The purpose was to test parameters of visual evoked potentials (VEPs) and of event-related potentials (ERPs) in deaf subjects to verify visual and cognitive CNS functions in a handicapped group of the population. Three types of visual stimuli (with dominating parvocellular or magnocellular system activation or with cognitive tasks) were used in the study. Six deaf persons (4 women, 2 men, mean age 17 years) and 6 persons with normal hearing (sex- and age-matched) were included in this pilot study. In all types of stimulation, latencies and amplitudes of main VEPs and ERPs components were evaluated. No significant latency differences were found. However, significantly reduced amplitudes were found in the occipital area for responses to motion and cognitive stimuli which might be interpreted as a part of functional reorganization of the extrastriate and cognitive cortical areas of deaf subjects.
The West Bohemia earthquake swarm foci are approximated by a circular seismic source model, which radius is assumed to depend only on magnitude of the event. We consider two different models of average slip (i) a constant slip and (ii) a slip exponentially scaled to the magnitude of the event. Based on these assumptions, we stacked the contributions of individual events into representative final fault slip. We processed in such a way four significant swarms recorded during the last three decades in 1986, 1997, 2000 and 2008. Constant slip model indicates final slip was composed of 2 or 3 principal asperities located on one or two different planes. On the contrary, scaled slip model indicates that one big asperity prevails. It is not possible yet to select the preferred slip model. Analysis of the temporal activity of all swarms generally shows three principal phases: starting phase, main phase and fading phase; the upwards trend of activity spreading was observed (slip animation is presented in www supplement The maximal possible cumulative slip value may have reached the order of meters., Petr Kolář, Bohuslav Růžek, Alena Boušková and Josef Horálek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Receptory pro vitamin D jsou přítomny téměř ve všech tkáních těla. Vitamin D nefunguje jen jako regulátor metabolizmu vápníku a fosforu, ale i jako látka modulující funkci imunitního systému, regulující proliferaci buněk. Genetická, epidemiologická a experimentální data nasvědčují pro možnou roli deficitu vitaminu D při vzniku některých chorob, především autoimunitních onemocnění a nádorů. Přínos léčebného podávání vitaminu D se doposud nepodařilo prokázat. Není důvod nehradit deficit vitaminu D. Substituce by měla začít úhradou chybějícího množství vitaminu D (řádově i několik set tisíc jednotek) s trvalým podávání doporučené substituční dávky 800–1 000 jednotek vitaminu D za den., Receptors for vitamin D are present almost in all body tissues. Vitamin D does not only act as a regulator of calcium and phosphorus metabolism, but also a substance which modulates the immunity system function, regulates cell proliferation. Genetic, epidemiological and experimental data indicate a possible role of vitamin D deficiency in the development of some diseases, mainly of autoimmune diseases and tumours. The benefit of curative intake of vitamin D has so far not been proven. There is no reason why the deficiency of vitamin D should not be covered. The substitution should start with the replenishment of the lacking amount of vitamin D (which may even be several hundred thousand units) and involve ongoing intake of the recommended substitution dose of 800–1 000 vitamin D units per day., and Vladimír Kojecký
Druhé pokračování o významu vitaminu D pro zdraví člověka (první bylo publikováno v Živě 4/2015) se zabývá jeho úlohou, kterou hraje v imunitě. Donedávna se nepředpokládalo, že by vitamin D mohl podmiňovat také imunitní procesy. Během posledních let se však nashromáždil dostatečný počet experimentálních i klinických studií, které dokládají, že při jeho nedostatečném příjmu dochází k poklesu zejména antiinfekční imunity, a souběžně s tím stoupá také riziko vzniku nesdělných onemocnění. Účelem tohoto sdělení není vyčerpávající informace o mechanismech jeho působen na imunitní systém, ale upozornění pro specialisty i laiky na tuto důležitou, ale prozatím opomíjenou problematiku., This is a further continuation of an 8/2015 article about the importance of vitamin D to the health of human beings (the first was published in Živa 4/2015). The article deals with the role that the vitamin plays in immunity. Until recently, it was not assumed that vitamin D could also be conditional upon immune processes and that it determines the correct function of both natural and adaptive immunity. In recent years, however, a sufficient number of experimental and clinical studies have accumulated, providing evidence that insufficient intake of vitamin D could not only induce decreased immunity to infection but also contribute substantially to an increased risk of non-communicable diseases. The purpose of this communication is not exhaustive information on the mechanisms of vitamin D effects on the immune system, but as an alert to specialists and laymen on hitherto neglected issues., and Petr Šíma, Bohumil Turek.