Zoo Brno chová kočky pouštní (Felis margarita) od roku 1998. Celkem bylo dovezeno 6 zvířat (3, 3). První úspěšný odchov dvou samců a dvou samic za trvalé přítomnosti kocoura se podařil v roce 2000. Další odchovy následovaly až v letech 2009 - 14, kdy se v 6 vrzích narodilo celkem 17 mláďat (10, 3, 4), z nichž bylo odchováno 10 (8, 2). Úspěšnost z těchto zaznamenaných vrhů tak dosahuje 59 %., Brno Zoo has been breeding the Sand Cat (Felis margarita) since 1998. A total of 6 individuals (3 males, 3 females) have been imported. The first successful breeding involved two males and two females with the constant presence of a male cat in 2000. Other breeding followed so that in 2009-14 there were 6 litters with a total of 17 young (10, 3, and four of unknown gender), of which 10 were raised (8, 2). Hence the success rate of these litters reaches 59 %., Michal Balcar., and Fotografie M. Balcar
This paper deals with the representation of national and ethnic identity categories in media texts during the Population and Housing Census 2011. Census is understood here as means of constructing collective identities not as clearly pre-defined categories but as socially and media shaped parts of an individual identity. The aim of this study is thus to analyze media representations of Population and Housing Census 2011 as an event that highlights the negotiation of collective identities and the processes of the so called “identitary mobilization”. Quantitative analysis of selected articles from national newspapers enriched by findings of qualitative analysis of comments and videos from the new media shows, among others, that the Census is often represented through a kind of media discourse called national in this paper and that the processes of identitary mobilization acquire specific forms during the Census, although probably not limited to its actual period., Jitka Zalabáková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
This article deals with the issue of pre -election polling and examines the methodological approaches used in pre -election polling in the Czech Republic. Aselection of Czech research agencies is presented and explored, as well as the recommendations of various professional associations. The core of this work examines and compares the methodological approaches used by the Czech agencies CVVM, ppm factum, Median and STEM. The aim of this article is to highlight the differences in the methodological approaches among the Czech agencies and to determine whether these differences could eventually affect the outcomes of pre -election polls., Kristýna Chábová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
V rámci tejto štúdie som sa pokúsil poukázať rozličné ponímanie termínu autorita v európskej a čínskej filozofickej tradícii. Pri týchto skúmaniach som vychádzal z teoretických východísk súčasných predstaviteľov kritickej teórie (frankfurtskej školy), u ktorých je prítomná snaha zakomponovať do svojich úvah o sociálnych procesoch fenomén globalizácie. Jedným z najvýznamnejších štátov súčasnosti je Čínska ľudová republika, ktorá výrazným spôsobom ovplyvňuje svetové dianie. V rámci štúdie som sa pokúsil poukázať na relevantnosť sinologických štúdii, nielen z hľadiska súčasnosti, ale aj z historicko filozofických dôvodov, keďže každá jedna ľudská civilizácia zahŕňa vlastné, aj keď často značne modifikované, ontologické dedičstvo, ktoré, hoci pochádza z obdobia formovania hlavných svetových náboženstiev a prvých filozofických škôl, dodnes ovplyvňuje myslenie a správanie jednotlivcov v rámci týchto civilizácií., In this study I have attempted to show the different perceptions of the term authority in the European philosophical tradition and in the Chinese philosophical tradition. In these investigations I am guided by the viewpoints of contemporary representatives of critical theory (the Frankfurt School) who attempt to incorporate the phenomenon of globalisation into their considerations of social processes. One of the most important states today is the Chinese People’s Republic which has a marked influence on world events. This study attempts to demonstrate the relevance of Sinological studies, not only from the point of view of contemporary times, but also from the historico-philosophical point of view. This is because each human civilisation has its own, albeit often highly-modified, ontological heritage emerging from the period of the formation of the main world religions and the first philosophical schools, and which influences the thought and behaviour of individuals in these civilisations up to today., and Ľubomír Dunaj.
The paper begins with the question of the participation of human subjects in biomedical research, pointing a way from the first principle of the Belmont Report towards the concept of autonomy as expressed by informed consent. From the use of informed consent in experimental medicine, the paper then moves to the application of informed consent in clinical practice. Further, the paper outlines the cultural and philosophical context of the transformation of medicine into biomedicine from the perspective of human subject research, discussing the concept which has played the key role in the ethical framework of both experimental and clinical medicine in the Czech Republic. Finally the paper provides some critical notes on the concept of informed consent and its practice in Czech healthcare., Josef Kuře., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii
Následující řádky přinášejí informaci o významném buněčném mechanismu, který pomáhá udržovat energetickou rovnováhu buněk v okamžicích náhlého zvýšení požadavku na dodávku energie. Tento mechanismus také usnadňuje přenos energeticky bohatých substrátů v buněčném prostoru k místům jeho spotřeby a je zvláště rozvinutý v buňkách, jejichž požadavky na dodávku energie v průběhu času značně kolísají a jsou schopné vysokého výkonu. Můžeme jej pozorovat ve svalových vláknech, srdečních myocytech, neuronech, ale i ve spermatických buňkách, které se po probuzení k aktivitě pokouší vyhrát závod s ostatními a splnit tím svoji biologickou úlohu., The article presents information on an important cell mechanism that helps to maintain the energy balance in cells at moments when there is a sudden increase in demand for energy supply. This mechanism also facilitates the transfer of energy-rich substrata in cellular space to the locations of its consumption, and it is particularly well-developed in cells that are capable of high performance and their energy requirements vary considerably over time. We can observe it in muscle fibres, cardiac myocytes, neurons and sperm cells., and Jitka Žurmanová.
Puchýřka útlá (Coleanthus subtilis) je vysoce ekologicky specializovaný druh jednoleté trávy (čeleď lipnicovité - Poaceae), rostoucí ve vodních nádržích a tocích po dočasném poklesu vodní hladiny. Přežít na stanovištích, která často podléhají rychlým a nečekaným změnám, jí napomáhá řada adaptací, např. velmi krátký vývojový cyklus (5-7 týdnů) a jeho proměnlivost v závislosti na konkrétních podmínkách prostředí, drobná, snadno šiřitelná semena a tvorba dlouhodobé semenné banky. Je rozšířena na třech kontinentech, avšak nejvíce lokalit je známo z rybníků v České republice, zejména v jihočeských rybničních pánvích a na Českomoravské vrchovině. Vedle příznivé kombinace přírodních faktorů (klima, geologická stavba) se za velkou koncentrací lokalit na našem území nepochybně skrývá pozoruhodná synchronizace životního cyklu puchýřky s po staletí se opakujícím hospodářským cyklem chovu kapra., Coleanthus subtilis, a highly ecologically specialised annual grass species (Poaceae), grows in water bodies and watercourses after a temporary decrease of water level, and shows a range of adaptations to this habitat subjected to fast and unexpected changes (e.g., short life cycle, phenotypic plasticity, small, easily dispersible seeds, long-term soil seed bank). The highest number of sites is known from the Czech Republic (especially South Bohemian fishpond basins and the Bohemian-Moravian Uplands). Besides natural factors (climate, geology), the remarkable synchronisation of Moss Grass life cycle with the farming cycle of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) is undoubtedly the reason for its disjunct distribution., Kateřina Šumberová, Michal Ducháček., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
In the conception of modern bioethics, the concept of autonomy plays a dominant role. Contemporary bioethical discourse in many cases glorifies an approach founded on this principle, and it seems that its role in moral conduct in applied bioethics is considered to be the key to salvation. This article attempts, to a certain extent, to relativise the dominant principle of autonomy, especially in medical ethics, even if it does not deny its indispensability. It points, however, to particular practical aspects which respect for the principle of autonomy, especially in the doctor-patient relation, can influence in a negative way, or can quite negate. As the basic antithesis to theories which found their priority on the axiom of respect to autonomy, the author then presents paternalistic and neo-paternalistic concepts in bioethics which find support, above all, in the principle of beneficence. The argument in this article necessarily demands an outline of the basic properties of paternalism and autonomy. For this reason the article especially focuses on models of the relationships between doctor and patient, that is on medical ethics in the narrow sense., Adam Doležal., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii