Ewa Rumińska-Zimny přednáší genderová studia na Polské akademii věd a je prezidentkou Mezinárodního fóra pro ženy v akademii a obchodu na Varšavské vysoké škole ekonomické. Akademickou práci spojuje s prací pro Organizaci spojených národů. Autorsky a editorsky se podílela na přípravě řady zpráv OSN, například Zpráv o lidském rozvoji, a v Evropské hospodářské komisi OSN v Ženevě spolupracovala na hodnocení závazků přijatých na Konferenci OSN o ženách v Pekingu. Odborně se zabývá procesy tranzice ve východní a střední Evropě, feministickou ekonomií a genderovou rovností. Je členkou Mezinárodní asociace feministických ekonomů a ekonomek (IAFFE) a spoluzakladatelkou GEM-Europe, který je součástí globální vědecké sítě Gender a makroekonomika., Dr. Ewa Rumińska-Zimny is a lecturer in Gender Studies at the Polish Academy of Science and the President of the International Forum of Women in Academia and Business at the Warsaw School of Economics. She combined academic work with work for the United Nations. Her work included writing and coordination of UN reports, e.g., Human Development Reports, analyses of the transition process in Eastern and Central Europe and reviews of progress in gender equality within the framework of the Beijing process at the UN Economic Commission for Europe in Geneva. She is a member of the International Association of Feminist Economists (IAFFE) and the initiator of GEM Europe, a part of the global network of researchers on Gender and Macroeconomics., Ewa Rumińska-Zimny, Zuzana Uhde, Alena Křížková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Research by the Masaryk University in Siberia is focused on ecosystems similar to Central European palaeoecosystems of the Pleistocene and Early Holocene. We mainly deal with the diversity and productivity of plant communities and their relationships to indicators of past environments (pollen deposition, mollusc assemblages). The results indicate that the best analogues of Pleistocene ecosystems are found in the Altai-Sayan region of southern Siberia. and Milan Chytrý.
The paper presents to Czech social scientists an introductory review of the concept of equivalence and the method of blockmodeling in social network analysis (SNA). After introducing the central concepts of SNA such as node and tie, along with their basic metrics such as centrality and cohesion, I present the concepts of role and position. These are treated by SNA as clusters of nodes with similar ties, something I juxtapose to algorithms to identify cohesive subgroups of nodes. Subsequently, I define and compare the two most frequently applied types of equivalence - structural, which is strict but broadly applicable, and regular, which is more liberal but has limited uses. Structural equivalence builds on a strict definition of similarity of ties, treating as equivalent only such nodes that have the same ties to the same other nodes. Regular equivalence works with looser criteria and better corresponds with both the theoretical and the intuitive notions of role; this, however, is outweighed by the absence of a unique regular-equivalent solution within a network and by the difficulty to process networks with undirected ties. Regular-equivalent nodes are such that have ties to other mutually equivalent nodes. I present examples to demonstrate the differences between both definitions. In the following section, I discuss measurement of similarity between the different nodes’ profiles of ties (e.g., correlation and Euclidean distance) and possible uses of the standard statistical methods of cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling to detect equivalent classes of nodes within networks. After pointing to the weaknesses of these techniques in network data analysis, I present blockmodeling as a method designed specifically to identify roles and positions within networks. Ischematize the blockmodeling procedure and present its basic terms before comparing classic inductive blockmodeling, which is primarily fit for the purposes of exploration and network reduction, with deductive generalized blockmodeling, which is applicable in testing hypotheses about basic structural characteristics of a network. I bring attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches. Relatedly, I present an application of blockmodeling especially for the purposes of simplified network representation, comparing structural patterns across networks, and testing structural theories. In the following section, I demonstrate specific blockmodeling algorithms based on both structural equivalence (CONCOR and Tabu Search optimization) and regular equivalence (REGE and Tabu Search optimization). Then I verify the adequacy of their resulting assignment of positions to nodes using eta coefficient, Q modularity and correlation of the ideal blocked and the empirical adjacency matrices. In the concluding section, I demonstrate the entire blockmodeling procedure on an empirical case of a small network with undirected ties using the UCINET software tool, including interpretation of results. Finally, I reflect the contemporary position of blockmodeling among leading research approaches in SNA, referring to other empirically oriented studies that demonstrate the broad applicability and utility of position analysis., Tomáš Diviák., and Obsahuje použitou literaturu a poznámky
An increased risk of myocardial ischemic changes was demonstrated in patients suffering from panic disorder (PD). Using classical ECG methods, this risk cannot be evaluated in most patients. We measured the vectocardiogram (VCG) using Frank orthogonal leads and body surface maps (BSM) including 12-lead ECG. In our study of 11 PD patients (2 men, 9 women), without any seizures and pharmacological treatment and without cardiovascular symptoms, we found marked sinus tachycardia (heart rate 90.1±12.2 min-1) and a shorter R-R interval (678±93.6 ms) than in 27 controls (heart rate 73.6±7.7min-1, R-R 822.7±86.4 ms) (5 men, 22 women) (p<0.001). The VCG measured spatial QRS-STT angle was more opened (70.3±24.5°) than in the control group (49.5±19.5°) (p<0.05). The maximum (extremum) in depolarization (DIAM max 30, 40) and repolarization (RIAM max 35) of body surface isoarea and isointegral (RIIM max) maps was less positive (p<0.001) and the minimum (DIAM min 40) was less negative than in the controls (p<0.05) even in the period free of a panic attack. Our results showed the changes in the heart electric field parameters occurred in PD patients when compared to the control group., K. Pišvejcová, I. Paclt, J. Slavíček, O. Kittnar, A. Dohnalová, E. Kitzlerová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Diabetes mellitus (DM) has been known for many years to be associated with poor cardiovascular prognosis. Due to the sensitive neuropathy, the coronary artery disease in diabetic patients is frequently asymptomatic. Also twelve leads resting ECG can be within normal limits even in an advanced stage of coronary artery disease. Therefore in addition to the standard ECG other electrocardiographic procedures started to be studied in order to find some typical signs of myocardial damages caused by DM. Repeatedly reported results showed in DM patients without cardiovascular complications the tachycardia, shortening of the QRS and QT intervals, increase of the dispersion of QT interval, decreased amplitudes of depolarization waves, shortened activation time of ventricular myocardium and a flattening of T waves confirmed by the lower value of maximum and minimum in repolarization body surface isopotential maps. Most of these changes are even more pronounced in patients with cardiac autonomic neuropathy. Comparison with similar ECG changes in other diseases suggests that the electrocardiographic changes in DM patients are not specific and that they are particularly caused by an increased tone of the sympathetic nervous system what was indirectly confirmed by the heart rate variability findings in these patients., O. Kittnar., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Tricyclic antidepressant drugs dosulepine (TCA), serotonin selective reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) and prophylactic agent with antidepressant effect lithium carbonicum (Li) have different cardiovascular side-effects. We compared them in the prophylactic therapy of periodic affective disorder in remission with TCA, SSRI and Li. Our previous papers confirmed the most prominent effects of heart electric field parameters in TCA patients (Slavíček et al. 1998). In the present work we studied for the first time the dose-dependent changes of ECG, body surface potential maps (BSPM - parameter DIAM 30, 40) in 43 TCA dosulepine, 40 SSRI citalopram and 30 Li outpatients (Hamilton scale: HAMD£10; age 40±5 years; treated for depressive disorders or bipolar disorders). The daily doses of dosulepine were 50-250 mg, citalopram 20-80 mg, Li plasma levels 0.66±0.08 meq/l. The electrocardiogram (ECG), vectorcardiogram (VCG), and BSPM were measured and calculated by the Cardiag 112.1 diagnostic system. The results have shown a relation between the dose of dosulepine and extremum (maximum and minimum) of depolarization isoarea map in dosulepine, but not in citalopram patients. The repolarization BSPM changes were most pronounced in SSRI patients. Lithium in long-term prophylaxy (1-22 years) caused only minimal ECG BSPM changes. The present results correspond with our previous observations., I. Paclt, J. Slavíček, A. Dohnalová, E. Kitzlerová, K. Pišvejcová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We studied the ability of the ECG to detect pathological changes in isoproterenol-induced remodeling of rat heart. Myocardial hypertrophy in rats was induced by repeated injections of isoproterenol (5 mg/kg s.c. 7 days, Iso5, n=7). Single overdose of isoproterenol (150 mg/kg s.c., Iso150, n=7) evoked myocardial infarction followed with ventricular remodeling. The electrocardiograms were recorded in anesthetized animals (thiopenthal 45 mg/kg i.p.) and myocardial contractile performance was analyzed in isolated hearts perfused according to Langendorff. The hypertrophic hearts were characterized by increased heart and left ventricular (LV) weight as well as by thicker LV free wall and interventricular septum. Mean values of LV contraction did not significantly differ from controls. Longer QT interval, QRS complex, negative Q and S waves, higher R amplitude were typical characteristics for Iso5 rats. Iso150 animals showed tendency to decreased systolic blood pressure and heart frequency. Decrease in the thickness of LV compared to Iso5 as well as impaired LV function were related to the dilated left ventricle. Iso150 ECG showed longer QRS and QT, deepened negativity of S wave and mild decrease of RII compared to Iso5. Voltage criteria showed that Sokolow-Lyon index is a good predictor of left ventricular hypertrophy in isoproterenol-induced cardiac remodeling without systemic hypertension., E. Kráľová, T. Mokráň, J. Murín, T. Stankovičová., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
This paper is devoted to yet unpublished electrode-less methods (ELM) of cell layers impedance measurement based on transformer principle. The main advantage of ELM is elimination uncertainties caused by interface between electrodes and measured electrolyte. The method of avoiding distortion caused by non-ideal transformer transfer function (“deconvolution”) and errors caused by residual voltage is described. The modification of original transformer based method allowing to measure an impedance of inserted object is proposed. Results of several calibration measurements confirming the proper function of ELM including example of transepithelial resistance of cells layer are presented. Crucial parts of measuring system and recommendation for their realization are included., J. Krůšek, S. Ďáďo., and Obsahuje bibliografii