Cíl: Posoudit efekt samoléčby a autodiagnózy dysmenorey u studentek univerzity v Maiduguri. Metody: 289 studentek trpících dysmenorhoeou z celkového počtu 25 000 studentek univerzity v Maiduguri ze státu Borno, Nigerie, bylo randomizováno k léčbě dysmenorey. Studentky byly vybrány na základě dotazníku, který vyplnily v lednu 2011. Výsledky: Střední věk ± směrodatná odchylka (SD) účastnic byl 22.50 ± 3.12 roku. 112 (38.8 %) užívalo analgetika a nefarmakologické prostředky k tišení bolesti, buď současně, nebo následně (p < 0.001). Nejčastějšími nemedikamentózními prostředky byly horká lázeň (15.2 %) a ohřívací dečka umístěná na podbřišek (5.5 %). Nejčastějšími léky byly nesteroidní antirevmatika (NSAID) užívané při nástupu menstruace. V 72 % byla léčba účinná, ve 4.2 % nebyla. Většina účastnic se medikovala sama a nezabývala se možnými vedlejšími účinky (p < 0.001). Většina účastnic (63 %) utratila 300 Nigerijských Naira a méně (1.9 US Dolarů a méně) za léčbu dysmenorey. Závěry: Výsledky potvrdily, že NSAID byly nejčastěji užívané medikamenty k léčbě dysmenorey, ale většinou bez znalosti potencionálních vedlejších účinků. Proto doporučujeme zapojení profesionálních zdravotníků do tohoto procesu., Objective: This study was performed to evaluate self-medication for the treatment of self-diagnosed dysmenorrhoea among a group of University of Maiduguri female students. Methods: The population of this randomized study was 289 female students suffering from dysmenorrhoea out of over 25 000 students attending a college of medicine and eight non-medical faculties of university of Maiduguri in Borno state, Nigeria. The students were interviewed using a self-administered pre-tested structured questionnaire in January, 2011. Results: The Mean ± Standard Deviation (SD) of age of the participants was 22.50 ± 3.12 years. Significant number 112 (38.8%) of participants use drugs to remedy menstrual pains followed by non-drug therapy while few combine both the drug and non-drug therapy for the pain management (p < 0.001). The most common non drug remedies employed by the participants were taking a hot bath (15.2%) and placing a heating pad on abdomen (5.5%). However, the most common drugs used by the participants were Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) which were usually taken orally at the onset of menstruation. Among the participants that used drug, 72% found it effective while 4.2% reported ineffectiveness. Significant majority of the participants usually self-prescribed their drugs, and were ignorant of the common side effects of these drugs (p < 0.001). Most participants (63%) spent 300 Nigerian Naira and below (1.9048 US Dollar and below) on drugs for dysmenorrhoea every month. Conclusion: The results confirmed that NSAIDs were the most common drugs used for dysmenorrhoea treatment, but frequently used without knowledge of potential side effects due to self-medication. Therefore, we recommend educational intervention by health care professionals., Roland Nnaemeka Okoro, Helen Malgwi, Cyprian Kingsley Ngong, Glory Ogechi Okoro, and Literatura 30
In order to study cardiac pathology in different subtypes of ischemic stroke we examined 165 stroke patients. The 1st group included 90 (54.5%) patients with hemodynamic stroke, the 2nd one - 75 (45.5%) patients with cardioembolic stroke. Control group consisted of 45 individuals without cerebrovascular diseases. Cardiac pathologies with the prevalence of various types of ischemic heart disease were observed in all groups. The parameters of left ventricular stroke volume and ejection fraction were lower in patients with hemodynamic stroke than in other groups, but were within normal limits. Potential sources of cardiogenic embolism were found in all groups: in the 1st group at 74.4%, in the 2nd one at 100%. Thus, most patients with ischemic stroke have different heart defects related to the subtypes of ischemic stroke., Natalya Dadamyants, and Literatura
The disabling nature and lifelong impact of multiple sclerosis (MS) imposes considerable socioeconomic burden despite its relative low prevalence compared to other chronic diseases. This is the first study of MS in the Slovak Republic that provides information about healthcare and social expenditures including costs of productivity loss caused by reduced work capacity of patients with MS. Retrospectively direct and indirect costs of MS were investigated by prevalence based "bottomup" approach. The societal and health insurance perspective was used to perform the overall economic burden caused by MS in Slovakia. The human capital method was used for the calculation of indirect costs, as this is the most common method applied in published studies. As not all detailed data on expenditures were available, the missing data were collected in the retrospective patient research. Total annual costs in 2010 for 6.100 dispensed patients with MS in Slovakia were 54.723.592. Indirect costs (31.728.757) prevailed over direct costs (22.994.834). The highest part of both costs were 25.207.512 and 12.641.052 for loss productivity due to patients sickness and invalidity pensions and diseasemodifying drugs respectively. The average cost per patient independently of disease severity was 8.971. MS causes a high economic burden, with a strong predominance of indirect costs. Documenting and quantifying this burden among patients with MS in different disease stages through costofillness study can lead to better disease management and it can provide valuable information for future cost analysis and for decisionmaking process., Mária Pšenková, Stanislava Mackovičová, Alexander Palúch, Tatiana Foltánová, Lenka Petrová, and Literatura
Objectives: The aim of this study was to elucidate the role of dopamine receptor D2 / ankyrin repeat and protein kinase domain containing 1 (DRD2/ANKK1) TaqIA allelic polymorphism in the HPVinduced cervical carcinogenesis. Methods: 1. Effect on the risk of cervical precancer: After an 8year followup, out of 214 women with persisting highrisk HPV infection, 102 developed highgrade cervical dysplasia or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade III, while 112 did not. The subjects were genotyped for the DRD2/ANKK1 TaqIA polymorphism by PCRRFLP, and the allelic distributions were compared between groups with and without highgrade dysplasia. 2. Prognostic value: Two hundred and thirty nine women with cervical precancer/cancer were followed for 5 years. Complete remission was achieved at 182 women. To assess the prognostic value of the TaqIA polymorphism, genotype frequencies were compared between patients reaching and not reaching complete remission. Results: The frequency of A1/A1+A1/A2 genotypes was higher among women who developed highgrade cervical dysplasia (OR: 1.87, 95% CI: 1.053.33; p=0.034) than in the other group. Occurrence of the A1 allele was more frequent among women who did not reach complete remission (OR: 2.00, 95% CI: 1.073.74; p=0.030) than in women with complete remission. Conclusions: This is the first report on the possible involvement of DRD2/ANKK1 TaqIA polymorphism in cervical carcinogenesis. The A1 allele seems to increase the risk of cervical precancer, and it may also be associated with a worse prognosis in women with HPVinduced cervical cancer. The results need further validation in largescale molecular epidemiological studies., József Cseh, Zsuzsa Orsós, Emese Pázsit, Erika Marek, András Huszár, István Ember, István Kiss, and Literatura
Aldosterone blocker Spironolactone has antiinflammatory, antiproliferative and antioxidative effects, that is why pathogenetically it is expedient to use it in complex therapy of rheumatoid arthritis. Material and methods: 46 patients with RA took 2550 mg/day of Spironolactone during 12 months as an addition to standard therapy, the comparison group consisted of 47 patients that got only standard therapy, all the patients were fully examined prior and post the treatment. Results: complex RA therapy leads to improved VAS, HAQ, the antioxidative potential index F; decreased blood concentrations of TNFα, ICAM1, FGF and VEGF in contrast to standard therapy. Complex therapy made reduced the DAS 28 more > 0.6. Conclusions: applying of Spironolactone in complex therapy of rheumatoid arthritis contributes to more pronounced improvement in indices of articular syndrome and patients life quality, reduce of antiinflammatory, antiproliferative and angiogenic cytokines, and more effectively reduces the activity of the disease comparing to standard therapy., Elena Komarova, Borys Rebrov, and Literatura
Health performance and economic performance are interlinked. Good health is essential for economic and social development. This paper identifies and describes linkages between economic globalization and health. The aim is to analyze international professional discourse on ways how economic globaliza - tion affects health and to critical reflex development of the Czech health policy in the relation to economic globalization, financial crisis and health. The World Health Organization plays the major role in the studying the health effects resulting globalization. In the other side in the Czech Republic there is - n’t developed the discussion about social determinants of health, he - alth gap, health inequalities, health promotion. The risks of economic globalization aren’t reflected by health policy makers, Pavla Mašková, Petr Háva, and Literatura
Cieľ: Cieľom štúdie bolo identifikovať úroveň emočnej inteligencie (EI) u sestier a zistiť rozdiely v úrovni EI vzhľadom na vek, dĺžku praxe a vzdelanie sestier. Metodika: Výskumný súbor tvorili sestry (n = 280) poskytujúce starostlivosť pacientom štyroch nemocníc Trnavského kraja. Priemerný vek sestier bol 39,64 (SD = 9,44), dĺžka ich profesijnej praxe bola 18,7 (SD = 10,64). Na meranie úrovne EI boli použité dotazníky, ktoré reprezentujú súčasné prístupy chápania EI. Dotazník SITEMO (Situational Test of Emotional Understanding), zisťuje úroveň EI ako schopnosti, výsledkom je celkové skóre EI, ktoré je dané súčtom správnych odpovedí. Dotazník SEIS (Schutte EI Scale) zisťuje úroveň EI sestier ako črty. Sestry vyjadrovali mieru súhlasu resp. nesúhlasu prostredníctvom 5bodovej Likertovej škály. Pri spracovaní dát boli využité metódy deskriptívnej štatistiky a induktívnej štatistiky. Údaje boli spracované v štatistickom softvéri SPSS 15.0. Výsledky: Zistili sme štatisticky významný rozdiel (p < 0,05) v úrovni EI sestier vzhľadom k ich veku. Pri ostatných sociodemografických znakoch (dĺžka profesijnej praxe, vzdelanie) nebol zaznamenaný štatisticky významný rozdiel (p > 0,05). Sestry s Mgr. stupňom vzdelania dosiahli najlepší výsledok v priemernom poradí mier EI v oboch metodikách. Záver: Zistené výsledky umožňujú upriamiť pozornosť na rozvoj EI u sestier prostredníctvom možností vzdelávacích inštitúcií. Môžeme podporovať zmeny, ktoré budú prispievať ku zvýšenej kvalite poskytovanej ošetrovateľskej starostlivosti. Využívanie EI je nutnou a zároveň modernou požiadavkou ošetrovateľstva., Aim: The aim of this study was to identify the level of emotional intelligence (EI) of nurses and to identify differences in the level of EI in relation to their age, length of work experience and education. Methods: The sample consisted of nurses (n = 280) providing care to patients in four hospitals in the Trnava Region. The mean age of the nurses was 39.64 years (SD = 9.44) and the length of their work experience was 18.7 years (SD = 10.64). The level of EI was measured using questionnaires representing current approaches to understanding of EI. Emotional intelligence as an ability was determined by the Situational Test of Emotional Understanding (SIT-EMO) questionnaire, yielding the overall emotional intelligence score given by the sum of the correct answers. EI as a feature, on the other hand, was assessed by the Schutte EI Scale (SEIS) in which the nurses expressed the extent to which they agree or disagree with each statement on a five-point Likert scale. To analyze the data, methods of descriptive statistics and inductive statistics were used. The data were processed using the SPSS 15.0 statistical software. Results: A statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) was found between the level of nurses’ EI level and their age. In terms of other social demographic data (length of work experience, education), a statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) was not found, although the nurses with a master’s degree ranked highest as for their mean level of EI, using both methods. Conclusion: The results enable to focus attention on the development of nurses’ EI through educational institutions. Changes may be encouraged that will contribute to an increase in the quality of nursing care provided. The use of EI is a necessary as well as modern requirement in nursing., Ingrid Juhásová, Ľubica Ilievová, František Baumgartner, and Literatura
ABSTRAKT Cieľ: Zámerom štúdie bolo identifikovať štatisticky významné rozdiely v úrovni emočnej inteligencii (EI) u študentov ošetrovateľstva vzhľadom k demografi ckým údajom (vek, dĺžka štúdia) a zároveň zistiť či úroveň EI študentov ošetrovateľstva ovplyvňuje ich záujem o problematiku geriatrického ošetrovateľstva. Metódy: Výskumu sa zúčastnilo 86 univerzitných študentov denného bakalárskeho štúdia odboru ošetrovateľstvo. Na meranie úrovne EI boli využité dotazníky reprezentujúce rôzne chápania EI. Prostredníctvom SIT-EMO (Situational Test of Emotional Understanding) bola zisťovaná EI ako schopnosť. EI ako črta bola zisťovaná dotazníkom SEIS(Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale). Dotazníkom vlastnej konštrukcie ESE-GP (Emotional self-effi cacygeriatric patient) bola zisťovaná úroveň EI študentov v procese starostlivosti o geriatrických pacientov. Výsledky: Nezistili sme štatisticky významné rozdiely v úrovni EI študentov z hľadiska demografi ckých údajov (vek a ročník štúdia). Medzi úrovňou EI (SEIS)a perspektívnym záujmom študentov venovať sa geriatrickému ošetrovateľstvu bola zistená štatisticky významná súvislosť (p < 0,05). Závery: Zistené výsledky môžu uplatniť najmä inštitúcie poskytujúce ošetrovateľské vzdelávanie, ktorým odporúčame zamerať pozornosť na rozvoj EI v procese vzdelávania študentov ošetrovateľstva., Aim: The aim of the study was to identify statistically significant differences in levels of emotional intelligence (EI) of nursing students in relation with demographic data (age and year of study) and also determine whether the EI level of nursing students affects their interest in the issue of geriatric nursing. Methods: The sample consisted of 86 full-time undergraduate university students of nursing. To measure the level of EI, questionnaires representing diff erent understanding of EI were used. EI as an ability was determined by the SIT-EMO (Situational Test of Emotional Understanding). EI as a trait was evaluated by the questionnaire SEIS (Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale). The questionnaire of own construction ESE-GP (Emotional self-effi cacygeriatric patient) assessed the level of EI of students in the process of caring for geriatric patients. Results: There were no statistically signifi cant diff erences in the students’ level of EI in terms of demographic data (age and year of study). A statistically signifi cant association (p < 0.05) was found between the students’ level of EI (SEIS) and their promising interest to pursue geriatric nursing. Conclusion: The results can be applied in particular institutions providing nursing education, which can focus attention on the development of EI in the process of education of nursing students., Ingrid Juhásová, Ľubica Ilievová, František Baumgartner, Zuzana Rojková, and Literatura
According to our study, diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses were found in 59.4% of patients with acute and chronic leukemias. In chronic leukemia purulentinflammatory diseases had abortive clinical manifestation. In acute leukemia, especially during the induction of remission, purulentinflammatory diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses were associated with significant signs of purulent process. Inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses are manifested by pronounced shift of hematological indices of intoxication that indicates increase of autointoxication, disturbance of adaptation mechanisms and transition of adaptivecompensatory immunological reactions in damaging ones., Shakhlo Bakieva, and Literatura
Background: In evidence-based education, experts are supposed to possess skills and content knowledge. Scientific skills provide the tools and ways of thinking that enable researches to build the robust conceptual frameworks needed to gain expertise. Science education should not only provide broad content knowledge base but also develop analytical thinking, understanding of scientific research processes, and inspire curiosity of researchers. Objectives: is paper discusses the key results of subjective evaluation of attained outcomes of a 2,5-year project focused on enhancing research competences in a faculty of health sciences. Methods: e data was gathered from project members by four consequent semi-structured online questionnaires. Total number of respondents was 78 (N = 78) with 75% response rate. e data was analysed by a summative content analysis combining quantitative and qualitative analyses. Results: e findings present evident progress in personal achievements, team working, and scientific practice in the faculty. Based on identified needs the concrete measures supported learning and lead to enhancement in the target group’s research competences. Conclusions: Capacity building approach was successful in laying a robust foundation for consistent development in research-based practice both in academic and professional levels. Further research should be conducted on the long-term impacts of the project in the faculty. and Andrew Sirkka, Juraj Čáp