(Statement of Responsibility) C.M. Ziehrer, Fragment - pouze part Violino Primo, (Ownership) Provenience: Wenzel Zucker Capellmeister CZ-CbJVK, and (Version Identification) bez značek CZ-CbJVK
Nepočetné hromadné nálezy z obdobia staršieho eneolitu doplnil v roku 2009 depot medených predmetov z obce Hrádok (okr. Nové Mesto nad Váhom) na severozápadnom Slovensku. V súbore dominuje industria v podobe drôteného šperku. Základ štúdie tvorí typologická a chronologická analýza v strednej Európe doteraz neznámeho typu špirálovej medenej ozdoby. Diskutovaný je vzťah k drôtenej industrii typu Malé Leváre, variantu Stollhof a Hlinsko, ako aj ich funkcia. Vybrané artefakty z depotu z Hrádku boli podrobené prvkovým (ICP-MS/ICP-OES) a izotopovým analýzam. Výsledky meraní prispeli k poznaniu pôvodu a druhu medenej suroviny v hromadných nálezoch z konca 5. tisícročia pred Kr. v severozápadnej časti Karpatskej kotliny. Pozornosť je venovaná aj kontaktom medzi epilengyelskou ludanickou a jordanovskou kultúrou. and An assemblage of few early Eneolithic hoard finds has been supplemented in 2009 by copper artefacts coming from a hoard discovered at Hrádok (Nové Mesto nad Váhom district), located in north-western Slovakia. The collection from Hrádok consists mostly of copper-wire jewellery. The presented study describes the results of typological and chronological analyses of spiral-shaped copper jewellery so far unknown in the region of Central Europe. The authors discuss the function of the artefacts, as well as their relation to the copper-wire industries of the type Malé Leváre, its variant Stollhof, and the type Hlinsko. Selected artefacts from the hoard from Hrádok were subjected to element (ICP-MS/ICP-OES) and isotope analyses. The results reveal additional information about the provenance and the type of copper present in hoard assemblages from the north-western part of the Carpathian Basin, dated to the end of the 5th Millennium BC. Contacts between the epilengyel Ludanice and Jordanów cultures are also discussed.
Přednáška u příležitosti udělení Nobelovy ceny za fyziku za rok 2014., The 2014 Nobel Prize for Physics was shared to Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura. These three articles contain the text of the address given in conjunction with the award., Isamu Akasaki., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The above was the front page slogan under which the periodical Public Opinion appeared in the years 1946 - 1948. Its publisher was the Czechoslovak Institute for Public Opinion Research. The monthly was intended for both the professional as for the general public. It was published with 15 to 34 pages. It contained theoretical and methodological articles by foremost Czech sociologist as well as by international representatives of the field. It contains plentiful information about international cooperation between institutes of public opinion research and about Europe and World conferences of the time. In the section “Research at Home” there appear extended analyses as well as brief reports about current Czech research. The section “Research Abroad” brings manifold research information concerning both various topics and different countries. The last issue of the monthly appeared in January 1948 and the Institute was abolished in 1950. In spite of the complicated political situation, the publishers and authors of the periodical strove to maintain the journal’s profile as a theoretical popularizing periodical in a democratic state., „Fašismus nařizuje - demokracie se ptá“ tento trochu zavádějící název článku čtenáře seznámí s oborovým časopisem Veřejné mínění, který vycházel v letech 1946 - 1948 a jehož motto bylo právě „Fašismus nařizuje - demokracie se ptá“. Jeho vydavatelem byl Československý ústav pro výzkum veřejného mínění, který byl na jaře 1946 zřízen jako oddělení I. odboru ministerstva informací. Významnou roli při vzniku tohoto pracoviště sehrál spisovatel Josef Kopta, který byl v té době přednostou I. odboru ministerstva informací. Byl ostatně autorem motta časopisu [Adamec 1996: 49]. V tomto článku autorka přibližuje komu byl časopis určen, jaká byla jeho obsahová témata nebo jaké výzkumy byly prováděny výzkumným oddělením., Eliška Jungová., and Seznam literatury
The fluorescence detector array of single-pixel telescopes is a low-cost, large-area, next-generation experiment for the detection of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays via the atmospheric fluorescence technique. The proposed design involves the deployment of several hundred large field-of-view fluorescence telescopes on a regular grid of several thousand square kilometres in ground area. This paper describes the optical design of the telescope, as well as its mechanical support structure. and Pole fluorescenčních detektorů složené z jednopixelových teleskopů představuje levný experiment nové generace observatoří pro detekci vysokoenergetického kosmického záření snímaného na velké rozloze za použití fluorescence sekundárního záření v atmosféře. Předkládaný projekt počítá s několika sty fluorescenčních teleskopů umístěných v pravidelné síti na ploše několika tisíc čtverečných kilometrů. Příspěvek popisuje optický návrh teleskopu a také podpůrnou mechanickou konstrukci teleskopu.
This paper presents a survey of recent successful algorithms for blind separation of determined instantaneous linear mixtures of independent sources such as natural speech or biomedical signals. These algorithms rely either on non-Gaussianity, nonstationarity, spectral diversity, or on a combination of them. Performance of the algorithms will be demonstrated on separation of a linear instantaneous mixture of audio signals (music, speech) and on artifact removal in electroencephalogram (EEG).
The paper presents the foundations of MAFA method, as well as its application to the pro cessing of new GPS and Galileo signals. The presented numerical tests have been carried out on the basis of data obtained from a hardware GNSS signal simulator as there are currently too few Galileo satellites on orbit. In the proposed methodology, first linear combinations have been formed using new GNSS signals. These linear combinations constitute a data set for a cascade adjustmen talgorithm employing extended MAFA method. Feasibility of a single-epoch precise positioning has been tested. The single-epoch positioning is particularly important for reliable real-time landslide and deformation monitoring. The obtained test results show a high success rate of the extended MAFA method. The number of the correct single-epoch solutions varied from 85 % to over 99 % depending on the baseline length and accuracy of an a priori position. Thus, the MAFA method may be successfully used with new GPS and Galileo signals, even for the processing of single-epoch data., Sławomir Cellmer, Jacek Paziewski and Paweł Wielgosz., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
High nodulating (HN) selections of the cultivars ICC 4948 and ICC 5003 had the highest nodule number and nodule dry mass followed by low nodulating (LN) selections of the same cultivar. Both non-nodulating (NN) selections of cv. ICC 4993 and ICC 4918 did not show any nodule. Using N-difference method the HN selection of cv. 1CC 4948 was able to meet 73 % of its demand of N through biological fixation of N2 [P(fix)], while 27 % of N demand was met by uptake from the soil, whereas its LN selection was able to meet only 54 % of its demand of N through biological fixation of N2. Similarly in cv. ICC 5003 HN and LN selections the P(fix) was 76 and 64 %, respectively. Fast chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence transient data analysis showed that performance index PI(abs) was 62.0 in cv. ICC 4948 HN selection and 44.5 in its respective LN selections. Corresponding values for cv. ICC 5003 were 32.4 and 28.4. In NN selections of ICC 4993 and ICC 4918 it was 12.6 and 30.7, respectively. Structure function index of the plants SFI(abs) and driving force for photosynthesis (DF) were highest in the HN selections followed by LN selections and lowest in the NN selections. The total uptake of N by chickpea plants was significantly and positively correlated with the density of reaction centres ABS/CS0, TR0/CS0, and DI0/CSM, whereas total N uptake by chickpea seeds was significantly positively correlated with N and TR0/CS0. The percentage of P(fix) was highly significantly positively correlated with N, the so-called turnover number which indicates how many times QA has been reduced in the time span from 0 to tFmax and TR0/CS0. Fast Chl a fluorescence measurement can be used as a model system to assess the N fixation ability in chickpea. and S. S. Dudeja, P. Chaudhary.
We develop a robust and automatic determination of peak frequencies of direct wave arrivals from microseismic events using mirror image of the recorded signal. These peak frequencies can be then used to evaluate attenuation quality factor (Q). We propose to use procedure that consists of automatic determination of the peak frequencies in combination with matched filter to facilitate selection of suitable events. Using both natural and induced seismicity datasets, we show that matched filter detection along with automatic determination of the peak frequencies gives consistent values of quality factor when compared with manual processing. Proposed technique significantly reduces processing time making it a suitable tool in attenuation analysis of large datasets.