Academic detailing, also known as prescriber support and education, is the service of sending trained clinicians to physicians’ offices in order to present the best available, objective scientific evidence in a given therapeutic area. We describe and review experience with academic detailing programs. We conclude that the academic detailing program could be tried in the Czech Republic, Ludwig O. Dittrich, and Literatura
The paper focuses on the so-called visual study of religions, i.e. scientific study of visual representation in various religions, namely study of photographs or video recordings depicting religious topics. The “memory” includes also pictures from which we can detect more information than apparent at first sight if we use highquality methodology and have sufficient knowledge. This general theory is substantiated in the paper, using several historical photographs from Atsagat Monastery, a Buddhist monastery in Buryatia, some of which have not been published yet. Several books and articles on Tibetan Buddhism in Buryatia include reproductions of a remarkable photograph which has been incorrectly identified along with wrong determination of the date of origin. The paper strives to put this information right.
A new species of Acanthochondria Oakley, 1927 (Copepoda, Poecilostomatoida, Chondracanthidae), parasitic on Serranus auriga (Cuvier) from the Argentinean coastal zone, is described and illustrated. The new species differs from its congeners by the relative length of the neck and the protopod of leg 2. This is the second record of this genus for the South-eastern Atlantic and the first one from a serranid host.
The following acanthocolpid species are reported from New Caledonia. Acaenodera nautili sp. n. from Conger cinereus Rüppel differs from other Acaenodera species in details of the body-spination, the sucker-ratio and the bipartite seminal vesicle; Stephanostomum murielae sp. n. from Carangoides hedlandensis (Whitley) differs from most species of Stephanostomum in the average of 36 circum-oral spines, the circum-oral spine rows with a ventral hiatus and the anterior extent of the vitellarium being >10% of the hindbody length from ventral sucker. The species is distinguished from the three other species with these characters in a detailed review. The other species reported are: Stephanostomum aaravi Bray et Cribb, 2003 from Lethrinus miniatus and L. rubrioperculatus; Stephanostomum ditrematis (Yamaguti, 1939) from Gnathanodon speciosus; Stephanostomum japonocasum Durio et Manter, 1969 from Cephalopholis urodeta, Epinephelus areolatus, E. chlorostigma, E. maculatus, E. retouti, Lethrinus miniatus and Variola louti; Stephanostomum uku Yamaguti, 1970 and Pleorchis uku Yamaguti, 1970 from Aprion virescens.
Knowledge of the forces affecting mostly the description of the artificial satellites motion is very important task at present. This is valid especially for the forces of the non-gravitational origin. Their description is done at best via the in-situ measurements of their dynamlcs manifestations, i.e., to use the high-sensitive microaccelerometers. We already built and proved one such a device consisting of a cubic proof-mass free-flowing within an external cubic cavity. Our accelerometer has been succesfully tested on the RESOURCE F-1 satellite on June 1992. A project
of another experiment is now being prepared under the náme of
”CESAR” with a participation of five central-European countries. The launch of the proposed satellite is envisaged for 1997.
Aphidius ervi Haliday is a parasitoid of natural populations of both Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) on alfalfa and Sitobion avenae (Fabricius) on wheat in Chile. In this study the performance of the aphid parasitoid on both host species was evaluated. Regardless of origin, both females and males of A. ervi were significantly smaller when reared on S. avenae than on A. pisum. Males and females of A. ervi reared on S. avenae on wheat also took significantly longer to develop than when reared on A. pisum. There was no significant difference in the sex ratio of the parasitoid when reared on these two host aphids. Survival of parasitoids from the A. pisum - alfalfa system was significantly lower when reared on S. avenae relative to those reared on A. pisum, but no significant difference in survival on both hosts was detected in parasitoids from the S. avenae - wheat system. Behaviour of parasitoid females during oviposition, such as frequency of encounters, number of attacks and stabbings of host aphids, were significantly higher in the A. pisum - A. ervi interaction than in the S. avenae - A. ervi interaction, regardless of the origin of the parasitoid. Aphid defensive reactions such as kicking or production of cornicle secretion, were significantly higher in the A. pisum - A. ervi than the S. avenae - A. ervi interaction. The results are discussed in relation to the effect of host quality and host aphid body size on parasitoid development.
The myrmecophilous isopod Platyarthrus hoffmannseggii Brandt, 1833 and the myrmecophilous springtail Cyphoderus albinus Nicolet, 1842 are commonly found in nests of a wide range of ant species in Belgium. Here we report the first record of both myrmecophiles in nests of the invasive garden ant Lasius neglectus in the Citadelpark of Ghent, Belgium. Platyarthrus hoffmannseggii was found in two of the Lasius neglectus nests studied. In one of the two C. albinus was also discovered. In the localities where the invasive garden ant Lasius neglectus was introduced, as is also the case in the Citadelpark in Ghent, it out-competes all native ant species. This ant has a dramatic effect on the local native ant fauna. However, some of the myrmecophilous species associated with the native ant-fauna are less threatened as they are accepted by this invasive garden ant.
The present study aimed to explore the accessibility and the quality of mental health care for foreigners in Prague. Introduction briefly outlines the situation of immigration and foreign population in the Czech Republic with a particular focus on the capital city. Further, risk factors that are associated with mental health of foreigners who live in the Czech Republic are discussed. A summary about culturally competent practice in mental health care and the current state of the Czech mental health care conclude this section. Empirical part explores foreigners’ experience with mental health services in Prague and identifies the principal barriers that hinder their access to a good quality care. The sample was composed of 27 participants, of which 20 were English and 7 Russian speaking. Data collection was primarily via an online questionnaire and several semi-structured interviews. The findings identified four principal barriers that adversely impact the accessibility (cost, language, information, accessibility), and two barriers that adversely impact the quality (professionalism, cultural differences) of mental health care for foreigners. Outcomes of the research are discussed and possible ways that could lead to an improvement of the current situation are suggested. Finally, we provide a brief overview of mental health institutions in Prague where foreigners may seek help. and Výzkumná práce se zabývá tématem dostupnosti a kvality péče o duševní zdraví pro cizince, kteří žijí v Praze. Úvodní část stručně nastiňuje situaci imigrace a cizinců v České republice, a to zejména v hlavním městě. Dále jsou popsány některé rizikové faktory, které souvisejí s duševním zdravím cizinců žijících v České republice. Shrnuty jsou také některé poznatky o kulturní kompetenci v péči o duševní zdraví kulturně a jazykově odlišných klientů, a teoretickou část uzavírá kapitola o současná situaci péče o duševní zdraví v České republice. Empirická část má formu kvalitativní studie, jejímž cílem bylo zmapovat zkušenosti cizinců s péčí o duševní zdraví v Praze a identifikovat hlavní překážky, se kterými se cizinci setkávají v souvislosti s dostupností a kvalitou služeb v Praze. Výzkumný vzorek sestával z 27 účastníků, přičemž 20 bylo anglicky a 7 rusky hovořících. Sběr dat probíhal prostřednictvím online dotazníku a následných polo strukturovaných rozhovorů. Výsledky identifikovaly 4 bariéry v souvislosti s dostupností (cena, jazyk, informace, dostupnost), a 2 bariéry v souvislosti s kvalitou péče o duševní zdraví (profesionalita, kulturní odlišnosti). Výsledky výzkumu jsou v závěru diskutovány a jsou navrženy možné cesty, které by mohly přispět ke zlepšení současné situace. Jsou také zmíněna některá pracoviště, kde cizinci mohou vyhledat odbornou psychologickou pomoc.