The correlation between baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) and the spectrum component at a frequency of 0.1 Hz of pulse intervals (PI) and systolic blood pressure (SBP) was studied. SBP and PI of 51 subjects were recorded beat-to-beat at rest (3 min), during exercise (0.5 W/kg of body weight, 9 min), and at rest (6 min) after exercise. BRS was determined by a spectral method (a modified alpha index technique). The subjects were divided into groups according to the spectral amplitude of SBP at a frequency of 0.1 Hz. The following limits of amplitude (in mm Hg) were used: very high ≥ 5.4 (VH); high 5.4 > H ≥ 3 (H); medium 3 > M ≥ 2 (M), low < 2 (L). We analyzed the relationships between 0.1 Hz variability in PI and BRS at rest, during the exercise and during recovery in subgroups VH, H, M, L. The 0.1 Hz variability of PI increased significantly with increasing BRS in each of the groups with identical 0.1 Hz variability in SBP. This relationship was shifted to the lower values of PI variability at the same BRS with a decrease in SBP variability. The primary SBP variability increased during exercise. The interrelationship between the variability of SBP, PI and BRS was identical at rest and during exercise. A causal interrelationship between the 0.1 Hz variability of SBP and PI, and BRS was shown. During exercise, the increasing primary variability in SBP due to sympathetic activation was present, but it did not change the relationship between variability in pulse intervals and BRS., N. Honzíková, A. Krtička, Z. Nováková, E. Závodná., and Obsahuje bibliografii
A workable nonstandard definition of the Kurzweil-Henstock integral is given via a Daniell integral approach. This allows us to study the HL class of functions from . The theory is recovered together with a few new results.
A data base was generated for quantifying effects of thermal time (degree-days) on the appearance of new leaves, the expansion of such leaves to maximum area, their death, the appearance of new internodes below the node associated with such leaves, and the extension of these internodes to maximum length. The data base for a list of crop (agronomic and horticultural), weed, and native Tallgrass Prairie plants has been summarized, with equations for the above events as a function of degree days, with appropriate base temperatures and maximum cut-off temperatures, in a Java applet which is available at a website with the URL <>. Associated graphical plots such as shown in this paper are also given. Branching behavior was accounted for. These events predict the effect of thermal time on leaf age and its height in the plant canopy, both important factors needed for upscaling functions for leaf behavior to those for behavior of the plant canopy. The data base is evolving to include coefficients for other species. Coefficients are used to predict the leaf area index of the canopy, which is important for predicting evapotranspiration from the crop and the protection of the soil from erosion. and X. Pan ... [et al,].
A special case of a combinatorial theorem of De Bruijn and Erdős asserts that every noncollinear set of $n$ points in the plane determines at least $n$ distinct lines. Chen and Chvátal suggested a possible generalization of this assertion in metric spaces with appropriately defined lines. We prove this generalization in all metric spaces where each nonzero distance equals $1$ or $2$.
Two new species of coccidian parasites are described from African reptiles. Oocysts of Eimeria foulshami sp. n. from the plated lizard Gerrhosaurus major bottegoi Del Prato of Sudan are ellipsoidal, 24.1 × 14.9 (23-26.5 × 14-17.8) µm with a bilayered, colourless oocyst wall and lack polar granules. The ellipsoidal sporocysts average 8.6 × 4.6 (7-10.6 × 4.4-7) µm and possess a prominent, globular, sporocyst residuum. Oocysts of Caryospora regentensis sp. n. from the green mamba Dendroaspis viridis Hallowell of Kenya are spherical to subspherical, 16.8 × 16.4 (16-17.6 × 15-17.2) µm with a bilayered oocyst wall and a single polar granule. The ellipsoidal sporocysts average 13.0 × 10.3 (10.2-14 × 9.2-11) µm and possess a Stieda and substieda body and a prominent globular sporocyst residuum. Oocysts of Caryospora legeri Hoare, 1933 are reported from a hissing sand snake, Psammophis sibilans sibilans L. from Nigeria, representing a new geographical record. The oocysts are slightly larger than the type, but otherwise identical. Caryospora psammophi Bray, 1960 and C. hermae Bray, 1960 from Psammophis sibilans phillipsi, oocysts of which are morphologically similar to and overlap in dimensions with C. legeri Hoare, 1933, are synonymised with the latter species. Eimeria samiae Iskander et Tadros, 1979 is emended to E. samyadeli to reflect the gender of the person the species was named after and because E. sami is preoccupied. In addition to these findings, Eimeria bohemi Modrý, Šlapeta et Koudela, 2000 and oocysts of an unidentified spherical Eimeria sp. are reported from Chamaeleo dilepis dilepis Leach from Cameroon.
We have developed a PCR assay that in a single reaction distinguishes between Leishmania infantum and Leishmania donovani strains on the basis of different size of the amplicon. The targeted intergenic region between putative biopterin transporter and nucleotide binding protein on chromosome 35 is highly variable, species-specific and can be amplified from clinical samples. Based on the assay, five tested Leishmania archibaldi and L. infantum strains from the Sudan and Ethiopia clearly belong to L. donovani, which is in accordance with a recent multifactorial analysis of these strains. The nucleotide sequence reported in this paper has been submitted to the GenBankTM with accession number EU068004.
A version of Dieudonné theorem is proved for lattice group-valued modular measures on lattice ordered effect algebras. In this way we generalize some results proved in the real-valued case.
Opegaster ouemoensis sp. n. is described from Periophthalmus argentilineatus Valenciennes (Gobiidae). Distinctive features included the weak or undetectable papillae of the ventral sucker and the small, but distinct cirrus-sac. The new species is compared with 25 marine species of Opegaster for which a table of measurements and ratios is presented. The new combination Opegaster queenslandicus (Aken'Ova, 2007) (originally in Opecoelus) is formed. Fifteen mudskippers were intensively examined for parasites; larval anisakid nematodes and acanthocephalans were found, but no monogeneans, cestodes, copepods, isopods, hirudineans or adult nematodes. A brief summary of the helminth parasites of mudskippers is included.