Článek pojednává o specifikách práce lékaře vědecké expedice a pobytu a života na polární výzkumné stanici v Antarktidě. Kromě náčrtu každodenních problémů, první autor také nahlíží do historie působení lékařů v Antarktidě, pojednává o výsledcích biomedicínských výzkumných aktivit provedených v letech 2011–2014 a krátce popisuje režim běžného dne na vědecké stanici v Antarktidě., The paper describes specific aspects of work of a scientific expedition doctor and the stay and life at a polar research station in Antarctica. Apart from the outline of everyday problems, the first named author also learns about the history of medical practitioners working in Antarctica, writes about the results of the biomedical research activities conducted in the period of 2011–2014 and briefly describes the daily routine at a scientific polar station in Antarctica., and Kristián Brat, Ondřej Zvěřina
Peroperační léčba karcinomu močového měchýře invadujícího svalovinu se v posledních letech stala standardem. Nové látky jako inhibitory PD1/PD-L1 otevřely u metastazujícího karcinomu močového měchýře dveře pro imunomodulační léčbu. Článek se zaměřuje na data, která již změnila nebo mají potenciál změnit medikamentozní léčbu pokročilého karcinomu močového měchýře, doprovázená přehledem literatury a relevantních informací z hlavních odborných setkání (EAU, ASCO, GU-ASCO, AUA)., Perioperative treatment of muscle invasive bladder cancer has become standard in the last years. New agents like PD1/PD-L1 inhibitors have opened the door for immunomodulating therapy in metastasized bladder cancer. This article focuses on data which has changed or has the potential to change the medical treatment of advanced bladder cancer with a review of literature and proceedings of major meetings (EAU, ASCO, GU-ASCO, AUA)., and Schmid S. C., Gschwend J. E., Retz M.
Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is the recording of the magnetic field produced by the flowing of ions in the brain. This article reports our experience in the application of MEG in patients and healthy volunteers in the Greek population. We provide a brief description of our research work. The MEG data were recorded in a magnetically shielded room with a whole-head 122 channel or an one-channel biomagnetometer. Our results lead us to believe that the MEG is an important research field which is evolving quickly with a number of interesting findings with respect to normal and abnormal functions of the human brain. It could provide clinical practice with an easy to perform non invasive method, which could be adjunct to conventional methods for the evaluation of brain disorders. and P. Anninos, A. Adamopoulos, A. Kotini
Melatonin is a hormone with strong antioxidant properties. In this experiment, Freund's complete adjuvant was used as a stressogenic substance given to laboratory outbred mice, whereas melatonin was investigated as a protectant against the stressogenic effect. Levels of low molecular weight antioxidants, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, and tumor necrosis factor α and activity of glutathione reductase were determined in blood from the animals. Surprisingly, melatonin was not involved in direct regulation of antioxidants, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and tumor necrosis factor α. On the other hand, melatonin regulated glutathione reductase activity. We can conclude on regulation of metabolism caused by melatonin in the model. The effect was more important than the expected regulation of immunity and basal oxidative homeostasis. and M. Pohanka, B. Ruttkay-Nedecký, J. Fusek, V. Adam, R. Kizek