The 02 ’ production in isolated plastids and their ability to detoxify SO2 increased duiing greening of oat plants and was much stronger in those with working photosynthetic apparatus than in etiolated ones. The sulphite oxidation level was stimulated using superoxide dismutase inhibitors.
Článek podává chronologický přehled o vzniku a vývoji sémiotiky od nejstarších dob po současnost s důrazem na stav zkoumání v posledních desetiletích. Je doplněn bibliografií základních prací. and Esta es la version espaňola de una parte del capitalo 19 -Semàntica, semiòtica y semiologia- de nuestra «Historia de la Linguistica» cuyo originai checo ha sido publicado hace poco por la editorial Votobia (Dějiny lingvistiky, Olomouc 1996, 512 pdgs.). La version espaňola del libro està en prensa, en Espaňa.
The article deals with the topic of migration from cities to villages in the Czech Republic and Austria and the opportunities for the social integration of newcomers. It relates partly to the problems of suburbanisation but is not limited to just migration to suburban villages. The analysis is based on a qualitative study conducted in 2003-2004 using grounded theory, and it examines the subjective viewpoints of the incomers and their assessments of their situation. The author reveals two different patterns of motivation for migration, presents a typology of relationships between the incomers and the village community, and distinguishes three basic 'orientations' among the incomers: a village orientation, a city orientation, and an orientation towards self-sufficiency. These specific orientations emerge in the process of mutual interaction between the preferences of the incomers and the integration opportunities offered by particular villages; they are not exclusive and can change over time. The author closes with a summary of the differences between the situation in the Czech Republic and Austria, which may be a result of different structural conditions and different historical backgrounds.
Abstract: This article deals with the social introspection approach of the Czech sociologist I. A. Bláha. Its aim is not only to introduce the method but also to explore the potentials and the limits of this approach in understanding social reality. The author looks at Wittgenstein's argument against a private language as a critique of the introspective method and briefly analyses the phenomenological approach in sociology to asses the boundaries of the introspective approach. Theoretical conclusions on the application of the introspection method in sociology are drawn at the end of the article, allowing the author to assess the applicability of Blaha's method.