The Government of Indonesia (GoI) has been facing problems in providing affordable houses for Indonesian low-income peoples. Research on the housing preferences of low-income people is important in order for the GoI to understand and be able to provide affordable housing that meets the needs of low-income people. According to Turner (1968a), the housing preferences of low-income migrants is largely influenced by economic factors, so Turner divides low-income migration into three stages: namely the bridgeheader, land consolidator, and status seeker. But the question arises as to whether it is possible for first time low-income migrants to arrive and live in the city centre directly, without any prior experience? If not, then is there a stage before the bridgeheader stage? If it is, then what are the first-housing preferences of low-income migrants? This paper critiques Turner’s theory of the low-income’s migration stage, that there is a possibility of stage before bridgeheader, we call it ‘kindred campers’.
Objectives. The aim of the study was to highlight the specific features in the “gentleman and dog” drawings of children with hearing impairment who experience problems with verbalization. Sample and setting. The primary sample was 53 preschool children with hearing impairment. The design of the research was mixed. The drawings were qualitatively analysed with an enumeration of character frequency. The hypotheses were verified by a two-factor analysis and a two-sample T-test. Hypotheses. H1 There is no relation between the level of intelligence and the drawing. H2 There is no relation between the drawing and the sex of the child. H3 There is no relation between the drawing and the age of the child. H3 There is no relation between the drawing and the hearing impairment of the parents. Statistical analysis. There was a correlation between the results in the IQ test and the raw scores of the gentleman drawing at the level of 0.05 and the IQ test results and the raw scores of the dog drawing at level 0.01. The relationship between the sex, age, and level of the gentleman drawing has not been established. In the case of dog drawing, a statistically significant effect on the significance level of 0.05 only for sex (F (1, 48) = 6.15, p = 0.02) was demonstrated. In the event of the influence of the hearing impairment of parents on the child drawing, a statistically significant relationship was not supported. Results. Drawings of “gentleman and dog” of children with hearing impairment show signs of a lower developmental level by one to two years compared to hearing peers. Limits of the study. From the point of view of statistical processing requirements, the number of respondents may be considered to be limiting, but this is 80% of the selected population. and Cíl. Cílem studie bylo poukázat na specifické znaky v kresbách „pán a pes“ u dětí se sluchovým postižením, u kterých se vyskytují problémy s verbalizací. Vzorek a uspořádání. Základním vzorkem bylo 53 dětí předškolního věku se sluchovým postižením. Design výzkumu byl smíšený. Kresby byly kvalitativně analyzovány s výčtem četnosti znaků. Hypotézy. H1 Mezi úrovní inteligence a kres- bou pána a psa neexistuje souvislost. H2 Mezi kresbou pána a psa a pohlavím dítěte neexistuje souvislost. H3 Mezi kresbou pána a psa a věkem dítěte neexistuje souvislost. H3 Mezi kresbou pána a psa a sluchovou vadou rodičů neexistuje souvislost. Statistická analýza a výsledky. Hypotézy byly ověřeny dvoufaktorovou analýzou rozptylu a dvouvýběrovým t-testem. Byly zjištěny korelace mezi výsledky v IQ testu a hrubými skóry kresby pána na hladině 0,05 a výsledky IQ testu a hrubými skóry kresby psa na hladině 0,01. Vztah mezi pohlavím, věkem a úrovní kresby pána se neprokázal. V případě kresby psa se projevila statisticky významná souvislost na hladině významnosti 0,05 pouze u pohlaví (F (1, 48) = 6,15, p = 0,02). V případě vlivu sluchové vady matky nebo otce na dětskou kresbu pána a na kresbu psa se neprokázal statisticky významný vztah. Závěr. Kresby „pán a pes“ dětí se sluchovým postižením vykazují ve srovnání s kresbami slyšících dětí znaky na nižší vývojové úrovni o jeden až dva roky. Limity studie. Z hlediska požadavků na statistické zpracování může být za limitující považován počet respondentů, jedná se však o 80 % vybrané populace.
During a survey the occurrence of Kudoa quraishii Mansour, Harrath, Abd-Elkader, Alwasel, Abdel-Baki et Al Omar, 2014, recently identified in the muscles of the Indian mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier), a species of Kudoa Meglitsch, 1947 infecting oocytes of mature females of the same host fish was found. The new species, for which the name Kudoa saudiensis sp. n. is proposed, infects oocytes that are enlarged with a whitish colour. The parasite develops in vesicular polysporous plasmodia within the oocyte. Infection occurs with a mean prevalence of 20% (7/35) of examined females. Mature spores are quadratic in shape in apical view, having four equal valves and four symmetrical polar capsules. Fresh spores are 2.4-3.6 µm long (mean ± SD 3.1 ± 0.3 µm), 4.3-5.4 µm (4.7 ± 0.3 µm) wide and 3.4-4.3 µm (3.8 ± 0.3 µm) in thickness and long. The smaller size of the new Kudoa species was the distinctive feature that separates it from all previously described species. Molecular analysis based on the SSU rDNA sequences shows that the highest percentage of similarity of 98.5% was observed with K. ovivora Swearer et Robertson, 1999, reported from oocytes of labroid fish from the Caribbean coasts of Panama. The percentage of similarity was 98% with K. azevedoi Mansour, Thabet, Chourabi, Harrath, Gtari, Al Omar et Ben Hassine, 2013 and 89% with K. quraishii. Phylogenetic analysis of the SSU and LSU rDNA data revealed a consistent of the new species with K. azevedoi and K. ovivora. Our findings support the creation of Kudoa saudiensis sp. n. that infects oocytes of the Indian mackerel Rastrelliger kanagurta., Lamjed Mansour, Abdel Halim Harrath, Abdel-Azeem S. Abdel-Baki, Saleh Alwasel, Saleh Al-Quraishy, Suliman Y. Al Omar., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Primárnym cieľom výskumnej štúdie bola kvalitatívna analýza pokračujúcich väzieb u žien po strate partnera. Ďalšími cieľmi bola analýza kvality vzťahu s partnerom pred stratou a analýza rituálov využívaných po strate. Výskumný súbor tvorilo 10 žien po strate partnera v období neskorej dospelosti až staroby. Vek participantiek sa pohyboval v rozmedzí od 56 do 83 rokov (M = 71,4 rokov; SD = 3,07), dĺžka vzťahu s partnerom sa pohybovala od 32 do 59 rokov (M = 46,9 rokov; SD = 8,6) a uplynulý čas od straty partnera sa pohyboval v rozmedzí od 9 mesiacov do 10 rokov, 4 mesiacov (M = 47,5 mesiaca; SD = 11,26). Údaje boli získané pološtrukturovanými rozhovormi, ktorých cieľom bolo hlbšie preskúmanie prežívania ovdovených participantiek. Na analýzu dát bola použitá metóda konsenzuálneho kvalitatívneho výskumu. Výsledkom analýzy údajov boli 3 domény: Formy pokračujúcich väzieb u vdov po strate partnera, Formy rituálov u vdov po strate partnera, Pozitívne a negatívne vnímané aspekty kvality vzťahu. Na základe získaných dát bol popísaný typický prípad prežívania väzieb k partnerovi u ovdovených žien. Formy pokračujúcich väzieb sú rôznorodé, môžu mať charakter pozitívnych, ambivalentných, ale aj negatívne prežívaných väzieb. Môžu byť pokračovaním rôznych aspektov vzťahu, ktorý existoval pred stratou, pričom ponúkajú nové možnosti, ktorými sa vzťah môže meniť alebo napredovať. Výsledky sú interpretované a diskutované s predchádzajúcimi výskumnými zisteniami. and The primary aim of this research study was a qualitative analysis of continuing bonds in women after the loss of a partner. The sub-goals were to analyse the quality of the pre-death relationship with a partner and to analyse the rituals used during the grieving process. The research sample consisted of 10 elderly widows. Age of participants ranged from 56 to 83 years (M = 71,4 years; SD = 3,07), length of the relationship with a partner ranged from 32 to 59 years (M = 46,9 years; SD = 8,6) and time elapsed since the loss ranged from 9 months to 10 years, 4 months (M = 47,5 months; SD = 11,26). Data were obtained by semi-structured interviews, aimed to explore more in-depth experiences of widowed participants. Consensual Qualitative Research was used to analyse the data. The data analysis resulted in 3 domains: Forms of continuing bonds in widows after the loss of a partner, Forms of rituals in widows after the loss of a partner, Positively and negatively perceived aspects of the relationship quality. Based on the obtained data, the typical case of experiencing continuing bonds to a partner in widowed women was described. The forms of continuing bonds are diverse, they can be experienced positively, ambivalently, or negatively. They may mean a continuation of various aspects of the pre-loss relationship, offering new opportunities for the relationship to change or progress after death. The results are interpreted and discussed in line with previous research findings.
Larvae and adults of Korynetes caeruleus (de Geer 1775) (Coleoptera: Cleridae) were collected from old churches and reared in the laboratory on Anobium punctatum (de Geer 1774) (Coleoptera: Ptinidae). Breeding success of K. caeruleus was low, but basic parameters of this species' developmental cycle were identified. At 21°C and 75% relative humidity and a four-month cold period at 4°C, the development of K. caeruleus from egg to adult appearance lasted 2 years. The pupal stage may be reached and completed after one and a half years. Feeding on larvae of A. punctatum by larvae of K. caeruleus was observed and consisted of a combination of sucking haemolymph and consuming body parts. The sickle-like mandibles of larvae of K. caeruleus penetrate the cuticle of prey larvae; this is followed by pumping and sucking body movements. Adult beetles of A. punctatum were not attacked by K. caeruleus larvae. Feeding behaviour of adult K. caeruleus was not investigated.
Setothosea asigna van Eecke is a dominant defoliator pest in oil palm plantations. To control this pest, a generalist predatory bug, Sycanus annulicornis Dohrn, was used as it is easy to rear on several different species of prey. In this study, we evaluated the influence of different prey on the biology and the ability of S. annulicornis to attack and kill the nettle caterpillar pest S. asigna. Based on laboratory rearing, the larvae of Crocidolomia pavonana F. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) is a suitable prey for both the growth and development of S. annulicornis, as its nymphal development is shorter (74.0 ± 7.3 days) and adult longevity longer (81.0 ± 9.0 days for male and 64.8 ± 12.4 days for female, respectively) than when reared on the larvae of Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) (44.0 ± 16.7 days for male and 52.6 ± 14.4 days for female). However, S. annulicornis reared on T. molitor larvae attacked 2.0-2.2 larvae of S. asigna per day, which is more than the 1.6-1.7 larvae per day of those reared on C. pavonana, which indicates that the larvae of T. molitor are a more effective diet for rearing S. annulicornis as biocontrol agent for the S. asigna., Abdul Sahid, Wahyu D. Natawigena, Hersanti, Sudarjat., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Adult flies of the genus Stomoxys Geoffroy, 1762 (Diptera: Muscidae), especially S. pullus Austen, 1909, S. uruma Shinonaga et Kano, 1966 and S. indicus Picard, 1908, are morphologically similar and sometimes difficult to distinguish when using external morphological characteristics. These species may act as vectors and/or potential vectors of many pathogens (virus, bacteria and protozoa). Their correct identification is important to target the vectors involved in the transmission of the pathogens and also helps in the fly control program.The aim of the present study was to distinguish three species which are difficult to separate using traditional diagnostic characters for species of Stomoxys such as colour patterns and body proportions. Modern morphometrics, both landmark and outline-based, was used to access wing geometry of S. pullus, S. uruma and S. indicus. A total of 198 and 190 wing pictures were analysed for landmark- and outline-based approaches, respectively. Wing shape was able to separate species and sexes of the three Stomoxys flies with highly significant difference of Mahalanobis distances. The cross-validated classification scores ranged from 76% to 100% for landmark and 77% to 96% for outline-based morphometrics. The geometry of wing features appears to be a very useful, low-cost tool to distinguish among the vectors S. pullus, S. uruma and S. indicus. and Tanasak Changbunjong, Suchada Sumruayphol, Thekhawet Weluwanarak, Jiraporn Ruangsittichai, Jean-Pierre Dujardin.
Third instar larvae of the genus Acroceratitis Hendel from North Thailand are described for the first time. They belong to A. ceratitina (Bezzi), A. distincta (Zia), A. histrionica (de Meijere), A. incompleta Hardy, and A. septemmaculata Hardy. Short descriptions of eggs, empty egg shells, and puparia are also presented. Acroceratitis larvae infest shoots of bamboo (Poaceae). Larval host plants of the studied species are Bambusa polymorpha Munro, Cephalostachyum pergracile Munro, Dendrocalamus hamiltoni Nees and Arnott ex Munro, D. strictus (Roxbourgh), Dendrocalamus sp. (unidentified) and Pseudoxytenanthera albociliata (Munro). The morphological characters of Acroceratitis larvae are compared with those of other Gastrozonini described so far. A key to Acroceratitis larvae is provided. Acroceratitis ceratitina, A. incompleta and A. septemmaculata are morphologically similar and clearly differentiated from A. distincta and A. histrionica by the lack of additional papillar sensilla on the labial lobe, the arrangement of the spinules on the creeping welts and other characters. The morphological differences between the two groups coincide with the type of substrate utilized by their larvae: A. ceratitina, A. incompleta and A. septemmaculata larvae feed in young and soft internode walls, while A. distincta and A. histrionica utilize harder bamboo tissue of already elongated bamboo shoot internodes. Acroceratitis histrionica larvae are special within the Gastrozonini, because they develop exclusively in cavities formed by the internode surface and the protecting culm sheath. Factors influencing spatial utilization of larval resources, preference for upright shoots as breeding substrate, larval behavior, types of bamboo damage caused by different species and attraction to sweat and urine in the adults are discussed., Alexander Schneider, Damir Kovac, Gary J. Steck, Amnon Freidberg., and Obsahuje bibliografii