Parameters of finite seismic source model were determined for a set of 36 selected events of the West Bohemia 2000 earthquakes swarm (Ml from 1.7 to 3.0) using stopping phases method. Two stopping phases are generated along the source border where the rupture process terminates and these phases form Hilbert transform pair, which is also the criterion for their identification. Circular and e liptical source models were considered and corresponding source parameters were calculated by inverting interpreted stopping phases delays. As generalization of circular to elliptical model was found to be statistically insignificant, only results related to the circular source including error estimates are presented. Our results are in a good agreement with previously published theoretical formula concerning source radius and magnitude and also fairly well confirm general theoretical assumption about constant stress drop. The determined stress drop ranges between 1 - 10 MPa with the typical value of 2.4 MPa., Petr Kolář and Bohuslav Růžek., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Mezinárodní seismické experimenty uskutečněné v posledních letech ve střední Evropě studují stavbu zemské kůry a svrchního pláště pod touto oblastí. Pro studium hlubinné stavby se využívá seismická refrakční metoda, kdy se registrují seismické vlny generované odpaly a následně je zjišťována rychlost šíření vln v horninovém prostředí. Tyto údaje umožňují zpřesnit naše znalosti o vlastnostech svrchních partií litosféry do hloubek 50-60 km., Pavla Hrubcová, Miroslav Novotný, Bohuslav Růžek, Aleš Špičák., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
A grant project for the period 2003-2005, supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, was set up to determine properties of seismic waves and the structure of the uppermost part of the Earth´s crust in the territory of northern Moravia and Silesia. Quarry blasts and mining induced seismic events served as seismic sources. Permanent, temporary and portable seismic stations were used for the monitoring of these seismic events. During the experiments local microearthquakes were also detected and localized. For the complex evaluation of seismic wave features, data of the CELEBRATION 2000 and SUDETES 2003 refraction experiments were incorporated, as well. The velocity-depth dependence of body waves was searched by joint inversions of travel times of Pg/Sg phases. A special feature of the wave trains, generated by quarry blasts, was a pronounced dispersive character of short-period Rayleigh surface waves. These waves enabled us to establish their dispersion curves, on the basis of which the structure of superficial layers was determined down to a depth of several hundreds of meters., Karel Holub, Jaromír Knejzlík, Bohuslav Růžek, Jana Rušajová and Oldřich Novotný., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The West Bohemia earthquake swarm foci are approximated by a circular seismic source model, which radius is assumed to depend only on magnitude of the event. We consider two different models of average slip (i) a constant slip and (ii) a slip exponentially scaled to the magnitude of the event. Based on these assumptions, we stacked the contributions of individual events into representative final fault slip. We processed in such a way four significant swarms recorded during the last three decades in 1986, 1997, 2000 and 2008. Constant slip model indicates final slip was composed of 2 or 3 principal asperities located on one or two different planes. On the contrary, scaled slip model indicates that one big asperity prevails. It is not possible yet to select the preferred slip model. Analysis of the temporal activity of all swarms generally shows three principal phases: starting phase, main phase and fading phase; the upwards trend of activity spreading was observed (slip animation is presented in www supplement The maximal possible cumulative slip value may have reached the order of meters., Petr Kolář, Bohuslav Růžek, Alena Boušková and Josef Horálek., and Obsahuje bibliografii