In order to study cardiac pathology in different subtypes of ischemic stroke we examined 165 stroke patients. The 1st group included 90 (54.5%) patients with hemodynamic stroke, the 2nd one - 75 (45.5%) patients with cardioembolic stroke. Control group consisted of 45 individuals without cerebrovascular diseases. Cardiac pathologies with the prevalence of various types of ischemic heart disease were observed in all groups. The parameters of left ventricular stroke volume and ejection fraction were lower in patients with hemodynamic stroke than in other groups, but were within normal limits. Potential sources of cardiogenic embolism were found in all groups: in the 1st group at 74.4%, in the 2nd one at 100%. Thus, most patients with ischemic stroke have different heart defects related to the subtypes of ischemic stroke., Natalya Dadamyants, and Literatura
Vazospazmy jsou považovány za hlavní příčinu vysoké mortality a špatné prognózy pacientů se subarachnoidálním krvácením způsobeným rupturou aneuryzmatu. Námi popisovaná kazuistika se týká 30leté pacientky, která byla přijata s Glasgow Coma Scale 14 a těžkou levostrannou hemiparézou. Počítačová tomografie odhalila subarachnoidální krvácení. Jeho příčinou byla ruptura aneuryzmatu na arteria cerebri media vpravo. Aneuryzma bylo zaklipováno. Pro symptomatické vazospazmy jsme opakovaně provedli mechanickou i farmakologickou angioplastiku. Přesto došlo k rozvoji ischemie v pravé mozkové hemisféře, což nás vedlo k dekompresivní kraniektomii. Finálně vazospazmy regredovaly a nastala úplná úprava neurologického deficitu. Čtyři roky po operaci je pacientka plně soběstačná, bez poruchy hybnosti končetin, s nedotčenými kognitivními funkcemi., Vasospasms are considered to be the major cause of high mortality and bad prognosis in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage caused by a rupture of an aneurysm. Our case report describes a 30-year-old patient admitted with Glasgow Coma Scale 14 and severe left-sided hemiparesis. Computed tomography revealed subarachnoid hemorrhage. Its etiology was ruptured aneurysm of the right middle cerebral artery. The aneurysm was clipped. Mechanical and pharmacological angioplasty was repeatedly performed to manage symptomatic vasospasms. Despite these interventions, an ischemic lesion developed in the right brain hemisphere that prompted us to perform decompressive craniectomy. Finally, vasospasms, as well as the neurological deficit, disappeared. Four years after the surgery, the patient is independent, without any limb movement disorder and with normal cognitive functions., and L. Jurák, P. Buchvald, V. Beneš, III., M. Kaiser, P. Suchomel