The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy and precision of McMaster method with Raynaud's modification in the detection of the eggs of the nematodes Toxocara canis (Werner, 1782) and Trichuris ovis (Abildgaard, 1795) in faeces of dogs. Four variants of McMaster method were used for counting: in one grid, two grids, the whole McMaster chamber and flotation in the tube. One hundred sixty samples were prepared from dog faeces (20 repetitions for each egg quantity) containing 15, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 eggs of T. canis and T. ovis in 1 g of faeces. To compare the influence of kind of faeces on the results, samples of dog faeces were enriched at the same levels with the eggs of another nematode, Ascaris suum Goeze, 1782. In addition, 160 samples of pig faeces were prepared and enriched only with A. suum eggs in the same way. The highest limit of detection (the lowest level of eggs that were detected in at least 50% of repetitions) in all McMaster chamber variants were obtained for T. canis eggs (25-250 eggs/g faeces). In the variant with flotation in the tube, the highest limit of detection was obtained for T. ovis eggs (100 eggs/g). The best results of the limit of detection, sensitivity and the lowest coefficients of variation were obtained with the use of the whole McMaster chamber variant. There was no significant impact of properties of faeces on the obtained results. Multiplication factors for the whole chamber were calculated on the basis of the transformed equation of the regression line, illustrating the relationship between the number of detected eggs and that of the eggs added to the sample. Multiplication factors calculated for T. canis and T. ovis eggs were higher than those expected using McMaster method with Raynaud modification.
Decarburization as a common adverse effect at manufacturing and processing steel semiproducts. Loses caused by surface decarburization. Initial basis for solution of GAČR project - magnetic diagnostics of decarburization. Selection of steel, temperature and exposition times at oxidizing atmosphere. Surfaces with oxide layers, after pickling, shot-blasted. Surface diagnostics by x-ray diffraction - crystals, structure, texture, stregthening, internal stress; decarburization evaluation after ČSN EN standard. Intention of project solution. and Oduhličení jako běžný doprovodný nepříznivý jev při výrobě a zpracování ocelových polotvarů. Ztráty z titulu oduhličení povrchů. Výchozí podklady pro řešení projektu GAČR - magnetické diagnostiky oduhličení. Volba oceli, teploty a časy expozice v oxidační atmosféře. Povrchy s vrstvami kysličníků, po moření, upravené tryskáním. Diagnostika povrchu RTG difrakcí - krystaly, struktura, textura, zpevnění, vnitřní pnutí; hodnocení oduhličení podle ČSN EN. Záměr řešení projektu.
Cílem této pilotní kvalitativní studie bylo podniknout sondu do toho, jak poradenští psychologové vnímají koncept sociálně podmíněného mentálního postižení (dále jen SPMP) – jejich povědomí o tomto konceptu, postoj k němu, diagnostická praxe, potenciální podpůrné intervence. Data byla získávána prostřednictvím polostrukturovaného rozhovoru od 10 respondentů (praxe Me = 6 let), z 9 pedagogicko-psychologických poraden (5 krajů ČR). Získaná data byla analyzována na principu tematické analýzy s prvky zakotvené teorie, skrz techniku otevřeného kódování. Z analýzy vyplynulo, že žádný z respondentů pojem explicitně neužívá, avšak implicitně je v jejich praxi přítomný. Daný koncept by dle nich mohl sloužit jako inspirace k širšímu přemýšlení o etiologii „podezřele“ nízkých hodnot v testech intelektu a o intelektovém potenciálu dítěte. Diagnostiku intelektových a adaptivních schopností v praxi respondenti staví nejčastěji pouze na standardizovaných testech intelektu, testy a škály pro adaptivní chování, sociální a rodinné prostředí, zejména pro nedostatek personálních a časových kapacit, nepoužívají. Diferenciální diagnostiku SPMP od mentálního postižení vnímají respondenti jako složitou, polovina respondentů vidí jako vhodnou cestu dynamickou diagnostiku. Na návaznou podporu a intervenci se respondenti kvůli omezeným kapacitám zaměřují velmi okrajově. Z rozhovorů také vyplynulo několik potenciálních námětů pro praxi – potřeba tvorby jasně vymezené a všeobecně přijímané definice SPMP, větší komplexnosti a hloubky diagnostiky, prohloubení spolupráce s rodinou dítěte ze sociálně znevýhodněného prostředí a dalšími návaznými institucemi. and The aim of this pilot qualitative research was to take an insight into how counseling psychologists perceive the concept of socially conditioned intellectual disability (further only SCID). Specifically, to find out if they are aware of this concept, their attitude towards it, diagnostic practice, and potential supportive interventions. Data were obtained through a semistructured interview of 10 respondents (Median experience = 6 years), from 9 Children´s educational care centres (5 regions of the Czech Republic). The obtained data were analyzed by thematic analysis with the elements of the grounded theory using the technique of open coding. The analysis showed that none of the respondents explicitly use the term SCID, however, the term is implicitly present in their practice. According to the respondents, the concept could serve as an inspiration for a broader reflection on the etiology of "suspiciously low" scores in intellectual tests and the intellectual potential of the child. In practice, the respondents most often determine the conclusion about the level of intellectual and adaptive abilities based only on standardized tests of intellect. The respondents do not use tests and scales for adaptive behaviour, social and family environment – mainly due to a lack of staff and time capacity. The respondents perceive the differential diagnosis of SCID from intellectual disability as complicated. Half of the respondents see dynamic assessment as a promising approach to differentiate between SCID and intellectual disability. The respondents provide follow-up support and interventions to children who may fit the SCID concept very marginally due to limited capacity. The interviews also provided several potential suggestions for practice – the need to create a clear and generally accepted definition of SCID, conduct an assessment in greater depth and complexity, and intensify cooperation with the family of a child from a socially disadvantaged background and other related institutions.
This article deals with applied psychology of handwriting, in particular with the use of graphology. In addition to a basic summary of contemporary approaches in the area, selected researches and foreign studies are evaluated. The article also presents results of the PORP research (Projection of Personality Traits in Handwriting, University of South Bohemia 2007) aimed at the evaluation of psychodiagnostic potential of handwriting analysis using 5-factor personality model (Big Five) and comments upon graphological methodology PORP-GRAF and possibilities of further development of the method within psychodiagnostical disciplines.
Objectives. The aim of the study was to highlight the specific features in the “gentleman and dog” drawings of children with hearing impairment who experience problems with verbalization. Sample and setting. The primary sample was 53 preschool children with hearing impairment. The design of the research was mixed. The drawings were qualitatively analysed with an enumeration of character frequency. The hypotheses were verified by a two-factor analysis and a two-sample T-test. Hypotheses. H1 There is no relation between the level of intelligence and the drawing. H2 There is no relation between the drawing and the sex of the child. H3 There is no relation between the drawing and the age of the child. H3 There is no relation between the drawing and the hearing impairment of the parents. Statistical analysis. There was a correlation between the results in the IQ test and the raw scores of the gentleman drawing at the level of 0.05 and the IQ test results and the raw scores of the dog drawing at level 0.01. The relationship between the sex, age, and level of the gentleman drawing has not been established. In the case of dog drawing, a statistically significant effect on the significance level of 0.05 only for sex (F (1, 48) = 6.15, p = 0.02) was demonstrated. In the event of the influence of the hearing impairment of parents on the child drawing, a statistically significant relationship was not supported. Results. Drawings of “gentleman and dog” of children with hearing impairment show signs of a lower developmental level by one to two years compared to hearing peers. Limits of the study. From the point of view of statistical processing requirements, the number of respondents may be considered to be limiting, but this is 80% of the selected population. and Cíl. Cílem studie bylo poukázat na specifické znaky v kresbách „pán a pes“ u dětí se sluchovým postižením, u kterých se vyskytují problémy s verbalizací. Vzorek a uspořádání. Základním vzorkem bylo 53 dětí předškolního věku se sluchovým postižením. Design výzkumu byl smíšený. Kresby byly kvalitativně analyzovány s výčtem četnosti znaků. Hypotézy. H1 Mezi úrovní inteligence a kres- bou pána a psa neexistuje souvislost. H2 Mezi kresbou pána a psa a pohlavím dítěte neexistuje souvislost. H3 Mezi kresbou pána a psa a věkem dítěte neexistuje souvislost. H3 Mezi kresbou pána a psa a sluchovou vadou rodičů neexistuje souvislost. Statistická analýza a výsledky. Hypotézy byly ověřeny dvoufaktorovou analýzou rozptylu a dvouvýběrovým t-testem. Byly zjištěny korelace mezi výsledky v IQ testu a hrubými skóry kresby pána na hladině 0,05 a výsledky IQ testu a hrubými skóry kresby psa na hladině 0,01. Vztah mezi pohlavím, věkem a úrovní kresby pána se neprokázal. V případě kresby psa se projevila statisticky významná souvislost na hladině významnosti 0,05 pouze u pohlaví (F (1, 48) = 6,15, p = 0,02). V případě vlivu sluchové vady matky nebo otce na dětskou kresbu pána a na kresbu psa se neprokázal statisticky významný vztah. Závěr. Kresby „pán a pes“ dětí se sluchovým postižením vykazují ve srovnání s kresbami slyšících dětí znaky na nižší vývojové úrovni o jeden až dva roky. Limity studie. Z hlediska požadavků na statistické zpracování může být za limitující považován počet respondentů, jedná se však o 80 % vybrané populace.
The present study evaluates the performance of OptiMAL-IT® test and nested PCR assay in detection of malaria parasites. A total of 76 randomly selected blood samples collected from two malaria endemic areas were tested for malaria parasites using microscopy and OptiMAL-IT® test in the field. PCR assays were performed in the laboratory using DNA extracted from blood spots of the same samples collected on the FTA™ classic cards. Of the total of 61 field confirmed malaria positive samples, only 58 (95%) were detected positive using microscopy in the laboratory. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and false discovery rate of OptiMal-IT® in comparison to the microscopy were 93%, 83%, 95%, 79% and 5%, respectively. On the other hand, the sensitivity and specificity of PCR assay were 97% and 100 %, respectively, whereas positive predictive value, negative predictive value and false discovery rate were 100%, 90% and 0%, respectively. The overall performance of OptiMal-IT® and PCR assays for malaria diagnosis was 76% and 97%, respectively. PCR assay enabled the identification of infection with Plasmodium malariae Laveran, 1881 in four samples misidentified by microscopy and Plasmodium-specific antigen (PAN) identified by the OptiMAL-IT® test. In addition to the standard methods, such PCR assay could be useful to obtain the real incidence of each malaria parasite species for epidemiological perspectives.
Since the 1978-79 Skylab Workshop on Solar Active Regions, significant progress has been made in the diagnostic and modeling of active solar structures. This paper review the status of our knowledge of the physical properties of active regions in the photosphere, chromosphere and transition zone, as inferred from observations. Plages are the main active region which we study. A comparison with quiet Sun and some other solar structures is made in order to in order to emphasize the spedificity of plages properties. To conclude we present some requirements for new observations and theoretical developments to improve our understanding of the physical structure of solar active regions.