Plastination is a preservation method for biological specimens, with important advantages over classic conservation techniques with formaldehyde or alcohol. Plastinated specimens are dry, odourless, and free of carcinogenic and toxic solutions. There are only few references about the plastination of parasites. Moreover, there is no information on the effect of plastination on the morphology and morphometry of these animals. The aim of this study was to define a plastination protocol to preserve various species of parasites, namely the nematodes Parascaris equorum (Goeze, 1782); Ascaris suum Goeze, 1782 and Dirofilaria immitis (Leidy, 1856); the acanthecephalan Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus (Pallas, 1781); the trematodes Fasciola hepatica Linnaeus, 1758 and Dicrocoelium dendriticum (Rudolphi, 1819) and the tapeworm Taenia sp. in the best morphological and morphometric conditions. Results showed that some individuals suffered collapse (P. equorum, A. suum, and D. dendriticum). However, other parasites presented good results with almost no change after plastination (D. immitis, M. hirudinaceus and F. hepatica). In conclusion, conventional plastination allowed anatomical preservation of all helminths tested, but modifications to the protocol are needed to prevent collapse., Moisés Gonzálvez, Juana Ortiz, María Navarro, Rafael Latorre., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Propofol has been shown to against intestinal reperfusion injury when treated either before or after ischemia, during which mast cell could be activated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of propofol in restoring the intestinal epithelial cells integrity disrupted by mast cell activation or the released tryptase after activation in vitro. We investigated the effect of: (1) tryptase on Caco-2 monolayers in the presence of PAR-2 inhibitor or propofol, (2) mast cell degranulation in a Caco-2/LAD-2 co-culture model in the presence of propofol, and (3) propofol on mast cell degranulation. Epithelial integrity was detected using transepithelial resistance (TER) and permeability to fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-dextran (the apparent permeability coefficient, Papp). The expression of junctional proteins zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1/TJP1) and occludin were determined using western blot analysis and immunofluorescence microscopy. The intracellular levels of reactive oxidative species (ROS) and Ca2+ were measured using flow cytometry. Tryptase directly enhanced intestinal barrier permeability as demonstrated by significant reductions in TER, ZO-1, and occludin protein expression and concomitant increases in Papp. The intestinal barrier integrity was restored by PAR-2 inhibitor but not by propofol. Meanwhile, mast cell degranulation resulted in epithelial integrity disruption in the Caco-2/LAD-2 co-culture model, which was dramatically attenuated by propofol. Mast cell degranulation caused significant increases in intracellular ROS and Ca2+ levels, which were blocked by propofol and NAC. Propofol pretreatment can inhibit mast cell activation via ROS/Ca2+ and restore the intestinal barrier integrity induced by mast cell activation, instead of by tryptase.
Bats of the family Phyllostomidae are common hosts to streblids known as bat flies. Here, we discuss the component community, prevalence and intensity of infection with species of Streblidae on an assemblage of phyllostomid bats in the Cafuringa Environmental Protection Area (APA Cafuringa) in the core area of the Cerrado in Central Brazil. A total of 1 841 streblid individuals of 24 species occurred on 752 bats of 14 species. Ten species of streblids infected Glossophaga soricina (Pallas), whereas seven or fewer streblid species infected the other bat species. Nine bat fly species presented a prevalence of more than 50%, whereas some differences in the abundance of bat flies among hosts were observed. Strebla wiedemanni Kolenati, 1856 and Trichobius furmani Wenzel, 1966 were more host-specific compared to the other streblids, and they occurred in greater abundance on their preferred hosts. Trichobius uniformis Curran, 1935 and Strebla mirabilis (Waterhouse, 1879) were the least host-specific, occurring on five and six hosts, respectively., Ludmilla M. S. Aguiar, Yasmine Antonini., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Species of Blastocystis Alexieff, 1911 are anaerobic intestinal protists found in humans and many kinds of animals that mainly cause diarrhea, abdominal pain and other clinical symptoms. At present, data on the prevalence and subtype diversity of species of Blastocystis in domestic rabbits are very limited. The purpose of this study was to characterise the infection rate and gene subtype distribution of Blastocystis sp. in domestic rabbits in Henan Province, Central China, and provide foundation for prevention and control of the disease caused by Blastocystis sp. in domestic rabbits. DNA was extracted from 286 fresh rabbit faecal samples collected from four areas of Henan Province, Central China. All DNA samples were screened using PCR and positive samples were sequenced to identify individual subtypes based on the small ribosomal subunit (SSU rRNA) gene. The overall infection rate of Blastocystis sp. in domestic rabbits in Henan Province was 15% (43/286). Three subtypes were identified, including ST1 (26/43, 60%), ST3 (5/43, 12%) and ST7 (12/43, 28%), all of which belonged to potentially zoonotic subtypes, ST1 was the dominant gene subtype. These results showed that infection with Blastocystis sp. was common in domestic rabbits in Henan Province, Central China, and was represented by zoonotic subtypes. Therefore, special attention should be paid to reduce the risk of transmission of Blastocystis sp. from domestic rabbits to humans.
Faecal samples from 162 wild animals were collected from 32 distinct sites of Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie Lakeland (eastern Poland). The presence of Giardia duodenalis (Stiles, 1902) was assessed by a Direct Fluorescence Assay (DFA) and by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and sequencing of a fragment of the beta-giardin gene. DFA showed the presence of cysts of G. duodenalis in 12 of 162 faecal samples (7%), namely in four wild boars (15%), four foxes (19%), two roe deer (4%), and two wolves (29%). PCR identified 34 of the 162 (21%) samples as positive, including 11 wild boars (41%), five red deer (18%), 11 roe deer (23%), four moose (17%), two wolves (29%) and a single sample from the European badger. Thus, PCR detected a significantly higher number of infection than DFA (P = 0.0005). However, 14 of 34 PCR products could not be sequenced because of their insufficient amount; the low number of cysts, poor conservation of the faeces or presence of PCR inhibitors may have contributed to weak DNA amplification. Sequence analysis of the remaining 20 products showed the presence of assemblage B in wild boars, red deer and roe deer, whereas samples from wolves were identified as assemblage D. This is the first detection of assemblage B in wild boars and deer. As assemblage B has zoonotic potential, wild animals from eastern Poland may act as reservoirs of cysts of G. duodenalis infectious for humans., Krzysztof Stojecki, Jacek Sroka, Simone M. Cacciò, Tomasz Cencek, Jacek Dutkiewicz, Paweł Kusyk., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Macropod Progressive Periodontal Disease (MPPD), colloquially referred to as “lumpy jaw”, is a commonly observed disease in captive macropods. However, the prevalence of this disease in the wild is largely unknown. A systematic study of MPPD in wild macropods would provide an indication of the endemic presence of this disease in wild populations, and could assist those managing disease in captive populations, by highlighting potential risk factors for disease development. Utilising kangaroos culled as part of a population management program, this study used visual observation and computer tomography (CT) of skulls to investigate the prevalence of MPPD in wild western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus) from the Perth metropolitan region, Western Australia. The sample suitable for visual and CT analysis comprised 121 specimens, 71 (58.7%) male and 50 (41.3%) female, with the mean age for all 121 specimens being 4.5 years (±2.63 SD). No evidence of MPPD was detected in any of the specimens examined. Overabundance may not be associated with the development of MPPD, as previously considered, and age-related factors should not be eliminated. This results may reflect low susceptibility to MPPD in western grey kangaroos, given low prevalence is reported in this species in captive populations. Further investigation into species-specificity is recommended, and should include samples with soft tissue to improve sensitivity of disease detection. Surveillance of MPPD in wild populations of macropods helps to improve our understanding of the biological significance, development and potential spread of this disease. Notably, this information may assist in the management of MPPD in captive populations, and may have a positive impact on both the welfare and conservation of macropods in captivity.
The care of patients with severe mental illness (SMI) is often narrowed down to the treatment of biological symptoms of the disease, whilst other psychosocial factors supporting mental health are often neglected. One of these factors influencing disease progression, compliance, self-concept, and motivation for treatment is parenthood. The first step to turning attention to this issue is to be aware of the prevalence of children living with a parent with SMI and the prevalence of parenting among SMI patients. This review aims to assess the current state of knowledge regarding methodological approaches, the prevalence rates of parenthood, the number of children living with a parent with SMI, and the sociodemographic characteristics of these families. A total of 1,156 records were retrieved from EBSCO Discovery in December 2021, and fifteen published studies addressed the review questions. The studies took various approaches to measure prevalence - an epidemiological approach, a census approach, a design in which data from national registries were analysed, or cross-sectional studies in a clinical population. Nine studies investigated the prevalence of parenthood among patients with SMI, and six studies quantified the number of children living with a parent with mental illness. 1/3 of mental health service clients were parents, and 1 to 2 children out of 10 have a parent with mental illness.Parents with SMI face lower education, lower employment, lower income, higher rates of comorbid substance abuse, and higher rates of single parenthood. The aim of the review is not to give a definitive answer to the question of prevalence as much as to point out that there is not a marginal number of children living with a parent with a psychiatric disorder. and Péče o pacienty se závažným duševním onemocněním (SMI) se často zužuje na léčbu biologických příznaků nemoci, zatímco ostatní psychosociální faktory podporující duševní zdraví jsou často opomíjeny. Jedním z těchto faktorů ovlivňujících průběh léčby, komplianci, sebepojetí pacienta a motivaci k léčbě, je rodičovství. Prvním krokem k obrácení pozornosti k této problematice je uvědomění si míry prevalence dětí žijících s rodičem se SMI a míry prevalence rodičovství mezi pacienty se SMI. Cílem tohoto přehledu je zhodnotit metodologické přístupy využívané k měření prevalence, míru prevalence rodičovství, počet dětí žijících s rodičem se SMI a sociodemografické charakteristiky těchto rodin. V databázi EBSCO Discovery bylo v prosinci 2021 vyhledáno celkem 1 156 záznamů, výběrová kritéria splnilo patnáct publikovaných studií, které byly zařazeny do přehledu. Studie využívaly různé přístupy k měření prevalence - epidemiologický přístup, přístup založený na cenzu, design, v němž byla analyzována data z národních registrů, nebo průřezové studie v klinické populaci. Devět studií zkoumalo prevalenci rodičovství u pacientů s duševním onemocněním a šest studií kvantifikovalo počet dětí žijících s rodičem s duševním onemocněním. Rodiče tvořili 1/3 klientů psychiatrických zařízení a 1 až 2 děti z 10 mají rodiče s duševním onemocněním. Rodiče se SMI se potýkají s nižším vzděláním, nižší zaměstnaností, nižšími příjmy, vyšší mírou komorbidního užívání návykových látek a vyšší mírou samoživitelství. Cílem přehledu není dát definitivní odpověď na otázku prevalence, ale spíše poukázat na to, že dětí žijících s rodičem s psychiatrickou poruchou není zanedbatelné množství.
Cílem studie je popsat narativní charakteristiky vyprávění o změně u klientů skupinové psychoterapie, kteří dosáhli klinicky významné změny. Studie byla součástí tříletého projektu, zaměřeného na výzkum efektivity a faktorů psychoterapie v denních stacionářích pro léčbu úzkostných poruch a deprese. Léčba trvala 3 měsíce, klienti docházeli do stacionáře vždy v pracovní dny. Sběr dat probíhal v letech 2014 až 2016, z celkového počtu n = 220 klientů (celkově 21 skupin v délce trvání 12 týdnů) v kvantitativní části projektu se opakovaných rozhovorů v kvalitativní části (uprostřed léčby, na jejím konci a 9 až 10 měsíců po ukončení léčby) účastnilo 32 klientů.
Prezentovaná studie pracuje s užším výběrem osmi klientů, kteří absolvovali nejméně dva rozhovory a dle objektivních ukazatelů měření změny v psychoterapii dosáhli klinicky významné změny. Data byla analyzována pomocí kategorické narativní analýzy za užití narativních kategorií: témata změny; aktérství; narativní pozice; hodnoty a přesvědčení. Ukazuje se, že u některých klientů dochází v průběhu procesu změny ke „zrodu“ aktérství, k jakési re-autorizaci vlastního jednání. Objevují se zde dvě varianty aktérství, systematicky režisérský typ a uvolněnější, otevřenější typ. V kategorii narativní pozice se klienti vymezují k ostatním členům skupiny jako i vůči celé skupině a také jako skupina vůči „zbytku světa“. V kategorii hodnoty a přesvědčení se ukazuje hodnotový a normativní aspekt dosažení změny v psychoterapii. and The main goal of the study is to describe narrative characteristics of stories of change in psychotherapy group, narrated by clients, who reached clinically significant change. The current study was a part of a three-year project, focused on the research of efficiency and curative factors of therapy in daily treatment centres specialized at treatment of depression and anxiety disorders. From the total participants n=220 (21 groups) in the quantitative part of the project, 32 clients took part in repeated qualitative interviews (in the middle, at the end of treatment, and 8 – 9 months after treatment). The present study involves eight participants who participated in at least two interviews and reached a clinically significant change. Data were analysed by means of categorical narrative analysis, using the following narrative categories: thematic lines; agency; positioning; values, and beliefs. Results indicate, that some clients develop the agentic capacity only during the process of change, it is a certain „re-authorisation“ of one´s action. There appear to be two types of agency, a systematic, directive type and more relaxed, open type. In the category of positioning, clients tend to the narrative delimitation toward other members of group and also toward the group as a whole. In the category of values and beliefs, clients describe normative and moral aspects of reaching the change in psychotherapy.
The principle of double effect plays an important role in deontological ethics which give an emphasis to intentions in the process of moral evaluation of human acts. According to this principle, it is morally permissible to actualize an action with two consequences, one of which is good and the second bad, if and only if some conditions are met: for example, the bad consequence is not a means for attaining the good consequence and the bad consequence is not brought about intentionally, but only foreseen as necessarily and inevitably connected with the actualization of the action itself and its good consequence. The aim of this article is to lay necessary theoretical foundations for a better understanding and employment of the principle of double effect by discussing Hart’s critique of it and Philippa Foot’s different approach to the moral dilemmas to the solution of which the principle of double effects seems to be well applicable. In the course of my argumentation I distinguish between two types of intentions – characterizing and final intentions – and show how this distinction solve some of the difficulties connected with the understanding and application of the principle of double effect. and Princip dvojího účinku hraje důležitou roli v deontologických etikách, které přikládají důležitost intencím v procesu morálního hodnocení lidského jednání. Podle tohoto principu je morálně přijatelné aktualizovat jednání se dvěma důsledky, z nichž první je dobrý a druhý špatný, pouze za předpokladu, že jsou splněny určité podmínky: špatný důsledek například nesmí být prostředkem k dosažení dobrého důsledku a špatný důsledek nesmí být způsobený úmyslně, je pouze předvídaný jako nutně a nevyhnutelně spojený s provedením jednání samotného a s jeho dobrým důsledkem. Cílem tohoto článku je vystavět nezbytné teoretické předpoklady potřebné k lepšímu pochopení a aplikaci principu dvojího účinku. Diskutuji kritiku tohoto principu britským teoretikem práva Hartem a odlišný přístup k řešení morálních dilemat, k jejichž řešení se princip dvojího účinku zdá vhodným, v díle Philippy Footové. V průběhu své argumentace rozlišuji mezi dvěma typy intencí – charakterizující intence a finální intence – a ukazuji, jak tento rozdíl pomáhá řešit některé obtíže spojení s chápáním a aplikací principu dvojího účinku.
On the one hand, Austrian social housing is stronger than ever due to the growing importance that social rental apartments play on the housing market. The volume, price, and quality standards of this housing are competitive with what is found in other sectors of the market and the social housing sector also helped to mitigate the effects of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). On the other hand, pressure on the rental housing market has increased because demand for cheap housing has grown more than supply. The social housing sector thus has to address the vital question of how to increase targeting on low-income households and vulnerable groups and at the same time to maintain social mix and public support. In this paper I argue that the sector, in spite of its strong position, is facing some common European challenges that will redefine its role in the future. Yet, the social housing sector is overburdened if expected to solve many problems that have arisen due to non-housing issues.