Schelerova kritika Kanta a jeho pojmu apriori na jedné straně v mnohém navazuje na Husserla, avšak Scheller Husserlovu kritiku ještě doplňuje a prohlubuje. Na druhé straně však Scheler kritizuje i Husserlovo chápání pojmu „apriori“. Materiální apriori jakožto ideální předmět je u Husserla spojeno především s takzvaným „bozanovským obratem“. Schelerova kritika Husserla se prohlubuje spolu s tím, jak stále hlouběji proniká do vztahu mezi Bolzanem a Husserlem. Podle Schelera Husserl nepodléhá bezduchému platonismu, přesto však postupuje vždy „platonisticky“, podléhá totiž „neoplatonismu“, resp. logickému platonismu. Protože fenomenologická redukce není u Husserla podle Schelerova názoru prováděna „čistě“, je Husserlova fenomenologická zkušenost (kategoriální názor) problematická, přesněji řečeno, problematický je vztah mezi kategoriálním názorem a smyslovým názorem. Konečným Schelerovým cílem je zajistit primární postavení pro kategoriální názor a jeho obsahy (materiální apriori), právě tak jako pro mravní náhled a jeho koreláty (materiální hodnoty) a v neposlední řadě pro fenomenologicky materiální hodnotovou etiku., Scheler’s critique of Kant and his concept of a priori does, on the one hand, show a notable debt to Husserl, although Scheler adds to and deepens Husserl’s critique. On the other hand, however, Scheler also criticises Husserl’s own understanding of the concept of a priori. The material a priori as an ideal object in Husserl is, above all, connected with the so-called “Bolzanian turn”. Scheler’s critique of Husserl is rendered more profound as he increasingly penetrates the depth of the relation between Bolzano and Husserl. According to Scheler Husserl does not subscribe to soulless Platonism, allow he always conducts himself in a Platonist way. He subscribes instead to neo-Platonism, or rather to logical Platonism. Because the phenomenological reduction in Husserl is not, according to Scheler, conducted in a “pure” way, Husserl’s phenomenological experience (categorical intuition) is problematic. More exactly the relation between categorical and sensory intuition is problematic. Scheler’s ultimate goal is to ensure a primary status for categorical intuition and its contents (material a priori), as well as for the moral view and its correlates (material values), and last, but not least, for the phenomenologically material value ethics., and Wei Zhang.
This article describes the evolution of our understanding of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) in the Central, Eastern, and Southern Europe (CESE) region, and the dissemination of this understanding to other count ries. Using the ScreenPro FH project as an example, we would like to illustrate the progression from national objectives, to regional networking and, finally, to international collaboration via the Familial Hypercholesterolemia Studies Collaboration (FHSC) project under the leadership of the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS). It is essential to improve our ability to diagnose FH. In this regard, the EAS and its FHSC project must be commended for their educational and organizational activities which, ab ove all, are dedicated to the creation of a global FH patient registry. In the CESE region, FH diagnostics and treatment situation are markedly different than in Western Europe or North America. Since the Czech MedPed project (Make Early Diagnoses to Preve nt Early Deaths in Medical Pedigrees) has been so successful (with results not only comparable to, but, for some parameters, even surpassing the results of many Western countries) we decided to apply the Czech experience to the CESE region. Thus, the ScreenPro FH project was created. The aim of ScreenPro FH is to create a specialist network in the CESE region. The primary objective of the ScreenPro FH project was to dramatically reduce the number of premature deaths due to clinical complications of atherosc lerosis in FH patients. At present, ScreenPro FH comprises 18 member countries with a total population of 500,000,000; which, in terms of the FH population, represents 1-2 million patients., R. Ceska, T. Freiberger, M. Vaclova, T. Aleksicova, L. Votavova, M. Vrablik., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Seasonal polyphenism in adults may be a season-specific adaptation of the adult stage and/or a by-product of adaptive plasticity of the juvenile stages. The swallowtail butterfly Papilio xuthus L. exhibits seasonal polyphenism controlled by photoperiod. Adults emerging in spring from pupae that spend winter in diapause have smaller bodies than adults emerging in summer from pupae that do not undergo diapause. Pupal diapause is induced by short-day conditions typical of autumn. To explore the interactive effects of temperature and developmental pathways on the variation in adult body size in P. xuthus, we reared larvae at two temperatures (20°C, 25°C) under two photoperiods (12L : 12D and 16L : 8D). Pupal weight and adult forewing length were greater in the generation that did not undergo diapause and were greater at 25°C than at 20°C. Thus, body size differences were greatest between the individuals that were reared at the longer day length and higher temperature and did not undergo diapause and those that were reared at the shorter day length and lower temperature and did undergo diapause. Unlike in other Lepidoptera, larvae of individuals that undergo diapause had shorter developmental times and higher growth rates than those that did not undergo diapause. This developmental plasticity may enable this butterfly to cope with the unpredictable length of the growing season prior to the onset of winter. Our results indicate that there are unexplored variations in the life history strategy of multivoltine Lepidoptera., Shinya Komata, Teiji Sota., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Eristalis pertinax varies seasonally, with the spring morph more hairy than the summer morph. We measured the size and the venation of the wings of the seasonal morphs. Wings of the spring morph were significantly larger than those of the summer morph and those of females were larger than those of males. There were also significant differences between the morphs in wing venation and their allometric relationship. The differences between sexes were larger than differences between seasonal morphs. The allometry can account for the sexual dimorphism but not seasonal dimorphism. The differences between seasonal morphs in wing shape were relatively large with very few intermediate individuals. The differences were comparable to those between two related species of Syrphidae. Genetic analyses based on markers in nuclear and mitochondrial genomes unequivocally revealed that spring and summer morphs of E. pertinax form a single population and should not be regarded as separate taxa. Thus seasonal variability in this species is a rare example of polyphenism in Diptera., Lukasz E. Mielczarek, Andrzej Oleksa, Katarzyna Meyza, Adam Tofilski., and Obsahuje bibliografii
V minulém roce byla na stránkách periodika Naše společnost publikována empirická stať s názvem „Náboženské vyznání v České republice z perspektivy inter a intragenerační transmise“ [Paleček, Vido 2014]. Tato práce představila možný metodologický postup, jehož prostřednictvím je možno zjišťovat míru úspěšnosti přenosu religiozity ve společnosti během neustálého procesu generační obměny. Je obecně známo, že současná ČR se v tradičních formách religiozity řadí mezi nejvíce sekulární nejen mezi zeměmi post-komunistickými, ale i v kontextu celé Evropy [Hamplová 2000; Lambert 2004; Meulemann 2004; Need, Evans 2001; Nešpor 2010a; Tomka 2010]. Avšak, i když je ČR pouze jednou ze zemí, jejichž historie byly poznamenány 40ti lety komunistické státní moci, přesto se mezi těmito zeměmi řadí k nejvíce sekulárním. Je možno uvažovat, zda se protináboženská politika v ČR lišila oproti této politice v dalších zemích s komunistickou totalitní mocí nebo se lidé v těchto zemích naopak lišily odolností vůči této politice. V náhledu výše citovaného metodologického postupu může otázka znít, zda a jak se lišila úspěšnost předávání tradiční religiozity mezi generacemi v ČR oproti dalším post-komunistickým zemím a jaké byly možné příčiny těchto rozdílů. Sledovanými formami tradiční religiozity budou v této práci deklarované náboženské vyznání a návštěvnost na bohoslužbách v kostelích., This paper is focused on changing rates of church affiliation and church attendance in the course of intergenerational and intragenerational transmission on the cases of four post-communist countries of central Europe: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland. It is a generally accepted fact that the rates of traditional forms of religiosity in the Czech society declined continuously during the second half of the 20th century, while such an enormous decline was not indicated in other post-communist countries of Central Europe. These differences and their causes are main question for this analytical work. Contemporary religiosity is dependent on rates of its reproduction between generations. Inter- and intragenerational transmission was influenced by two basic factors: First, by an anti-religious policy, which varied between the communist regimes, and second by the resistance of some people and families against that concrete anti-religious policy. The rapid secularisation of Czech society was due to those two factors., Antonín Paleček., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) in newborns is characterized mainly by respiratory failure due to surfactant dysfunction and inflammation. Previous meta-analyses did not prove any effect of exogenous surfactant treatment nor glucocorticoid administration on final outcome of children with MAS despite oxygenation improvement. As we supposed there is the need to intervene in both these fields simultaneously, we evaluated therapeutic effect of combination of exogenous surfactant and selective inhibitor of NF-κB (IKK-NBD peptide). Young New Zealand rabbits were instilled by meconium suspension and treated by surfactant alone or surfactant in combination with IKK-NBD, and oxygen-ventilated for 5 h. PaO2/FiO2, oxygenation index, oxygen saturation and ventilation efficiency index were evaluated every hour; post mortem, total and differential leukocyte counts were investigated in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and inflammatory, oxidative and apoptotic markers were assessed in lung tissue homogenates. Exogenous surfactant combined with IKK-NBD improved oxygenation, reduced neutrophil count in BALF and levels of IL-1β, IL-6, p38 MAPK and caspase 3 in comparison with surfactant-only therapy. It seems that inhibition of inflammation may be strong supporting factor in surfactant treatment of MAS., J. Kopincova, P. Mikolka, M. Kolomaznik, P. Kosutova, A. Calkovska, D. Mokra., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Podmořská sopečná činnost patří k fascinujícím přírodním jevům, jež pro svou rozmanitost poutají pozornost jak zájemců o živou přírodu, tak těch, které přitahuje spíše geologie a procesy probíhající na naší planetě. V okolí aktivních podmořských sopek se díky soustavnému obohacování vody o nejrůznější minerály a chemické látky udržuje specifické prostředí, které je domovem unikátních ekosystémů a zdrojem cenných údajů mimo jiné pro výzkum vzniku života na Zemi a vývoje jeho rozmanitosti. Vulkanická činnost na dně oceánu představuje přibližně 75 % celosvětové produkce magmatu, což podtrhuje její význam pro vulkanologii, nezanedbatelná jsou i možná společenská rizika těchto vulkánů. Pokud podmořská erupce vyvolá sesuv, může dojít ke vzniku vln tsunami. Přes uvedené významné aspekty zůstává sopečná činnost pod mořem málo probádaným jevem ve srovnání vulkanismem na kontinentech. Příčina je zřejmá - oceánské dno, z něhož sopky vystupují, se ukrývá pod kilometry vodního sloupce, takže jeho topografii známe méně detailně než topografii povrchu Marsu. and Aleš Špičák.