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2622. Adamová, Karolina, Sýkora, Antonín. Dědické zemské právo v české historii
- Creator:
- Schelle, Karel
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Language:
- English
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2623. Adamovské lesy
- Creator:
- Bubelová, Lila
- Format:
- electronic
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2624. Adamovský oltář ve fotografii
- Creator:
- Svrček, J.B.
- Format:
- electronic
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2625. Adaptability of students with different individual and typological peculiarities of vegetative functions regulation
- Creator:
- Tananakina, Tatiana, Lila, Natalya, Ivasenko, Anzhelika, Bolgov, Dmitrij, Mavrich, Svetlana, and Modna, Yuliya
- Format:
- electronic, electronic resource, remote, and elektronický zdroj
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, hodnotící studie, and TEXT
- Subject:
- adaptace fyziologická, autonomní nervový systém--fyziologie, fyziologické jevy, srdeční frekvence--fyziologie, časná diagnóza, hodnocení rizik, mladiství, dospělí, ženské pohlaví, lidé, mužské pohlaví, studenti, and výchova, vzdělávání
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- In the last decade the health of young people in Ukraine as well as in many other countries of the world significantly deteriorated according to the results of screening tests. Because of this the main task of prophylactic medicine is development and introduction of new methods of early diagnostics of diseases. The aim of the work to assess the peculiarities of adaptation of students with different types of vegetative regulation. Material and methods: 415 second year students of Lugansk State Medical University were tested. The mechanisms of physiological functions of the body regulation were assessed by registration of cardiac rhythm variability (CRV). Analysis of CRV was performed by three methods: statistical, geometrical, and spectral analysis. The express method proposed by Shlyk, N.I. (2009) was later used to determine the prevailing type of vegetative regulation. To assess adaptability the method of R.M. Baevskij (1979) was used. Results: In the result of investigation 4 types of functional states of regulatory systems were determined: I type 295 (71 %) of tested, II in 14 (3 %), III in 96 (23 %) and IV only in 10 (2%). I type of functional state of regulatory systems in the wakeful state at rest was characterized by moderate prevalence of central regulation of heart rhythm (MPCR), decreased activity of autonomic regulation. It was noticed that some of the parameters of CRV (like RR, SDNN, RMSSD and pNN50) which characterize autonomic regulation, were statistically lowere (р≤0.01) compared to type III, and some (like AMo and SI) higher, in both female and male students. Summarized spectrum capacity and components of its wave structure (HF, LF, VLF) which characterize central regulation were statistically significantly lower (р≤0.01) for the I type of regulation compared to the III one which is characterized by moderate prevalence of autonomic regulation of the heart rhythm. In female students with type I autonomic regulation compared to male students such CRV parameters as RR and AМo were statistically significantly lower (р≤0.05), while the parameters of total potency (TP) and high frequency waves (HF) were higher (р≤0.05), which could point to more centralized heart rhythm regulation in male compared to female. The evaluation of regulatory systems overstress allowed to determine the state of adaptation and risk of overstress or breakdown in students with different types of autonomic regulation. Conclusions: Thus, evaluation of adaptation state in students with different types of autonomic regulation allows to characterize the current functional state and uncover the risk of disease development., Tatiana Tananakina, Natalya Lila, Anzhelika Ivasenko, Dmitrij Bolgov, Svetlana Mavrich, Yuliya Modna, and Literatura
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2626. Adaptace krušnohorského lidového domu na klimatické podmínky
- Creator:
- Riezner, Jiří
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- adaptation, cold climate, vernacular architecture, and Ore Mountains folk house
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The article deals with the forms of the adaption of vernacular buildings situated in the upper part of the Ore Mountains to cold climate. Unfavourable climatic conditions in the mountainous areas were a significantly restricting factor, especially in terms of agriculture and permanent settlement. The Ore Mountains folk house is a result of the century-long adaptation to cold climate, and as such it includes a set of purposeful measures. These could be seen in the layout and construction of the house (a compact house with integrated shed, specific forms of roof) and materials used (boarding or shingle-panelling to protect gables and half-timbered walls, shingle or thatch roofs). Different architectural elements, which were conditioned by the local climate and were typical for the traditional architecture in the Ore Mountains, developed there (wind porch, bay toilet, another entrance on the second floor).
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2627. Adaptace pacientů hospitalizovaných v dětském a adolescentním věku po suicidálním pokusu
- Creator:
- Jiří Koutek and Jana Kocourková
- Format:
- Type:
- article, články, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Psychologie, psychologie, adolescence, psychopatologie, sebepoškozování, psychology, psychopathology, self-mutilation, suicidální pokus, katamnesa, psychosociální adaptace, suicide attempt, catamnesis, psychosocial adaptation, self-harm, 17, and 159.9
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- 2005 po suicidálním pokusu byl zaslán anonymní katamnestický dotazník, zaměřený na psychosociální adaptaci, psychopatologické projevy včetně suicidálního jednání. Návratnost činila 29 %, resp. 38 % ze všech dosažitelných. 23 % souboru je nezaměstnaných. 68 % mělo někdy přání být mrtvý nebo ublížit si, 36 % si dělalo plány na suicidium, 18 % se opět o ně pokusilo, jeden respondent opakovaně. U 41 % se vyskytovalo sebepoškozování, u 36 % bylo užití drog v posledním roce, 27 % pije vícekrát týdně alkohol, 73 % kouří cigarety. Pouze menšina (36 %) byla po propuštění v psychiatrické péči, i když tato byla doporučena ve všech případech. Uváděné obtíže svědčí o trvajícím suicidálním riziku., Anonymous catamnestic questionnaire, focused on psychosocial adaptation and psychopathological symptoms including suicide behaviour was sent to 77 patients hospitalized in 2004-2005 after a suicide attempt. Return of the questionnaire was 29 %, precisely 38% of those within reach. 23 % of the sample are unemployed. 68 % have sometimes wished to be dead or to hurt themselves, 36 % have made suicide plans, 18 % repeated suicide attempt, one respondent repeatedly. In 41 % self-harm occurred, 36 % have taken drugs in the course of last year. 27 % drink alcohol more than once a week and 73 % smoke cigarettes. Even though a psychiatric follow-up had been recommended to every patient discharged from the clinic, only a minority of them (36 %) underwent it. To conclude, the reported problems indicate a persistent suicide risk., Jiří Koutek, Jana Kocourková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2628. Adaptace přesídlenců z Malinovky a Malé Zubovštiny v Milovicích
- Creator:
- Šolcová, Lenka
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- return migration, re-settlement, adaptation, identity, Ukraine, and former Soviet Union
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The present text maps the actual situation of the participants of the controlled resettlement from the former Soviet Union to the Czech Republic in the years 1992–1993. Better to say, it maps the situation of a group of these settlers who at present live in the village Milovice, in the revitalized former military domain in the south-eastern part of the region Střední Čechy (Central Bohemia). The aim of the research was to analyze how the settlers perceive their reception from part of the majorite society, to study their adaptive strategies and to find out if the resettlement to the Czech Republic and the choice of the mentioned locality fulfilled their wishes and to what degree. The final part of the article summarizes what the settlers see as positive and what as negative aspects of the resettlement. The text is based on repeated directed interviews and observations realized in Milovice in the years 2008–2009.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2629. Adaptácia a orientačné overovanie psychometrických charakteristík Testu životnej orientácie LOT-R
- Creator:
- Kövérová, Miroslava and Ján Ferjenčík
- Type:
- article, články, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Psychologie, psychologie, psychology, dispositional optimism, adaptation of LOT-R, positive psychology, 17, and 159.9
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- a1_Štúdia informuje o výsledkoch slovenskej adaptácie Testu životnej orientácie LOT-R. V jej rámci bola overovaná faktorová štruktúra nástroja a zisťované informácie týkajúce sa jeho reliability a validity. Údaje získané od 226 stredoškolákov (119 chlapcov, 107 dievčat) vo vekovom rozpätí 16-19 rokov boli s pomocou balíka IBM Amos podrobené dvom konfirmatórnym faktorovým analýzam testujúcim plauzibilitu jednofaktorového a dvojfaktorového modelu štruktúry LOT-R. Výsledky preukázali, že formálne spĺňali oba modely v uspokojivej miere kritériá pre ich prijatie ako vzájomne si konkurujúce reprezentácie faktorovej štruktúry nástroja. Napriek tomu, že dvojfaktorové riešenie reprodukovalo pôvodné údaje s vyššou mierou presnosti, možno ho pre vysokú koreláciu medzi oboma faktormi a sémantickú homogénnosť položiek považovať zrejme skôr za artefakt zodpovedajúci existencii raz pozitívne, inokedy negatívne artikulovaných položiek, než reflektovanie kvalitatívne dištinktívnych dimenzií. Výsledky tak okrem iného demonštrujú potrebu zohľadňovať v obdobných analýzach nielen úzko ohraničené štatisticko-matematické hľadiská, ale prinajmenej v rovnakej miere aj logické a sémantické kritériá. V druhej časti príspevku sú prezentované výsledky overovania reliability a validity získané z údajov 54 vysokoškolských študentov. Dosiahnuté test-retestové korelácie naznačujú na vysokú stabilitu výsledkov v čase (rtt = 0,77 po troch týždňoch, rtt = 0,76 po dvoch mesiacoch a rtt = 0,68 po troch mesiacoch od prvého merania). Akceptovateľná bola i zistená vnútorná konzistentnosť testu (alfa koeficient = 0,73)., a2_Napokon, výsledky korelácií medzi LOT-R a štyrmi inými vybranými metodikami ziťujúcimi mieru subjektívnej pohody, sebahodnotenia, nádeje a úzkostlivosti priniesli podporu pre závery o konvergentnej a diskriminačnej validite LOT-R ako nástroja identifikujúceho dispozičný optimizmus., Paper brings information about Slovak adaptation of Life Orientation Test (LOT-R). In this framework, both, factor structure of instrument and reliability and validity of LOT-R were examined. The data obtained from 226 high school students (119 boys, 107 girls) in the age range 16-19 years were put through two confirmatory factor analyses in order to test plausibility of one-factor versus two-factor model for LOT-R factor structure. Results showed that both models fulfill acceptably criteria for their confirmation as concurring factor representations of LOT-R structure. Although the two-factor model reproduced original data with a higher accuracy, this solution should be considered rather as an artifact of differently articulated items (positively and negatively) but holding semantics of the same quality. Very high correlation between both factors which was found in confirmatory analysis supports this issue, too. In second part of paper, results of reliability and validity examinations (based on the data received from the sample of 54 university students) are reported. Test- retest correlations show that LOT-R results are sufficiently stabile over time (rtt = 0.77 for three weeks span, rtt = 0.76 for two months span and rtt = 0.68 for three monhts span). Also internal consistency of the test was acceptable (Alpha coefficient = 0.73). Finally, correlations between LOT-R and four other instruments measuring subjective well-being, self-esteem, hope and anxiosity have offered support for convergent and discriminatory validity of the LOT-R as an instrument measuring dispositional optimism., and Miroslava Kövérová, Ján Ferjenčík.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2630. Adaptation of the heart to hypertension is associated with maladaptive gap junction connexin-43 remodeling
- Creator:
- Marcela Fialová, Katarína Dlugošová, Ľudmila Okruhlicová, Kristek, F., Manoach, M., and Narcisa Tribulová
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- article, články, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Fyziologie člověka a srovnávací fyziologie, fyziologie, hypertenze, srdeční arytmie, physiology, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, gap junction remodeling, connexin-43, malignant arrhythmias, 14, and 612
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- We hypothesized that hypertension-related myocardial remodeling characterized by hypertrophy and fibrosis might be accompanied by cell-to-cell gap junction alterations that may account for increased arrhythmogenesis. Intercellular junctions and expression of gap junction protein connexin-43 were analyzed in rat heart tissues from both spontaneous (SHR) and L-NAME model of hypertension. Isolated heart preparation was used to examine susceptibility of the heart to lethal ventricular fibrillation induced by low potassium perfusion. Ultrastructure observation revealed enhanced neoformation of side-to-side type while internalization of end-to-end type (intercalated disc-related) of gap junctions prevailed in the myocardium of rats suffering from either spontaneous or L-NAME-induced hypertension. In parallel, immunolabeling showed increased number of connexin-43 positive gap junctions in lateral cell membrane surfaces, particularly in SHR. Besides, focal loss of immunopositive signal was observed more frequently in hearts of rats treated with L-NAME. There was a significantly higher incidence of hypokalemia-induced ventricular fibrillation in hypertensive compared to normotensive rat hearts. We conclude that adaptation of the heart to hypertension-induced mechanical overload results in maladaptive gap junction remodeling that consequently promotes development of fatal arrhythmias., M. Fialová, K. Dlugošová, L. Okrouhlicová, F. Kristek, M. Manoach, N. Tribulová., and Obsahuje bibliografii a biblioigrafické údaje
- Rights:
- and policy:public