Charakter krajiny je v oblasti centrálních Apenin již na první pohled výrazně různorodý. Dynamicky formovaný reliéf pokrývá pestrá mozaika vegetačních typů. Zdejší lesy jsou od dávných dob obhospodařované pařezinovým způsobem, což je typ managementu, který byl na území bývalého Československa běžný až do minulého století. Typicky šlo o dubové a dubohabrové lesy, jejichž biodiverzita dlouhodbě klesá. Návštěva a studium lesů centrálních Apenin poskytuje hodnotné souvislosti pro řešení problému klesající druhové diverzity v někdejších pařezinách střední Evropy., The landscape of the central Apennines is markedly diverse. Dynamically formed relief is covered by a mosaic of different vegetation types. For centuries, local forests are managed as coppices - type of management common in former Czechoslovakia up to last century. Biodiversity of these oak and oak-hornbeam forests gradually declines due to the abandonment of coppicing. Thus, a visit to the central Apennines and study of their forests provide a valuable insight into the problem of species diversity decline in the former coppices of Central Europe., and František Máliš, Roberto Canullo, Radim Hédl.
The Laboratory of Cell Regeneration and Plasticity and the PIGMOD Centre of the Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics of the CAS in Liběchov have been using their unique biomedical models - miniature pigs - to study fundamental causes of serious diseases, identify new biomarkers and search for new therapeutic methods /including those based on cell therapy and genetic therapy) to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, traumatic spinal cord injury and human melanoma. Special transgenic minipigs carrying human mutated huntingtin allow researchers to investigate in detail the fatal neurodegenerative disorder called Huntington's disease. and Jana Olivová.
Schisandra čínská neboli klanopraška čínská (Schisandra chinensis) se využívá v tradiční čínské medicíně pro své antimikrobiální, antivirové, antimykotické a antioxidační účinky. Hlavní účinnou složkou této rostliny jsou dibenzocyklooktadienové lignany. Bylo zjištěno, že tyto lignany blokují membránové ABC-transportéry, které jsou zodpovědné za mnohočetnou lékovou rezistenci při léčbě nádorů cytostatiky., Schisandra chinensis has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for its antimicrobial, antiviral, antimycotic and antioxidative effects. The main active compounds are dibenzocyclooctadiene lignans, which inhibit membrane ABC-transporters, responsible for the multi-drug resistance of cancer cells during their treatment by cytostatics., Ondřej Vymazal, Iva Slaninová., and Práce vznikla v rámci projektu AV ČR Otevřená věda
Lipasin is a recently identified lipokine expressed predominantly in liver and in adipose tissue. It was linked to insulin resistance in mice and to type 1 and type 2 diabetes (T1D, T2D) in humans. No metabolic studies concerning lipasin were performed yet in rats. Therefore, we used rat model of T2D and insulin resistance, Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rats, to determine changes of lipasin expression in liver and in white adipose tissue (WAT) over 52 weeks in the relation to glucose tolerance, peripheral tissue insulin sensitivity and adiposity. GK rats were grossly glucose intolerant since the age of 6 weeks and developed peripheral insulin resistance at the age of 20 weeks. Expression of lipasin in the liver did not differ between GK and Wistar rats, declining with age, and it was not related to hepatic triacylglycerol content. In WAT, the lipasin expression was significantly higher in Wistar rats where it correlated positively with adiposity. No such correlation was found in GK rats. In conclusion, lipasin expression was associated neither with a mild age-related insulin resistance (Wistar), nor with severe genetically-based insulin resistance (GK)., M. Cahová, D. Habart, T. Olejár, Z. Berková, Z. Papáčková, H. Daňková, A. Lodererova, M. Heczková, F. Saudek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a primary cause of dementia in the middle-aged and elderly worldwide. Animal models for AD are widely used to study the disease mechanisms as well as to test potential therapeutic agents for disease modification. Among the non-genetically manipulated neuroinflammation models for AD, lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced animal model is commonly used. This review paper aims to discuss the possible factors that influence rats’ response following LPS injection. Factors such as dose of LPS, route of administration, nature and duration of exposure as well as age and gender of animal used should be taken into account when designing a study using LPS-induced memory impairment as model for AD., R. Zakaria, W. M. H. Wan Yaacob, Z. Othman, I. Long, A. H. Ahmad, B. Al-Rahbi., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In 1984, we started using therapeutic plasmapheresis (plasma exchange) as a method of extracorporeal lipoprotein elimination for the treatment of hyperchole sterol emic patients. We evaluated the results of long-term therapy in 14 patients, 8 men and 6 women. The average age was 55.6 ±13.2 (range 28-70), median 59.5 years. 14 patients were diagnosed with familial hypercholesterol emia (FH): 5 homozygous, 9 hetero zygous. Ten patients in the group were treated using immunoadsorption lipoprotein apheresis and 4 using h emorheopheresis. Immunoapheretic interventions decreased LDL-cholesterol (82 ±1 %), ApoB (73 ±13 %) and even Lp(a) by 82 ±19 %, respectively. Selected non-invasive methods are important for long -term and repeated follow -up. Carotid intima-media thickness showed improvement or stagnation in 75 % of the patients. Biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction such as endoglin (in the control group: 3.85 ±1.25 μ g/l, in lipoprotein apheresis-treated hypercholesterol emic individuals 5.74 ±1.47 μ g/l), CD40 ligand (before lipoprotein apheresis: 6498 ±2529 ng/l, after lipoprotein apheresis: 4057 ±2560 ng/l) and neopterin (before lipoprotein apheresis: 5.7 ±1.1 nmol/l, afte r lipoprotein apheresis: 5.5 ±1.3 nmol/l) related to the course of atherosclerosis, but did not reflect the actual activity of the disease nor facilitate the prediction or planning of therapy. Hemorheopheresis may improve blood flow in microcirculation in familial hypercholesterolemia and also in some other microcirculation disorders via significantly decreased activity of thrombomodulin (p<0.0001), tissue factor (p<0.0001), aggregation of thrombocytes (p<0.0001) and plasma and whole blood viscosity (p<0.0001). In conclusion, lipoprotein apheresis and hemorheopheresis substantially lowered LDL-cholesterol in severe hypercholesterolemia. Our experience with long-term therapy also shows good tolerance and a small number of complications (6,26% non-serious clinical compl.), V. Bláha, M. Bláha, M. Lánská, D. Solichová, L. Kujovská Krčmová, E. Havel, P. Vyroubal, Z. Zadák, P. Žák, L. Sobotka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Zachovalé pralesovité porosty patří v České republice k ojedinělým úkazům. Přestože lesních rezervací u nás nalezneme celou řadu, ty skutečně málo dotčené nebo dlouhodobě se vyvíjející bez výrazných zásahů člověka představují pouhý zlomek. Zřejmě nejvýznamnějšími pralesům blízkými lesy jsou Boubínský prales nebo Hraničník na Šumavě a Žofínský prales v Novohradských horách. V minulosti byly málo ovlivněny činností člověka a dosti dlouhou dobu se v nich lesnicky nehospodaří. Příznivé podmínky pro přežívání vzácných druhů lišejníků a dalších organismů na těchto lokalitách jsou však omezeny jejich malou rozlohou. S větší plochou pralesa vzrůstají předpoklady pro dlouhodobou koexistenci různých fází vývoje přírodního lesa s dostatečnou variabilitou mikrostanovišť a tím se zároveň zvyšuje šance na přežití úzce specializovaných druhů. Žofínský prales patří k nejstarším chráněným územím v Evropě, je chráněn již od r. 1838. Národní přírodní rezervace Žofínský prales zaujímá v současné době 102 ha; jádrové území s pralesovitými porosty však tvoří jen 74,5 ha. Převažující dřevinou je buk, početně jsou zastoupeny také smrk a jedle. Z lichenologického hlediska jde o zcela unikátní lokalitu. Na území rezervace bylo zaznamenáno 247 druhů lišejníků, což představuje přibližně 16 % všech známých druhů z České republiky. Z hlediska epifytických a zejména epixylických (rostoucích na dřevě v různém stupni rozkladu) lišejníků je Žofínský prales zřejmě místem s největší rozmanitostí lišejníků na našem území., Žofín virgin forest forms a unique landscape, which probably predominated in mountain areas before the arrival of humans. Because of the huge diversity of lichens, the reserve is one of the most valuable lichenological localities in the Czech Republic. Many lichen taxa were recorded here for the first time in this country., and Jiří Malíček, Zdeněk Palice.
Advanced atherosclerotic changes can often resist even to very aggressive treatment. Although basic mechanisms of its origin and development are known, some important steps in this process are still waiting for more detailed explanation. Therefore, in addition to already proved aggressive lowering of LDL cholesterol, appropriate timing of atherosclerosis treatment is of the essence. Revealing different stages of atherosclerotic process, less or more sensitive to treatment is of primary importance; however, its detection is complicated by several facts including not exactly identifiable periods of quiescence and progression of atherosclerotic process. One of populations, study of which could add valuable information regarding this problem , are women in menop ausal transition. Previously unsuccessful therapy with hormone replacement therapy is restudied with focus on the time of/after menopause. Now, it is supposed to be favorable in women soon, approximately less than 8 years, after menopause. In addition, the same principle - optimal timing of the intervention of traditional cardiovascular risk factors, especially lipids, could be also of importance. Therefore, menopausal transition could be optimal period for the intervention in women at risk. However, this a pproach is to be proved by evidence from controlled prospective studies focused on lifestyle and/or pharmacological intervention., J. Piťha., and Obsahuje bibliografii