úloze a mechanismech působení malých RNA a RNA interference stále omezené, způsobil objev těchto RNA v oblasti molekulární biologie revoluci. Ukazuje se totiž, že RNA může plnit i regulační funkce, dříve připisované pouze proteinům. Regulaci genové exprese zabezpečuje na úrovni transkripce (pomocí restrukturace chromatinu), posttranskripčních úprav i translace. and Although we still have only limited knowledge of the functional mechanisms of small RNAs and their role, as well as RNA interference, the discovery of these RNAs has caused a revolution in molecular biology, as it has been found that RNA can also provide a regulation function, until recently known only in proteins. RNA regulates gene expression at the level of transcription (through chromatine restructuring), post-transcription modifications and translation.
To investigate the vestibular and somatosensory interaction in human postural control, a galvanic vestibular stimulation of cosine bell shape resulting in a small forward or backward body lean was paired with three vibrations of both soleus muscles. The induced body lean was registered by the position of the center of foot pressure (CoP). During a quiet stance with eyes closed the vibration of both soleus muscles with frequency (of) 40 Hz, 60 Hz and 80 Hz resulted in the body lean backward with velocities related to the vibration frequencies. The vestibular galvanic stimulation with the head turned to the right caused forward or backward modification of CoP backward response to the soleus muscles vibration and peaked at 1.5-2 s following the onset of the vibration. The effect of the paired stimulation was larger than the summation of the vestibular stimulation during the quiet stance and a leg muscle vibration alone. The enhancement of the galvanic stimulation was related to the velocity of body lean induced by the leg muscle vibration. The galvanic vestibular stimulation during a faster body movement had larger effects than during a slow body lean or the quiet stance. The results suggest that velocity of a body postural movement or incoming proprioceptive signal from postural muscles potentiate the effects of simultaneous vestibular stimulations on posture., O. Dzurková, F. Hlavačka., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy