Článek shrnuje dosavadní znalosti o pavoucích zimujících v ulitách suchozemských plžů v České republice. Jde o dvě studie - jedna ze zimy 2008/2009 (2 448 prázdných ulit tří druhů suchozemských plžů: suchomilka obecná (Xerolenta obvia), páskovka žíhaná (Cepaea vindobonensis) a hlemýžď zahradní (Helix pomatia)). Druhá studie byla provedena v zimním období 2010/2011 (přes 30 000 ulit, stejné druhy jako v předchozích letech plus druhy: skalnice kýlnatá (Helicigona lapicida) a plamatka lesní (Arianta arbustorum)). Prozatím jsou souhrnně zpracována data z první studie, z druhé jsou v článku zmíněny pouze faunisticky významnější nálezy. Naše zjištění potvrzují nálezy ze zahraničí, že v ulitách přezimuje, často hojně, celá řada druhů pavouků, které považujeme za vzácné. Asi nejvýznamnější druhy jsou: skálovka šestitečná (Phaeocedus braccatus), snovačka pětitečná (Euryopis quinqueguttata), skákavka dvoutečná (Sitticus penicillatus), zápřednice Pennyova (Cheiracanthium pennyi), zápřednice karmínová (Ch. montanum) a další., This article summarises our knowledge of overwintering spiders in land snail shells in the Czech Republic. The results of two studies, based on the survey of more than 32 000 shells of 5 species, confirmed that many spider species considered rare actually overwinter in shells, often in large numbers. The most important records include Phaeocedus braccatus, Euryopis quinqueguttata, Sitticus penicillatus, Cheiracanthium pennyi and Ch. montanum., and Jana Niedobová, Vladimír Hula, Ondřej Košulič.
The article deals with situation, attitudes and behaviour of members of Prague's Russian immigrant community. At the beginning an overview of recent socio-economic development in Russia, existing findings about Russian minority in the Czech Republic and Czech citizens’ attitudes towards Russians are presented. The core of the article is presentation of main results of a survey conducted by the author in spring 2010 among members of Russian community that live in Prague and its surroundings. Among the main hypotheses that came out of the survey is growth of importance of positive motivations to migrate, extension of geographical and social basis from which migrants come, continuity of self-isolation of the community combined with strong ties to the country of origin and rise of Russian ethnic economy in Prague., Michal Janíčko., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Predace semen je strategie, kdy živočich za účelem obživy napadá a zničí mnoho semen rostlin. V tomto krátkém sdělení přibližujeme aktuální poznatky o střevlíkovitých predátorech semen po uvolnění z rostliny. Střevlíkovití brouci zpravidla preferují semena odpovídající velikosti jejich těla, výběr druhů preferovaných semen je však pro daný druh střevlíka typický a během sezony se nemění. Během sezony značně kolísá množství spotřebovaných semen, za optimálních podmínek vysoké hojnosti a aktivity brouků může být denně zničeno až 1000 semen na ploše 1 m2. Střevlíkovití přitom preferují semena hvězdnicovitých rostlin (Asteraceae), jako jsou pampelišky (Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia) nebo pcháč oset (Cirsium arvense), dále semena brukvovitých (Brassicaceae), jako je kokoška pastuší tobolka (Capsella bursa-pastoris). Střevlíkovití tak přispívají k udržení biologické rovnováhy., Seed predation is a strategy where an animal attacks and kills the seeds of plants. In this contribution we report on the latest knowledge on carabid beetles (Carabidae) feeding on seeds after dispersal from the plant. In general, carabid beetles prefer seeds of appropriate size to their body size, but the selection of seed species is species-specific and remains stable across the season. The consumption considerably varies throughout the year, and under optimal conditions the carabid beetles may destroy up to 1000 seeds per 1 m2. Carabid beetles prefer seeds of Asteraceae, such as Dandelion (Taraxacum) or Canadian Thistle (Cirsium arvense), and of Brassicaceae, such as the Shepherd’s Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris). In this way the carabid beetles contribute to the balance in ecosystems., and Pavel Saska, Alois Honěk, Zdenka Martinková.
Macrolophus pygmaeus (Hemiptera: Miridae) is an important predator of pests of horticultural crops and here its ability as a predator of Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is addressed for the first time. The percentage predation of the different aphid instars and the number partially consumed were studied. Our results, obtained using choice and no-choice tests, revealed that M. pygmaeus caught and consumed more young than later instars of A. pisum, which confirms results of previous studies using other species of aphids. We also studied the interactions between predators (male/female) foraging in the same patch. When the prey/predator ratio is kept constant at 10 : 1 the average percentage of aphids completely consumed by individual females or males does not change with increase in the number of foraging predators. However, the number of partially consumed aphids decreased when females shared the same patch. In contrast, there was an increase in the number of aphids partially consumed when two males shared the same patch. The results were discussed in terms of potential predator foraging strategies since intraspecific competition is a key factor modulating the dynamics of prey-predator systems., Juliana Durán Prieto, Vincenzo Trotta, Paolo Fanti, Cristina Castañé, Donatella Battaglia., and Obsahuje bibliografii
n previous studies, one of the systolic time intervals - preejection period (PEP) - was used as an index of sympathetic activity reflecting the cardiac contractility. However, PEP could be also influenced by several other cardiovascular variables including preload, afterload and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). The aim of this study was to assess the behavior of the PEP together with other potentially confounding cardiovascular system characteristics in healthy humans during mental and orthostatic stress (head-up tilt test - HUT). Forty-nine healthy volunteers (28 females, 21 males, mean age 18.6 years (SD=1.8 years)) participated in the study. We recorded finger arterial blood pressure by volume-clamp method (Finome ter Pro, FMS, Netherlands), PEP, thoracic fluid content (TFC) - a measure of preload, and cardiac output (CO) by impedance cardiography (CardioScreen ®2000, Medis, Germany). Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) - a measure of afterload - was calculated as a ratio of mean arterial pressure and CO. We observed that during HUT, an expected decrease in TFC was accompanied by an increase of PEP, an increase of SVR and no significant change in DBP. During mental stress, we observed a decrease of PEP and an increase of TFC, SVR and DBP. Correlating a change in assessed measures (delta values) between mental stress and previous supinerest, we found that ΔPEP correlated negatively with ΔCO and positively with ΔSVR. In orthostasis, no significant correlation between ΔPEP and ΔDBP, ΔTFC, ΔCO, ΔMBP or ΔSVR was found. We conclude that despite an expected increase of sympathetic activity during both challenges, PEP behaved differently indicating an effect of other confounding factors. To interpret PEP values properly, we recommend simultaneously to measure other variables influencing this cardiovascular measure., J. Krohova, B. Czippelova, Z. Turianikova, Z. Lazarova, I. Tonhajzerova, M. Javorka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Intracellular bacteria of the genus Wolbachia (α-Proteobacteria) are the most widespread endosymbionts of insects. Host infection is usually associated with alterations in reproduction, such as cytoplasmic incompatibility, the induction of parthenogenesis and offspring sex ratio bias: all phenomena that may influence host speciation. In the present study, by using well-established molecular tools, we investigated the presence of Wolbachia in leaf beetles of the genus Crioceris and their host plants, which are various species of Asparagus. Multilocus sequence typing of bacterial genes showed that despite their occurrence in the same habitat and feeding on the same plant, two species of Crioceris, C. quinquepunctata and C. quatuordecimpunctata, are infected by two different strains of Wolbachia. C. asparagi, C. paracenthesis and C. duodecimpunctata, which are sympatric with the infected species, do not harbour the bacterium. Interestingly, DNA of Wolbachia was detected in host plant tissues that are exploited by the beetles, providing evidence for the horizontal transmission of the bacterium between beetles and their host plants. Moreover, Wolbachia was detected in species of Crioceris that are not closely related., Michał Kolasa, Matteo Montagna, Valeria Mereghetti, Daniel Kubisz, Miłosz A. Mazur, Łukasz Kajtoch., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In modern societies, living organisms are exposed daily to multiform pollution from industrial chemical products. Some of these substances have been shown to affect the endocrine system, and have been termed endocrine disruptors (EDs). Bisphenol A (BPA), which can leach from plastics, and parabens, used in cosmetic products, are among the most well-studied. Prenatal development is a vulnerable phase of human life, and disruptions during this period may have lifelong consequences. Since EDs are known to cross the placental barrier and BPA may accumulate in the fetus, "BPA-free" products have been introduced to the market. However, such products often contain alternative bisphenols (e.g. BPS, BPF) that have not yet been extensively examined or regulated. Moreover, alternative bisphenols often occur together with BPA. The human organism is thus exposed to a mixture of EDs, some of which can have additive or synergic effects. Recent findings have also shown that paraben exposure can alter bisphenol pharmacokinetics. Taking into account the widespread occurrence of various EDs and the potential multiplicity of their effects, doses of EDs currently considered safe may not actually be as safe as they appear, especially during pregnancy., L. Kolatorova, M. Duskova, J. Vitku, L. Starka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Autoři pojednávají o vitamínu D, který má mezi ostatními vitamíny specifické postavení, poněkud z jiného úhlu pohledu. Přibližují jeho evoluční původ a historii jeho objevování. Nedostatek vitaminu D vyvolává křivici, nemoc, která je doložena už od starověku. V této souvislosti upozorňují autoři na světově uznávané zásluhy významného, dnes už téměř zapomenutého českého vědce E. H. Kodíčka. Přehledně také popisují metabolismus a transport vitaminu D v organismu a upozorňují, že vitamin D také hraje důležitou úlohu při vzniku chronických nesdělných chorob, jejichž počet celosvětově stále vzrůstá., The authors discuss vitamin D, which has a special position among vitamins, from a somewhat different perspective. They clarify its evolutionary origin and the history of its discovery. A deficiency of vitamin D causes rickets, a disease that has been documented since antiquity. In this context, the authors draw attention to a nearly forgotten Czech scientist E. H. Kodíček of significant merit. They also briefly describe the metabolism and transport of vitamin D in the body and point out that vitamin D also plays an important role in the development of non-communicable chronic diseases, the number of which is increasing worldwide., and Petr Šíma, Bohumil Turek.