Článok poukazuje na často nereflektované nedostatky diagnostických nástrojov používaných pri štúdiu gendrovej identity. Pozornosť je venovaná predovšetkým vzniku a konštrukčným obmedzeniam najrozšírenejšieho nástroja používaného pre tento účel - Bem Sex Role Inventory. Jeho využitie je založené na eoretických predpokladoch, ktoré nikdy neboli úspešne empiricky overené. Hoci jeho kritika bola v tomto duchu formulovaná už pred 30 rokmi, dodnes sa táto nevalidná technika používa v rade aktuálnych výskumov. V druhej časti článku sú predstavené alternatívne techniky merania gendrovej identity založené na diskriminačnej analýze a teste implicitných asociácií., The paper highlights the often not reflected weaknesses of diagnostic tools used in the study of masculinity and feminity. Attention is paid mainly to structural limitations of the tool most widely used for this purpose - Bem Sex Role Inventory. Its use is based on theoretical assumptions that have never been successfully empirically verified. Although criticism of Bem Sex Role Inventory has been formulated more than 30 years ago, this technique is still used in a number of recent studies. In the second part alternative measurement techniques are presented. These are based on discriminant analysis and the implicit association test., Marek Vranka., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
V dejinách fyziky sa viac ráz zásadne zmenili spôsoby poznávania, či princípy systematizácie poznatkov a budovania fyzikálnych teórií. V článku stručne rozoberieme zmeny v chápaní vzťahu empírie a teórie, charakteru fyzikálnych zákonov, úplnosti či neúplnosti nášho opisu prírodných javov, príčinnosti, derminismu a indeterminizmu, vplyv pozorovateľa na proces merania, poslania a miesta matematiky vo fyzike. Objasníme, prečo nastali uvedené zmeny vo fyzikálnom poznávaní a ukážeme, že vznik každej významnej fyzikálnej teórie bol sprevádzaný zmenami tohto typu. and Juraj Šebesta.
Studie Miloše Zapletala se zabývá hudebně-analytickým rozborem funkce akordických paralelismů v opeře Poupě od hudebního skladatele Otakara Ostrčila., Miloš Zapletal., Rubrika: Studie, and Anglické resumé na s. 394, anglický abstrakt na s. 365.
Because greater Akt substrate of 160 kDa (AS160) phosphorylation has been reported in insulin-stimulated skeletal muscles without improved Akt activation several hours post-exercise, we hypothesized that prior exercise would result in attenuated AS160 dephosphorylation in insulin-stimulated rat skeletal muscle. Epitrochlearis muscles were isolated from rats that were sedentary (SED) or exercised 3 h earlier (3 h postexercise; 3hPEX). Paired muscles were incubated with [3H]-2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) without insulin or with insulin. Lysates from other insulin-stimulated muscles from SED or 3hPEX rats were evaluated using AS160Thr642 and AS160Ser588 dephosphorylation assays. Prior exercise led to greater 2-DG uptake concomitant with greater AS160Thr642 phosphorylation and a non-significant trend (P=0.087) for greater AS160Ser588. Prior exercise also reduced AS160Thr642 and AS160Ser588 dephosphorylation rates. These results support the idea that attenuated AS160 dephosphorylation may favor greater AS160 phosphorylation post-exercise., E. B. Arias, H. Wang, G. D. Cartee., and Seznam literatury
Considerable evidence demonstrates that phenotypic switching of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) is influenced by aging and hypertension. During phenotypic switching, VSMCs undergo a switch to a proliferative and migratory phenotype, with this switch being a common pathology in cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study was to explore the joint influence of age and hypertension on thoracic aortic smooth muscle phenotypic switching and the balance of Akt and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling during this switch. Different ages of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY) were used to establish hypertension and aging models. The phenotypic state was determined by detecting the marker proteins α-SM-actin, calponin, and osteopontin (OPN) via immunohistochemical staining and Western blot. Signaling proteins associated with the Akt and MAPK pathways were detected in rat thoracic aorta using Western blot. Both aging and hypertension caused a decrease in contractile (differentiated) phenotype markers (α-SM-actin and calponin), while the synthetic (proliferative or de-differentiated) phenotype maker was elevated (OPN). When combining hypertension and aging, this effect was enhanced, with Akt signaling decreased, while MAPK signaling was increased. These results suggested that VSMCs phenotype switching is modulated by a balance between Akt and MAPK signaling in the process of aging and hypertension., Lin Zhang, Zhaoxia Xu, Ying Wu, Jingwen Liao, Fanxing Zeng, Lijun Shi., and Obsahuje bibliografii