This paper deals with cooperative games with n players and r alternatives which are called multi-alternative games. In the conventional multi-alternative games initiated by Bolger, each player can choose any alternative with equal possibilities. In actual social life, there exist situations in which players have some restrictions on their choice of alternatives. Considering such situations, we study restricted multi-alternative games. A value for a given game is proposed.
The differential evolution (DE) algorithm is a powerful population-based stochastic technique to search for global optimum in the continuous search space. Success of DE algorithm strongly depends on choosing its parameters. The competition in differential evolution was shown to be an efficient instrument to avoid time-consuming process of tuning control parameters. A new variant of competitive DE algorithm, called BEBERAN, was proposed and tested on benchmark functions at four levels of the search space dimension. The BEBERAN was compared with the most promising competitive variant, DEBR18. BEBERAN, in contrast to DEBR18, includes in addition the exponential crossover.
A new chamber was developed for a simultaneous measurement of fluorescence kinetics and oxygen exchange in filamentous and thallous algae as well as in small leaves of water plants. Algal filaments or thalli are kept by a stainless grid close to the bottom window of the chamber in the sample compartment. The grid separates the object from the electrode compartment with the oxygen electrode at the top. This compartment accommodates, in addition, a magnetic stirrer that provides efficient circulation of the medium between the sample and the electrode. This magnetic bar spins on a fixed axis and is driven by an electronically commutated magnetic field produced by four coils which are arranged around the chamber. This design yields a very favourable signal to noise ratio in the oxygen electrode records. Consequently, measurements can be performed even of algae with very low photosynthetic rates such as marine low-light red algae or algae under severe stress. For irradiation of the samples and for fluorescence measurements a fibre optic light guide is used facing the window of the chamber. The four branches of a commercially available light guide serve the following purposes: collection of sample fluorescence and supply of measuring, actinic, and saturating light, respectively. and H. Küpper, I. Šetlík, M. Hlásek.
There are two kinds of universal schemes for estimating residual waiting times, those where the error tends to zero almost surely and those where the error tends to zero in some integral norm. Usually these schemes are different because different methods are used to prove their consistency. In this note we will give a single scheme where the average error is eventually small for all time instants, while the error itself tends to zero along a sequence of stopping times of density one.
We address here the problem of scale and rotation invariant object recognition, making use of a correspondence-based mechanism, in which the identity of an object represented by sensory signals is determined by matching it to a representation stored in memory. The sensory representation is in general affected by various transformations, notably scale and rotation, thus giving rise to the fundamental problem of invariant object recognition. We focus here on a neurally plausible mechanism that deals simultaneously with identification of the object and detection of the transformation, both types of information being important for visual processing. Our mechanism is based on macrocolumnar units. These evaluate identity- and transformation-specific feature similarities, performing competitive selection of the alternatives of their own subtask, and cooperate to make a coherent global decision for the identity, scale and rotation of the object.
The Fourier expansion in eigenfunctions of a positive operator is studied with the help of abstract functions of this operator. The rate of convergence is estimated in terms of its eigenvalues, especially for uniform and absolute convergence. Some particular results are obtained for elliptic operators and hyperbolic equations.
We study the stability of a-Browder-type theorems for orthogonal direct sums of operators. We give counterexamples which show that in general the properties (SBaw), (SBab), (SBw) and (SBb) are not preserved under direct sums of operators. However, we prove that if S and T are bounded linear operators acting on Banach spaces and having the property (SBab), then S ⊕ T has the property (SBab) if and only if σSBF− + (S ⊕ T ) = σSBF− + (S) ∪ σSBF− + (T ), where σSBF− + (T ) is the upper semi-B-Weyl spectrum of T . We obtain analogous preservation results for the properties (SBaw), (SBb) and (SBw) with extra assumptions.