The review focuses on a very peculiar aspect of the application of copper containing biologically active compounds of different chemical classes as have shown at the last scientific researches in the field of Cu (II) chelates, chelates possess have a higher activity of the same sort, than their mother compounds. The presented material shows essentially important qualities of Cu (II) containing compounds in biological aspect and has an interest for chemists, biochemists and pharmacologists., Sedrak Ghazaryan, and Literatura
Here we report the case of a 31-year-old man admitted to our hospital with echocardiografic and Cardiac Magnetic Resonance signs of myocarditis complicated by ventricular tachycardia, initially resolved with direct current shock. After the recurrence of ventricular tachycardia the patient was submitted to electrophysiological study revealing a re-entrant circuit at the level of the medium segment of interventricular septum, successfully treated with transcatheter ablation. This case highlights how the presence of recurrent ventricular arrhythmias at the onset of acute myocarditis, suspected or proven, could be associated with a pre-existing arrhythmogenic substrate, therefore these patients should be submitted to electrophysiological study in order to rule out the presence of arrhythmogenic focuses that can be treated with transcatheter ablation., Emanuele Cecchi, Serena Fatucchi, Elena Crudeli, Cristina Giglioli, and Literatura 15
Aim: to improve treatment results of colorectal cancer, complicated carcinomatosis of abdominal cavity, by associated using of endolymphatic chemotherapy (ELCT) and local extremely high frequency (EHF) therapy. Igroup 21 people (33.3%) performed colostomy, then neoadjuvant systemic chemotherapy by the scheme FOLFOX4. It was held two cycles, after two cycles their were received cytoreductive surgery; II group 26 people (41,3%) received cytoreductive operations with early postoperative intraabdominal chemotherapy by oxaliplatin (200 mg/m(2) at day 1 and 5FU 650 mg/m(2) from days 1 to 4. III group 16 people (25,4%) also performed colostomy, then used 2 courses of ELCT with local EHF therapy and all patients were received cytoreductive operations. ELCT was carried out injecting oxaliplatin100 mg/m(2) a day during 12 hours and then 5 FU in doze of 600 mg/m2 a day during 72 hours by the instrumentality of the dozer and LV200 mg/m(2) (2h intravenous infusion). During ELCT patients received local EHF therapy in abdominal cavity for an hour. After chemotherapy the partial regress of tumor observed in 1st group in 4,8 % and in 3rd 37,5 %, stabilization of process noted in 28,6 and 50% cases, progressing 66,7 and 12,5% cases correspondingly to groups. Histomorphologic study of malignant foci after ELCT+EHF therapy showed reduction of specific area of parenchyma cancer cell from 57 till 39% simultaneous growth of stroma from 40 till 58% and in necrosis area from 1,8 till 2,5%. Mitotic activity of tumor cells in the 1st group decreased (average in 22 un.), but in 3rd group it decreased until 11 units. Analysis of life span showed that in 1st group of patients 2year survival rate was 66,7%. In 2nd group of patients 2year survival rate was 42,3%. ELCH+EHFtherapy has high clinic efficacy and promotes to decrease terms of progression of tumor process, increases life span from 0 till 24% and quality of life of the patients. ELCH+EHFtherapy brings to reduction of specific area of parenchyma in cancer cells from 57 till 39% with simultaneous growth of stroma area from 40 till 58% and necrosis area from 1,8 till 2,5%. ELCT+EHFtherapy lowers mitotic activity of tumor cells, activates apoptosis, hemodynamic and metabolic rates., Akbarov E.T., Navruzov S.N., Abdujapparov S.B., Islamov H.D., and Literatura
Postavení plátce ve zdravotnictví je zajímavou a často diskutovanou problematikou v mnoha zdravotních systémech. Česká republika v tomto směru není výjimkou. Již od roku 1993 se zde, méně či více bouřlivě, vedou debaty o tom, zda je, po vzoru národních služeb, lépe mít zdravotní systém s jedním plátcem či zda dát prostor vícero plátcům. Záměrem autorky je přispět do této polemiky a na základě poznatků literatury se zamyslet nad tím, jakou roli by vlastně plátci ve zdravotnictví měli plnit. Následně k tomu vymezit a diskutovat, jaké podmínky musí být splněny, aby tyto role plátci plnit skutečně mohli. Jinými slovy, cílem článku je specifikovat role plátců ve zdravotních systémech a vymezit a diskutovat podmínky vedoucí k tomu, aby tyto role plnit mohli., The role of payers in the healthcare systems is an interesting and often discussed issue in many countries. The Czech Republic is not an exception. Since 1993, there has been a debate, more or less heated, of whether it is better to have a single payer system (like NHS) or whether the pluralistic system should take place. The purpose of the author is to contribute to this polemics and based on the literature review, to think about what is/should be the role of the payer in the healthcare systems and, in accordance to this, to specify and to discuss the conditions that must be fulfilled to accomplish those roles. In other words, the aim of the contribution is to specify roles/objectives of payers in healthcare systems in general and to define and discuss conditions that must be fulfilled to attain those objectives., Zuzana Darmopilová, and Literatura
The aim of this article is to analyze decisio ns of the Supreme court of Czechoslovakia from years 1918 – 1945 concerned with compensation for damages on health and bring possible inspiration sources for the interpretation of related regulations in the act no. 89/2012 Coll., New civil code. Paper itself describes in introduction main differences between conception of compensation for damages on health in the act no. 40/1964 Coll., Civil code and in the New civil code. Detailed analysis of decisions of the Supreme court of Czechoslovakia from years 1918 – 1 945 and relevant legal regulations, i.e. Caesar patent no. 946/1811 Coll., General civil code (ABGB), follows. This analysis could be used as guidance for the application of New civil code, JUDr. Jan Kotula, and Literatura
Po dva roky trvajících bolestech bederní páteře s narůstajícími klaudikacemi dolních končetin byl u 61leté ženy diagnostikován rozsáhlý tumor v oblasti těla L3 a retroperitonea. Nádor byl totálně odstraněn a provedena náhrada těla L3 a stabilizace. Po operaci přetrvávaly výrazné bolesti, oslabení dolních končetin a instabilita stoje a chůze. Po léčebné rehabilitaci došlo k vymizení bolesti, ústupu nestability i parézy levé dolní končetiny. Vývoj pooperačního stavu dokumentuje stabilometrické vyšetření., After 2-year period of persistent pain of lumbar spine with increasing intensity of lower extremities claudication a vast tumor of L3 vertebra extending to the retroperitoneum was diagnosed in a 61-year old woman. The total L3 vertebrectomy as well as complete tumor removal has been performed and situation was reconstructed and stabilized. Pronounced pain, lower extremities paresis and instability persisted after the surgery. The rehabilitation therapy led to the relief of the pain improvement of standing and gait instability and paresis. The postoperative course is well documented by stabilometry., Michaela Tomanová, Lenka Lhotská, Edvard Ehler, Pavel Barsa, and Literatura
Cíle studie: Cílem této studie je sledování vzájemného vztahu plasmatických hladin imatinibu s jeho denní dávkou a časovým intervalem od poslední užité dávky u pacientů s chronickou myeloidní leukemií na terapii imatinibem. Chronická myeloidní leukemie (CML) je myeloproliferativní onemocnění charakteristické přítomností chromozomu Philadelphia a leukemického fúzního genu BCR-ABL vedoucího k expresi konstitutivně aktivní tyrosinkinázy zodpovědné za maligní transformaci. Největší úspěšnost v léčbě byla zaznamenána prostřednictvím cílených inhibitorů vzniklého onkoproteinu, proto je dnes imatinib používán jako lék první linie. Terapeutické monitorování plasmatických hladin imatinibu u pacientů s CML je důležitým nástrojem k optimalizaci a individualizaci léčby. Typ studie: Klinická Materiál a metody: V naší studii jsme analyzovali soubor 1790 vzorků od 168 pacientů s CML na terapii imatinibem. Veškerá měření byla provedena metodou kapalinové chromatografie ve spojení s tandemovou hmotnostní spektrometrií v rámci rutinního vyšetřování plasmatických hladin tyrosinkinázových inhibitorů. Denní dávka imatinibu s pohybovala v rozmezí 100 až 800 mg; vzorky byly odebrány 1–120 hodin od poslední užité dávky. Výsledky a závěr: Analýza výsledků odhalila významnou korelaci plasmatické hladiny imatinibu s jeho denní dávkou (R2 = 0,075) a časovým intervalem od poslední užité dávky (R2 = 0,177). Z celého souboru bylo vybráno 616 vzorků odebraných 24±4 hodiny od poslední dávky od 111 pacientů s denní dávkou 400 mg imatinibu a byla stanovena inter- (48 %) a intraindividuální (36 %) variabilita., Objective: The aim of the study is monitoring of correlation of imatinib plasma levels with daily dose and sampling time in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia on imatinib therapy. Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is myeloproliferative disorder characterized by the presence of chromozome Philadelphia and leukemic fusion gene BCR-ABL leading expression of constitutively active tyrosin kinase responsible for malignant transformation. The most successful treatment was recorded via targeted inhibitors of generated oncoprotein and therefore imatinib is used as a first-line treatment, today. Therapeutic monitoring of imatinib plasma levels in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia is important tool for treatment individualization. Design: Clinical Materials and methods: In our study we have analyzed a group of 1790 samples from 168 patients with CML on imatinib therapy. All measurements were performed by the liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry method within routine monitoring of plasmatic levels of tyrosin kinase inhibitors. Imatinib daily dose vary from 100 to 800 mg and samples were obtained 1 - 120 hours after last drug administration. Results and conclusion: Analysis of the results revealed correlation between imatinib plasma level and daily dose (R2 = 0.075) or with sampling time (R2 = 0.177). From whole data file 616 samples taken 24±4 hours after last drug administration from 111 patients with imatinib daily dose 400 mg were chosen and inter- (48 %) and intraindividual (36 %) variability were determined., and Mičová K., Friedecký D., Faber E., Adam T.