The motivation of students toward learning is the important part of educational process. Main aim of the study is to realize psychometric validation of the Slovak version AMS – HS28 (Academic Motivation Scale – High School version) questionnaire, which was developed by Vallerand et al. (1992). This research tool contained seven scales, three of them were focused on intrinsic motivation, three of them on extrinsic motivation and one was focused on amotivation. The sample size was created by 201 high school students. The statistical analysis included the determination of internal consistency of questionnaire through Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and also confirmatory factor analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed a seven-factor theoretical model and values of alpha coefficient showed on the internal consistency of whole questionnaire and also of all factors. and Motivácia žiakov k učeniu je významnou súčasťou edukačného procesu. Hlavným cieľom štúdie je realizovať psychometrické overenie slovenskej verzie dotazníku AMS – HS28 (Academic Motivation Scale – High School version), ktorá bola navrhnutá autormi Vallerand et al. (1992). Výskumný nástroj obsahoval sedem škál, tri boli zamerané na vonkajšiu motiváciu, tri na vnútornú a jedna na amotiváciu. Výskumného šetrenia sa zúčastnilo 201 žiakov stredných škôl. Štatistické spracovanie zahrňovalo stanovenie vnútornej konzistencie dotazníka prostredníctvom koeficientu Cronbachovo alfa, a ďalej konfirmačnú faktorovú analýzu. Konfirmačná faktorová analýza potvrdila sedemfaktorový teoretický model a hodnoty koeficientu alfa poukázali na vnútornú konzistenciu tak celého dotazníka, ako aj jednotlivých faktorov.
Příspěvek představuje podrobný právní rozbor postavení psychoterapie a psychoterapeutů z hlediska platného českého práva. Pozornost je věnována různým druhům psychologických a podobných služeb na trhu. Obsažen je i přehled psychologických povolání v právním smyslu. Dílčí část je zaměřena na psychoterapeutický pohovor při klinických vyšetřeních ve zdravotních službách. Další část příspěvku je věnována podrobnému právnímu rozboru zdravotnické legální výhrady. Autor dospívá k právnímu závěru, že poskytování psychoterapie podléhá režimu zdravotních služeb podle zdravotnického práva. Další dílčí právní pohled je zaměřen na omezené používání profesního označení psychoterapeut podle českého zdravotnického práva, tzn. pouze u psychiatrů se vzděláním v psychoterapii nebo u jiných lékařů s tímto vzděláním či u klinických psychologů. Nedílnou součástí příspěvku je právní otázka jiných působení na duševní zdraví, nežli psychoterapeutických. Jedná se o veřejnoprávně volný prostor pro pastorální medicínu nebo přírodní léčitelství, popřípadě další podobné činnosti. Závěr práce spočívá v tom, že psychoterapie podle českého práva patří mezi zdravotní služby, které jsou vyhrazeny podle zdravotnického práva. Podstatná část psychoterapie je přitom hrazena z veřejného zdravotního pojištění., The paper presents a detailed legal analysis of psychotherapy and psychotherapists under the applicable law in the Czech Republic. The attention is paid to various types of psychological and similar services on the market. The overview of the psychological professions in the legal point of view is also included in the paper.The conclusion of the paper is that the psychotherapy is one of the health services which falls under the medical law regulation, whereby the substantial part of psychotherapy is covered by public health insurance., and Ivo Telec.
Endometrial carcinoma (ECa) is one of the most common neoplasia of the female genital tract. The phosphatase and tensin (PTEN) homolog is the most frequently mutated tumor suppressor gene in endometrial carcinoma. PTEN encodes a phosphatase, a key regulatory enzyme involved in a signal transduction pathway that regulates cell growth, migration and apoptosis. The study evaluates an association between the morphological appearance of endometrial hyperplasia and ECa, and the presence of PTEN variations, PTEN protein level and intracellular localization. A total of 67 archived formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded human biopsy tissue specimens with normal proliferative and secretory endometrium, endometrial hyperplasia without atypia and endometrial atypical hyperplasia, endometrioid the grade G1 and G3 and serous subtype of ECa were evaluated by sequencing for the presence of mutations in coding regions of PTEN gene of endometrial epithelial cells. The PTEN gene expression and intercellular localization of PTEN protein were evaluated immunohistochemically by immunoreactive score (IRS). PTEN mutation spectrum in endometrial carcinoma was identified for Slovak population. Twenty-eight non-silent mutations were identified in PTEN, twelve of them being novel, not annotated in Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer. Higher frequency of PTEN mutations was observed in serous carcinoma compared to global average. No correlation was observed between samples IRS, PTEN cellular localization and identified mutations. PTEN sequencing can be beneficial for patients considering prognosis of disease and sensitivity to treatment.
Tribulus terrestris, L. (puncture vine) have been used as a folk medicine for five thousands of years, but its targets, effects, their mechanisms and application requires further studies. This paper reviews the provenance, constituents and properties of Tribulus terrestris, L., its general physiological and health effects, as well as the currently available knowledge concerning its influence on male and female reproductive processes and their dysfunctions. Analysis of the available publications demonstrated the influence of Tribulus terrestris on a wide spectrum of targets and physiological processe and disorders. In particular, Tribulus terrestris can be a stimulator of male and female reproductive processes at the level of central nervous system, sexual behaviour, pituitary and gonadal hormones and their receptors, gonadal functions (including ovarian follicullogenesis and spermatogenesis), improvement of the quality and quantity of gametes (at least of sperm) and fecundity. This ability of puncture vine is applicable for the improvement of man’s sexual desire and sperm quality in vivo and in vitro, as well as of women’s libido, activation of women’s reproductive organs, fecundity, and treatment of infertility, especially that related to the polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Reflex bleeding is one of the many anti-predation behavioural tactics used by insects. This behaviour is recorded widely in several insect taxa and provides scientists with an interesting opportunity for easily obtaining samples of haemolymph for physiological experiments. However, there is no good evidence that haemolymph and reflex blood have the same characteristics. In this study, we compared three basic characteristics of reflex blood and haemolymph collected from the body cavity, of three species of ladybirds: Harmonia axyridis, Coccinella septempunctata and Ceratomegilla undecimnotata. In the reflex blood we recorded the same concentration of haemocytes and total protein, and level of antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli as in samples of haemolymph collected from within the body cavity. Therefore, reflex blood is a promising source of haemolymph for use in many physiological and immunological studies. It is the best way of collecting haemolymph if one wants to avoid challenging the immune system and concurrently also enables one to repeatedly collect haemolymph from one individual without injuring it, which would initiate repair mechanisms. The interspecific comparison indicates significant differences among the species studied in three characteristics measured. Interestingly, the native species Ceratomegilla undecimnotata has nearly as effective immune system as the invasive Harmonia axyridis based on the level of antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli.
The expectation is that the phenology of an herbivore is influenced by abiotic factors and its own population density during development. In this study, we investigated how the pupal density affected the pupal traits and emergence of Thaumetopoea pityocampa moths over a period of 3 years in two clearings in a pine forest. The pupae were larger in years when the pupal density was high and in the clearing exposed to less solar radiation. There was no relationship between the time of pupation and pupal size. Large pupae were positively correlated with an early emergence of adult moths and a longer period of adult emergence. Up to 13.9% of the pupae developed without cocoons, especially in years when they were abundant, but this did not affect the emergence of the moths. Incidence of pupal diapause was density-dependent and only occurred at a low level in dense populations. Overall, our results indicate that gregariousness confers important fitness-related advantages in this species.
Proper renal blood flow (RBF) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
are critical for maintaining normal blood pressure, kidney
function and water and electrolyte homeostasis. The renal
microvasculature expresses a multitude of receptors mediating
vasodilation and vasoconstriction, which can influence glomerular
blood flow and capillary pressure. Despite this, RBF and GFR
remain quite stable when arterial pressure fluctuates because of
the autoregulatory mechanism. ATP and adenosine participate in
autoregulatory control of RBF and GFR via activation of two
different purinoceptor families (P1 and P2). Purinoceptors are
widely expressed in renal microvasculature and tubules.
Emerging data show altered purinoceptor signaling in
hypertension-associated kidney injury, diabetic nephropathy,
sepsis, ischemia-reperfusion induced acute kidney injury and
polycystic kidney disease. In this brief review, we highlight recent
studies and new insights on purinoceptors regulating renal
microvascular function and renal hemodynamics. We also
address the mechanisms underlying renal microvascular injury
and impaired renal autoregulation, focusing on purinoceptor
signaling and hypertension-induced renal microvascular
dysfunction. Interested readers are directed to several excellent
and comprehensive reviews that recently covered the topics of
renal autoregulation, and nucleotides in kidney function under
physiological and pathophysiological conditions (Inscho 2009,
Navar et al. 2008, Carlstrom et al. 2015, Vallon et al. 2020).
Although intranuclear coccidiosis was first identified in chelonians less than 30 years ago, it is now considered an important emerging disease. Symptoms include anorexia, weakness and weight loss, potentially leading to death of the infected animal. The use of molecular tools has led to improved diagnosis and has also led to an increase in known host species. Here we report a putative intranuclear coccidium in Mauremys leprosa (Schweigger), from Morocco, based on 18S rDNA sequence analysis. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first report of this parasite from a freshwater terrapin species.
Pyroptosis is a form of cell death associated with inflammation. In the maintenance of airway homeostasis, pyroptosis goes through activation and assembly of Inflammasome. The pyroptosis pathway is mediated by caspase which activates the pore-forming effect of substrate gasdermin family members. It eventually leads to lysis and release of the cell contents and then induces an inflammatory response. In this process, it participates in airway homeostasis regulation by affecting airway immunity, airway epithelial structure and airway microbiota. Therefore, we discussed the correlation between airway immunity, airway epithelial structure, airway microbiota and the mechanism of pyroptosis to describe the role of pyroptosis in airway homeostasis regulation which is of great significance for understanding the occurrence and treatment of airway inflammatory diseases
Objectives. The main aim of this study was to qualitatively explore the general population’s understanding of forgiveness with regard to its definition, factors, and effects. The special focus of the study was on comparing the views on forgiveness by two generations, young adults, and seniors. Participants and setting. Semi-structured interviews were done with 20 participants from two age groups: ten young adults aged 21 to 29 years (M = 23.4, SD = 2.79) and ten seniors aged 61 to 68 years (M = 64, SD = 2.47). Research questions. Research questions were focused on examining how laypersons conceptualize forgiveness; notably, how they view the factors and effects of forgiveness. It was also explored whether there are any specifics and differences in the views on forgiveness between young adults and seniors. Data analysis. The data obtained from semi-structured interviews were analyzed by Consensual Qualitative Research (Hill et al., 2005). Results. For most individuals in both generations, the basis of forgiveness was letting go of anger and pain. The most significant factor positively related to forgiveness was an apology and admitting the mistake. The most noteworthy negative factor was the depth of the hurt. Individuals perceive positive consequences of forgiveness, especially on their mental health and strengthening their relationships. It seems that young adults perceive forgiveness more as an interpersonal process, while seniors perceive it more as an internal process of an individual. Study limitations. The use of qualitative methodology and the sample size limit the generalization of the findings and comparing two samples at the level of statistical significance. Participants may have had various experiences dealing with hurt and forgiveness throughout their lives which could have influenced their views on forgiveness. Implications. Gaining a deeper understanding of how young adults and seniors understand forgiveness and its effects, what they perceive as helpful or blocking in their forgiving, can help counselors and therapists to improve their interventions aimed at promoting forgiveness., Ciele. Hlavným cieľom štúdie bola kvalitatívna analýza vnímania odpustenia u laickej populácie s ohľadom na jeho definíciu, faktory a dôsledky odpustenia. Vedľajším cieľom štúdie bolo porovnanie názorov na odpustenie u dvoch generácií, mladých dospelých a seniorov.Metóda. 20 participantov dvoch vekových skupín, desať mladých dospelých vo veku 21 až 29 rokov (M = 23,4, SD = 2,79) a desať seniorov vo veku 61 až 68 rokov (M = 64, SD = 2,47) absolvovali pološtrukturované rozhovory. Výskumné otázky. Výskumné otázky boli zamerané na vnímanie odpustenia u laickej po-pulácie; špecificky na vnímanie faktorov a dôsledkov odpustenia. Skúmané boli špecifiká a rozdiely v nazeraní na odpustenie u mladých dospelých a seniorov. Analýza dát. Dáta z pološtrukturovaných rozhovorov boli analyzované pomocou Konsenzuálneho kvalitatívneho výskumu (Hill et al., 2005). Výsledky. Pre väčšinu jednotlivcov oboch generácií bolo základom odpustenia pustenie hnevu a bolesti. Najdôležitejším faktorom pozitívne súvisiacim s odpustením bolo ospravedlnenie a priznanie chyby. Najvýznamnejším blokujúcim faktorom odpustenia bola hĺbka zranenia. Jednotlivci popisovali pozitívne dôsledky odpustenia, predovšetkých na ich psychické zdravie a posilnenie vzťahov. Zdá sa, že mladí dospelí vnímajú odpustenie viac ako interpersonálny proces, kým seniori ho vnímajú viac ako interný proces jednotlivca. Limitácie. Použitie kvalitatívnej metodológie a veľkosť výskumného súboru neumožňujú zovšeobecnenie výsledkov alebo porovnanie dvoch skupín na úrovni štatistickej signifikancie. Participanti mohli mať rôzne skúseností so zraneniami a odpustením v priebehu života, čo mohlo ovplyvniť ich postoje k odpusteniu. Implikácie. Získanie bližšieho porozumenia tomu, ako mladí dospelí a seniori koncipujú odpustenie, čo vnímajú ako nápomocné a rizikové v odpustení a ako popisujú jeho dôsledky, môže pomôcť poradcom a terapeutom k zlepšeniu intervencií zameraných na podporu odpustenia., Lucia Záhorcová, Božena Zelenáková., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy