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4592. Construction of a controller with a generalized linear immersion
- Creator:
- Diaz-Vargas, Javier, Tuyub-Puc, Dennis, and Villanueva-Novelo, Celia
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- output regulation, robust, nonlinear, generalized linear immersion, Gröbner basis, modul, Noetherian, monomial ordering, normal form, and syzygy
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Gröbner bases for modules are used to calculate a generalized linear immersion for a plant whose solutions to its regulation equations are polynomials or pseudo-polynomials. After calculating the generalized linear immersion, we build the controller which gives the robust regulation.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
4593. Construction of master recession curve using genetic algorithms
- Creator:
- Gregor, Miloš and Malík, Peter
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- recession analysis, master recession curve, hybrid genetic algorithms, evolutional algorithms, HydroOffice, analýza výtokových čiar, reprezentatívna výtoková čiara, hybridné genetické algoritmy, and evolučné algoritmy
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- The article describes a new methodology of using genetic algorithms to assemble a natural time series of discharge recession, from which a master recession curve can be interpreted both for streams and for springs. Presented approach can avoid obstacles such as limited time-series datasets, incomplete recessions or too many recessionary segments in many recession series, different time intervals of observations (daily or weekly frequencies). Short time–series intervals, imprecise or mistaken measurements and different types of datasets (averaged or directly measured data) are taken into account as well. Even rough measurements of discharges with inaccurate sensing range can be analysed, if sufficiently long observation is available. Complicated hydrograph shapes in the case of e.g. karstic springs (often caused by combination of laminar and turbulent discharge sub-regimes due to karst network settings) can be processed as well. Subsequent construction of master recession curve is much easier an offers better conditions for its interpretation. Presented algorithm was already implemented to a programme solution, completed on the user form. and Článok opisuje novú metodiku využitia genetických algoritmov pre kompozíciu úplných a prirodzených časových radov poklesu prietokov na povrchových tokoch alebo výdatností prameňov v čase bez dopĺňania hydrologických systémov/infiltračných oblastí, ktoré možno následne interpretovať výtokovou čiarou. Prezentovaná metodika umožňuje prekonanie častých problémov, akými sú krátke alebo nekompletné časové rady, neúplne zaznamenané výtokové procesy alebo naopak príliš mnoho segmentov v množstve čiastkových poklesových radov, rozdielne (denné alebo týždenné) intervaly pozorovaní, nepresné alebo chybné merania, alebo rozdielne typy údajov (priemerné alebo priamo merané hodnoty). Ak sú k dispozícii pozorovania z dostatočne dlhého časového intervalu, metóda umožňuje aj spracovanie pozorovaní s vysokou mierou nepresnosti odčítania hodnôt prietokov alebo výdatností. Komplikované tvary hydrogramov, aké sú časté najmä v prípadoch krasových prameňov (často spôsobované kombináciou účinku laminárnych a turbulentných subrežimov v dôsledku zložitej štruktúry krasových obehových ciest) taktiež nepredstavujú problém pri automatizovanom skladaní výtokových časových radov. Následné zostavenie výtokových čiar je potom oveľa jednoduchšie a poskytuje lepšie podmienky pri ich interpretácii. Prezentovaný algoritmus bol už realizovaný v rámci programového riešenia, zostaveného do užívateľskej podoby, takže opísanú metódu možno aplikovať aj bez znalostí programovania.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
4594. Construction of multivariate copulas in n-boxes
- Creator:
- Gonzáles-Barrios, José M. and Hernández-Cedillo, María M.
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- n-copulas, modular functions, and rectangular patchwork
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- In this paper we give an alternative proof of the construction of n-dimensional ordinal sums given in Mesiar and Sempi \cite{mesiar}, we also provide a new methodology to construct n-copulas extending the patchwork methodology of Durante, Saminger-Platz and Sarkoci in \cite{durante08} and \cite{durante09}. Finally, we use the gluing method of Siburg and Stoimenov \cite{siburg} and its generalization in Mesiar {et al.} \cite{mesiarjagr} to give an alternative method of patchwork construction of n-copulas, which can be also used in composition with our patchwork method.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
4595. Construction of the polygonal fuzzy neural network and its approximation based on K-integral norm
- Creator:
- Wang, Guijun and Li, Xiaoping
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Polygonal fuzzy numbers, quasi-additive integral, integrable polygonal fuzzy valued functions, integral norm, polygonal fuzzy neural network, and universal approximation
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The concept of an n-equidistant polygonal fuzzy number is introduced to avoid the complexity of the operations between fuzzy numbers. Firstly, the properties of linear operations and the convergence of n-equidistant polygonal fuzzy numbers are discussed, the method how to change a fuzzy number into an n-equidistant polygonal fuzzy number is shown. Next, for given a µ-integrable polygonal fuzzy valued function, an n-equidistant polygonal fuzzy valued function is constructed. By introducing the definition of K-quasi-additive integral and Kintegral norm, the universal approximation of polygonal fuzzy neural network are studied. The final result indicates that the polygonal fuzzy neural network still possess universal approximation to an integrable system.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
4596. Constructional vs. denotational conception of aboutness
- Creator:
- Raclavský, Jiří
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- aboutness, logical analysis of natural language, logical semantics, and principle of subject matter
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Following Carnap’s Principle of Subject Matter, Pavel Tichý proposed a methodological principle I call the ''Denotational Principle of Aboutness''. It says that expressions are about their denotata. Denotata are modelled as possible world intensions or (common) extensions. Nearly the same principle was recently defended by Marie Duží and Pavel Materna under the name the ''Parmenides Principle''. However, Duží and Materna did not react to Tichý’s late proposal which I call the ''Constructional Principle of Aboutness''. It says that the subject matter of expressions consists not in their denotata but in their meanings. The meanings are explicated by Tichý, and also by Duží and Materna, as so-called constructions; constructions are complex entities akin to algorithms, they construct intensions or extensions. In this paper, I argue in favour of the Constructional Principle of Aboutness. I show that there are not only single arguments, but the whole net of methodological principles which support it. This is why the topic largely transcends the debate among Tichý’s followers., Pavel Tichý navrhl podle Carnapova principu předmětové záležitosti metodický princip, který nazývám ,,Denotační princip onessness''. Říká se, že výrazy jsou o jejich denotatech. Denotata jsou modelována jako možná světová rozšíření nebo (společná) rozšíření. Téměř stejný princip nedávno obhájila Marie Duží a Pavel Materna pod názvem ,,Princip Parmenidů''. Duží a Materna však nereagovali na Tichý pozdní návrh, který nazývám ,,stavebním principem onessness''. Říká, že předmět výrazů nespočívá v jejich denotatech, ale v jejich významech. Významy vysvětluje Tichý a také Duží a Materna jako tzv. Stavby; Konstrukce jsou složité entity podobné algoritmům, konstruují intensions nebo extensions. V tomto \ t Argumentuji ve prospěch stavebního principu onessness. Ukazuji, že neexistují pouze jednotlivé argumenty, ale celá síť metodických principů, které ji podporují. To je důvod, proč toto téma do značné míry přesahuje debatu mezi následovníky Tichého., and Jiří Raclavský
- Rights:
- and policy:public
4597. Constructions for type I trees with nonisomorphic Perron branches
- Creator:
- Kirkland, Steve
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- math, trees, and Perron branches
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- A tree is classified as being type I provided that there are two or more Perron branches at its characteristic vertex. The question arises as to how one might construct such a tree in which the Perron branches at the characteristic vertex are not isomorphic. Motivated by an example of Grone and Merris, we produce a large class of such trees, and show how to construct others from them. We also investigate some of the properties of a subclass of these trees. Throughout, we exploit connections between characteristic vertices, algebraic connectivity, and Perron values of certain positive matrices associated with the tree.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
4598. Constructions of cell algebras
- Creator:
- Haviar, Alfonz and Monoszová, Gabriela
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Plonka sum, cell algebra, and prelattice
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- A construction of cell algebras is introduced and some of their properties are investigated. A particular case of this construction for lattices of nets is considered.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
4599. Constructions over tournaments
- Creator:
- Ježek, Jaroslav
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- tournament, variety, and projective algebra
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- We investigate tournaments that are projective in the variety that they generate, and free algebras over partial tournaments in that variety. We prove that the variety determined by three-variable equations of tournaments is not locally finite. We also construct infinitely many finite, pairwise incomparable simple tournaments.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
4600. Constructions preserving n-weak amenability of Banach algebras
- Creator:
- Jabbari, A., Moslehian, Sal Mohammad, and Vishki, H. R. E.
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- weak amenability, n-weak amenability, derivation, second dual, direct sum, Banach algebra, and Arens product
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- A surjective bounded homomorphism fails to preserve n-weak amenability, in general. We however show that it preserves the property if the involved homomorphism enjoys a right inverse. We examine this fact for certain homomorphisms on several Banach algebras.
- Rights:
- and policy:public