This article engages critically with the theory of expression proposed by Mitchell S. Green in his Self-Expression (2007). In this book, Green argues that expressions are signals designed to convey information about mental states. By putting pressure on one of the examples Green uses in his book, I will challenge this thesis. I will then deepen this challenge by developing a contrast between two philosophical perspectives on expression, which I name the 'instrumental' and the 'descriptive'. I take Green’s theory of expression to be an exemplar of the instrumental perspective. Expression, in the instrumental perspective, is a means for transmitting information about mental states from organism to organism. The descriptive perspective I articulate with the help of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Ludwig Wittgenstein. On the descriptive view, expression is (at least a part of) an answer to the question what it is so much as to have mental states and a living body. I suggest at the end of the article that if we remain within the instrumental perspective, we will not be able to use expression to satisfactorily answer this question.
In this paper, the author expounds the meaning of linking of uncertain information and knowledge both generally, and in hydrology. He presents a review of methodological approaches to the investigation of linking. In more detail, he deals with multidimensional probabilistic distribution, the algebraic combining theory, derived by P.Hájek within a consulting system, and fuzzy methods. The paper also addresses hitherto unsolved problems that should be tackled in future research. and V příspěvku autor objasňuje význam sdružování neurčitých informací a znalostí obecně a zvlášť v hydrologii a uvádí přehled metodických postupů jeho řešení. Podrobněji se zabývá třemi základními postupy sdružování, a to vícerozměrnou pravděpodobnostní distribucí, algebraickou teorií sdružování dílčích příspěvků k rozhodnutí odvozenou P. Hájkem a fuzzy metodami. Příspěvek též analyzuje otevřené problémy sdružování neurčité informace v hydrologii, které bude třeba řešit v dalším výzkumu.