Precise Point Positioning (PPP) has been considered a powerful method for GNSS data processing. The essential input products, such as precise satellite orbits and clocks, are provided within the International GNSS Service (IGS) with a sufficient quality for estimating receiver coordinates with centimeter level accuracy. However, the IGS satellite clocks enable users to estimate ambiguities only as float values. An additional product for satellite phase biases is necessary for an integer ambiguity resolution (PPP AR). Another approach is the backward smoothing algorithm utilizing already precise and converged parameters for improving those parameters estimated at previous epochs. All the three approaches for ambiguity estimation are compared and assessed in terms of advantages and disadvantages, achieved coordinates precision, and flexibility. The comparison are performed through a processing of GNSS data from selected IGS permanent stations during 30 days in 2018, and a processing of high rate GNSS observations of the station STRF in Greece collected during the seismic event occurred on October 25, 2018. The backward smoothing improved the float solution similarly like the PPP AR, and therefore can be considered an alternative approach providing easier implementation and no dependency on additional satellites products. We utilized two different products for phase biases in the PPP AR, namely Integer Recovery Clocks (IRC) provided by the Centre National d’Études Spatiales/Collecte Localisation Satellites (CNES/CLS) analyses center and Fractional Cycle Biases (FCB) which were estimated at the Geodetic Observatory Pecny (GOP) analyses. The IRC is based on the assimilation phase biases into satellite clocks, while the FCB products are distributed in terms of wide-lane and narrow-lane biases. A similar accuracy obtained from our comparison indicates an interoperability of products when using different strategies and even different software.
Groundwater and surface water interaction play an important role for groundwater recharge, drought management and water quality issues. Based on a case study in Lower Austria different techniques for estimation of riverbed infiltration were applied. The aim was to assess the impact of upstream release flow directions for the downstream sections. Due to the fact of large streambed conductivities, infiltration losses considerably contribute to the water balance of the system. The applied methods dealt with empirical infiltration formulas based on sediment particle size distribution, soil physical analysis, difference discharge measurements along river branches and point measurements of infiltration by means of double ring infiltrometer and riverbed lysimeter. Awaring the fact that the infiltration processes vary in space and time the gained results formed a basis for definition of potential values of infiltration. It could be concluded, that for the investigated environment the different methods exhibited comparable results with the exception of the empirical formulas, which tend to significantly overestimate the average values. and Vzájemná interakce povrchové a podzemní vody je velmi důležitá pro hodnocení zdrojů podzemních vod, hospodaření s vodou a její kvalitu. Na základě zkušeností s řešením projektu v Dolním Rakousku byly použity pro odhad infiltrace říčním korytem dále uvedené metody. Cílem řešení bylo mimo jiné stanovit vliv průtoku a směru pohybu vody v horní části toku na profily v spodní části toku. Vzhledem k vysoké hydraulické vodivosti dna toku se ztráty infiltrací výrazně podílejí na vodní bilanci systému. Pro odhad infiltrace byly použity jednak empirické rovnice (na základě granulometrického složení), fyzikální rozbory půdních vzorků, terénní lysimetrická měření ve dně toku a ''bodová'' měření dvouválcovou metodou. Uvážíme-li, že infiltrace je časově a prostorově proměnná, dosažené výsledky jsou základem pro určení potenciální hodnoty infiltrace. Závěrem je možno konstatovat, že v daných podmínkách použité metody poskytly srovnatelné výsledky, s výjimkou empirických rovnic, jejichž výsledky byly systematicky řádově vyšší.
In this study Active Learning Method (ALM) as a novel fuzzy modeling approach is compared with optimized Support Vector Machine (SVM) using simple Genetic Algorithm (GA), as a well known datadriven model for long term simulation of daily streamflow in Karoon River. The daily discharge data from 1991 to 1996 and from 1996 to 1999 were utilized for training and testing of the models, respectively. Values of the Nash-Sutcliffe, Bias, R2 , MPAE and PTVE of ALM model with 16 fuzzy rules were 0.81, 5.5 m3 s -1, 0.81, 12.9%, and 1.9%, respectively. Following the same order of parameters, these criteria for optimized SVM model were 0.8, -10.7 m3 s-1, 0.81, 7.3%, and -3.6%, respectively. The results show appropriate and acceptable simulation by ALM and optimized SVM. Optimized SVM is a well-known method for runoff simulation and its capabilities have been demonstrated. Therefore, the similarity between ALM and optimized SVM results imply the ability of ALM for runoff modeling. In addition, ALM training is easier and more straightforward than the training of many other data driven models such as optimized SVM and it is able to identify and rank the effective input variables for the runoff modeling. According to the results of ALM simulation and its abilities and properties, it has merit to be introduced as a new modeling method for the runoff modeling. and Cieľom štúdie bolo porovnať možnosti dlhodobej simulácie denných prietokov v rieke Karoon pomocou novovyvinutej fuzzy metódy aktívneho učenia (Active Learning Method - ALM) a známej metódy vektormi podporených strojov (Support Vector Machine - SVM), optimalizovanej genetickým algoritmom (GA). Na tréning a testovanie modelov boli použité časové rady denných prietokov za obdobie rokov 1991 až 1996 a 1996 až 1999. Hodnoty parametrov Nash-Sutcliffe, Bias, R2 , MPAE a PTVE pre model ALM boli 0,81; 5,5 m3 s-1; 0,81; 12,9% a 1,9%. Parametre v tom istom poradí pre model SVM boli 0,8 -10,7 m3 s-1, 0,81; 7,3%; a -3,6%. Z výsledkov simulácií vyplýva, že aplikáciou metód ALM a SVM možno získať porovnateľné a akceptovateľné výsledky. Podobnosť výsledkov medzi ALM a SVM implikuje vhodnosť novovyvinutej metódy ALM pre simuláciu odtoku. Tréning ALM je ľahší a jednoduchší ako je tréning ďalších dátami riadených modelov podobného typu. Navyše algoritmus ALM je schopný identifikovať a zoradiť efektívne vstupné premenné pre modelovanie odtoku. Na základe dosiahnutých výsledkov možno metódu ALM zaradiť medzi nové, alternatívne metódy modelovania odtoku.
Both amphibious species, Myosotis scorpioides and Ranunculus trichophyllus, thrive in a stressful environment (alternated flooding and drying), which is variable regarding water and radiation regimes. Plants from the field and plants grown under controlled water table maintained at 40 cm were analysed for content of chlorophyll (Chl) and UV-B screening compounds, and the efficiencies of PS2 and electron transport systems. We detected no significant differences in contents of Chl and UV-B screening compounds between submerged and aerial leaves. The measurements of respiratory potential and photochemical efficiency revealed the presence of permanent stress in M. sporpioides in the natural environment. Differences in physiological responses of submerged and aerial leaves indicated that the terrestrial environment was more favourable for M. scorpioides than for R. trichophyllus. Characteristics of both species suggested that R. trichophyllus might be a phylogenetically older aquatic plant than M. scorpioides. and M. Germ, A. Gaberščik.
Complete descriptions of the particle-size distribution (PSD) curve should provide more information about various soil properties as opposed to only the textural composition (sand, silt and clay (SSC) fractions). We evaluated the performance of 19 models describing PSD data of soils using a range of efficiency criteria. While different criteria produced different rankings of the models, six of the 19 models consistently performed the best. Mean errors of the six models were found to depend on the particle diameter, with larger error percentages occurring in the smaller size range. Neither SSC nor the geometric mean diameter and its standard deviation correlated significantly with the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kfs); however, the parameters of several PSD models showed significant correlation with Kfs. Porosity, mean weight diameter of the aggregates, and bulk density also showed significant correlations with PSD model parameters. Results of this study are promising for developing more accurate pedotransfer functions.
Estimation of discharge from ungauged catchments based on rainfall-runoff analysis is a very frequent task in engineering hydrology. Very often, design discharges are needed for streams or small rivers where no streamflow data is available (river training works, culverts, small hydropower plants, etc). This study uses a well established lumped hydrologic rainfall-runoff model to compare two different approaches in data preparation. The traditional method of manual obtainment of catchment parameters was compared to a more contemporary methodology using automation with geographic information systems, digital terrain models and available datasets, with an emphasis on open-source tools and freely available datasets. Both techniques were implemented on more than 100 catchments in Serbia to calculate storm runoff response. The results show minor differences that are insignificant compared to the time and resources saved with the automated techniques. The use of such automated methods enables the hydrologist to direct more attention to other factors that influence discharge even more than catchment parameters, such as rainfall, soil and land use data.
Recently an expert consensus document advised to standardize user procedures and a new cut-off value for carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity in daily practice. Our aim was to observe aortic pulse wave velocity (PWVao) and augmentation index (AIXao) in two high cardiovascular risk groups: patients with verified coronary artery disease (CAD) or with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). We also aimed to determine the cut-off values for PWVao, AIXao in CAD and T2DM patients using oscillometric device (Arteriograph). We investigated 186 CAD and 152 T2DM patients. PWVao and AIXao increased significantly in the CAD group compared to the age-, gender-, blood pressure-, and heart rate-matched control group (10.2±2.3 vs. 9.3±1.5 m/s; p<0.001 and 34.9±14.6 vs. 31.9±12.8 %; p<0.05, respectively). When compared to the apparently healthy control subjects, T2DM patients had significantly elevated PWVao (9.7±1.7 vs. 9.3±1.5 m/s; p<0.05, respectively), however the AIXao did not differ significantly. The ROC-curves of CAD and healthy control subjects explored cut-off values of 10.2 m/s for PWVao and 33.23 % for AIXao. Our data provide supporting evidence about impaired arterial stiffness parameters in CAD and T2DM. Our findings encourage the implementation of arterial stiffness measurements by oscillometric method in daily clinical routine., Z. Lenkey, M. Illyés, R. Böcskei, R. Husznai, Z. Sárszegi, Z. Meiszterics, F. T. Molnár, G. Hild, S. Szabados, A Cziráki, B. Gaszner., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Finite volume methods for solving hyperbolic systems on unstructured meshes are known for a long time. There are two basic formulations of the method: cell centered and vertex centered. For the cell centered method, the (finite) volumes used to satisfy
the integral form of the equation are the mesh elements itself. For the vertex centered approach, the finite volumes are elements of the mesh dual to the computational mesh. We present comparison of both formulations. The method is first evaluated on a scalar advection equation. Knowing the analytical solution of the problem,
convergence studies are performed. More complex test cases involve the 3D transonic flow past an Олега M6 airfoil. Discussion includes influence of the reconstruction and limiters on the solution. The results of the parallel implementation for a Linux PC cluster both with explicit and implicit time integration method are presented. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Measurements of CO2 and H2O fluxes were carried out using two different techniques-eddy-covariance (EC) and open system gas exchange chamber (OC)-during two-years' period (2003-2004) at three different grassland sites. OC measurements were made during fourteen measurement campaigns. We found good agreement between the OC and EC CO2 flux values (n = 63, r 2 = 0.5323, OC FCO2 = -0.6408+0.9508 EC FCO2). The OC FH2O values were consistently lower than those measured by the EC technique, probably caused by the air stream difference inside and outside the chamber. Adjusting flow rate within the chamber to the natural conditions would be necessary in future OC measurements. In comparison with EC, the OC proved to be a good tool for gas exchange measurements in grassland ecosystems. and J. Balogh ... [et al.].
Autoimmune endocrinopathies can be divided according to the presence of organ specific autoantibodies and according to the clinical manifestations into isolated autoimmune endocrinopathies, autoimmune polyglandular syndromes (APS) and polyglandular activation of autoimmunity (PAA). Many factors take part in the development of the autoimmune disease: predominantly a genetic predisposition, environmental etiologic causes and dysregulation in the microenvironment of the target organ. Until now it is not completely clear, if manifestations of the clinical disease depend primarily upon external factors and the degree of regulation mechanism disorder (e.g. in Th1/Th2 regulation) or upon the different genetic predisposition. In this work we compared the levels of Th1 and Th2 lymphocyte cytokines in peripheral blood in three groups of patients: group A of 30 patients with autoimmune thyroiditis, group B of 25 patients with PAA, and group C of 10 patients with APS type II. From group of Th1 cytokines IL-2 and IFN-Ύ were detected, whereas from group of Th2 cytokines IL-4 and IL-10 were determined by ELISA kit. We did not find any differences in the concentrations of IL-2, IFN-Ύ, IL-4 and IL-10 among the groups of patients with autoimmune endocrinopathies., P. Hrdá, I. Šterzl, P. Matucha., and Obsahuje bibliografii